Quote Originally Posted by DivineMoustache View Post
here is a basic basic overview of Call of Champions (CoC)

CoC is a MOBA, basically a game where it's PvP only. The ultimate goal of the game is to destroy the enemy teams base, but CoC is different in that it utilizes a five minute timer and declares the team that scores the most "Points" the winner. Points are probably scored through tower kills and enemy kills.

Have you ever played a tower defense game? Think about it like this, except you control one of the people trying to get past the enemy tower to destroy the base. Unlike Tower defense though, you actually need to destroy the tower, not just run past it. You do this while fighting the enemy team who is trying to achieve the same goal.
Close on the scoring. There are points but they don't actually determine the winner as there is the potential for ties. Winners of each match are based on...

1) Base Kill - If you kills the other team's base, nothing else matters. The team that takes the enemy base automatically wins.

2) Turret Kills - If no team takes the base, the team with the most turrets destroyed will win.

3) Kills - If teams are tied in turret kills, or no turrets are destroyed, the team with the most kills will win.

4) Damage - In the event of tied kills and turrets destroyed, the team with the most damage dealt will win.