Nerfing rogue armor is the biggest failure i think..
Im a twink player for a years, ive play in zone 12-15. you wont believe how fast rogue die cuz of some tank weapon (galen,dws,goblin) the most hurting was galen proc. Even without nerfing rogue armor, galen will kill u so fast in twink. And now after nerfing rogue armor, tank with 2 level below me can kill me so fast. If you says mage has the lower armor, try to think their skill. Mage has a shield that rogue didnt have. If you says rogue has op crit, try build your mage with lightning skill and take the crit on lightning. With this nerf mage has biggest opportunities to kill rogue more faster since the cooldown from lightning mage quicker than any.
Just want to says, rogue job will be gone from twink with this nerf. c:

Sorry for my random word. Im not good in english. c:

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