View Full Version : AL Technical Issues and Bugs

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  1. fix server in elite map
  2. 2 Kroms in Elite udim Fields
  3. Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy
  4. Is it Bug or no? Juggernaut movement impairment vs Gun Proc
  5. paradise pier glitch
  6. mystic
  7. [Possible Bug] Serrated arrowhead upgrade on nox decrease damage
  8. Paradise pier out of the map!!!
  9. Sometimes being "Exiled" can be painful
  10. Maul proc ignores stun immunity
  11. IS THIS NORMAL? I am a lvl 5 twink and get paired with lvl 6 and lvl 7 twinks why so?
  12. Nekro Glitched!
  13. Mythic bow and S&S dot
  14. Razor shield bug.
  15. Arcane Legends Force Closing
  16. can't log in
  17. How Does 0.65% Dodge Help a Level 41 Warrior?
  18. Bug in my items
  19. Can I get back an Arcane Legends acc?
  20. Ally's job reminder bug
  21. wairth heart!
  22. Nativex bug
  23. Test Server
  24. Elondrian Hood Graphics Overlap
  25. Didn't get my auction slots
  26. Why i can not login with facebook id
  27. Windows Chrome Client Movement/Navigation Bug
  28. Doing the same offers on different devices (Ban or no Ban?)
  29. Craft Nerfed
  30. Strange Glitch on Test Server!
  31. Chat Box Missing- Android Bug
  32. Lag plague
  33. it keeps saying maitence/update
  34. Server Down for Maintenance Is Taking too many time
  35. Error connection new update
  36. Ping then disconnect
  37. Wth is up with this lag???
  38. Huge PvP bug
  39. Slag Trigger Disappears
  40. Sts really you broke the game
  41. What with all the DC and ping spikes?
  42. Nordr lvl glitch/bug
  43. Cant send private pms in sts forum.
  44. Got banned for 7 days 'cause of mistakely typing something
  45. Always dc and ping spikes!
  46. Elites is Bugged
  47. Ping spikes, dc
  48. my brother accidentaly gifted someone my runic flare because he thought i was him
  49. Disconnected a lot
  50. Server Disruptions/Potential DDoS!
  51. Constantly being DCed when I
  52. Ethyl AA then over 100k Ping
  53. For everyone that is disconnecting go report your problems to the thread below
  54. Archivement point bug
  55. Lvl 6 Conquerers wall of Potency ( Proc only last 2 secs, is this normal or a BUG ??)
  56. Character name [bug]
  57. Scammed..
  58. Skill Fails..
  59. is this a bug(in PVP) ? - Please read
  60. On the verge of quitting.
  61. Frostir would like to buy a vowel....
  62. My connection crash when i play
  63. please remove the death count when I leave a pvp arena/map this is unnecessary:mad:
  64. Damaged numbers in Hall of Vilheim
  65. Am I the Only One Experiencing This Problem on Chrome?
  66. stat differences
  67. 1-2 second freeze in Chrome client
  68. Mobile device playing issues
  69. Undead Ectoplasm Vials Not Dropping
  70. Chrome stuck at Connecting To Server
  71. Potion pricing bug
  72. Bug / incompatibility
  73. Armor Analysis and it's impact on Damage Reduction
  74. Connection lost:fix?
  75. Elondrian Warfare Bow of Potency PROC Issue!
  76. Fix Juggernaut 2 Months Later!
  77. Buy plat outside of game?
  78. item in auction that i've bought
  79. Solid Gold Vanity
  80. Lenovo Y50
  81. Mobile Device Chat Bug
  82. Lenovo Y40
  83. Forum Blog Posts Issue.
  84. CTF Lag
  85. razor shield glitch (please fix)
  86. How To Fix This!! Really need help please :)
  87. Help please...! Contacting server
  88. Fix For Graphics Have Failed: NVIDIA Users
  90. Razor Shield Glitch
  91. How to explain this SPACETIME?
  92. How to FIX Chrome Graphics Failed.
  93. IPAD NO logout on GOOGLE account?
  94. *full fix* graphics have failed... Pc/desktop/laptop
  95. Graphics Lag on Chrome - Why?
  96. Found glitch
  97. Mobs/boss stucked when I use pet: ethyl
  98. ipad bugs
  99. % run speed
  100. Forum CSS is Gone
  101. No moneybags title :(
  102. Elixir purchase screen
  103. Apply the % nerf to rogues in deathmatch.
  104. pc issue
  105. Server down
  106. Ios 8
  107. Guild halls manors bug <Check it Out>
  108. just got the game.. cannot connect! help!
  109. Computer bug?
  110. Bug on android keyboard
  111. The arcane legends game is sooo lag in my phone
  112. can’t connect in game
  113. /partyinvite 0 does not work on New Client
  114. New planar arena Frostir insane hard
  115. New planar arena door glitch
  116. /R and /r
  117. shady an surge pools still dont grant kills and deaths.
  118. Reload after quit to menu issue
  119. Auctions Inssue
  120. Regarding new AL update !!
  121. Stuck on loading screen after update...
  122. Suprise Me after New Release!!!!
  123. Cant login...
  124. is the server down?
  125. Server down... wtf they doing?
  126. /Partyi 000 no longer working?
  127. Guild Rank after update
  128. please read pleaseeeeeeee
  129. 3 Minute Planar Arena RunsH
  130. New scrolling is a pain.
  131. Singe 75% Stun Cance is Wrong.
  132. Partyinvite 000 doesn't work anymore
  133. Since client update
  134. Found this bug(?) immediately
  135. New Shuyal Arena Boss Feedback.
  136. Problem after new client
  137. Slow logging/switching toons
  138. 10 mins on loading screen and lagging on maps
  139. I could go to bar take coffe and come back and still loading map
  140. Can't Login !
  141. Hi i get dc when joining others
  142. Loading problems. help!
  143. Loading - I noticed...
  144. First Impressions
  145. I cant log in?
  146. disconnecting please read
  147. problem with some daily quests not working
  148. Downloading initial game
  149. Heyy add
  150. Auction listing
  151. No sound on ios?
  152. Stat Points issue after update
  153. Having trouble with latest updates - No Ubermann drops.
  154. Is it impossible for me to play on my computer?
  155. Guild management commands gone
  156. Still facing loading ....
  157. lagness overload. i always dc -_-
  158. Problem with Nordr Yodeller quests
  159. The Tranquil - not so much
  160. Use what for partyinvite?
  161. Arena Pure is Bugged
  162. Cameradistance after dying
  163. Forum Chat
  164. Enrage bug
  165. a lil help for the society of arcane legends
  166. is chrome issue fixed or sm1 still having problem? it dosent seem to get fixed fr me
  167. when i want to log into the take it says ...
  168. Lag with the IOS 8 update
  169. no "Go to" button for Nordr dailies
  170. [BUG Report] On using chat, /r sends PM to the sender of a pm before last (last -1)
  171. iOS 8 - iPhone 6, 6+ bug
  172. No dragkin teeth dropping
  173. Sfill facing issues
  174. Arena area affect bug
  175. Lost Cove and Palm Rock
  176. Bosses not resetting properly in Arena
  177. Goblin Mine Boss Glitch
  178. Not sure if this is a glitch or not, but it's quite offensive
  179. Samael and Slag Ignore Stun Immunity in PVP
  180. /r replies to ignored people
  181. iPhone 6 Plus Resolution
  182. Daily Nordr Quests unreachable
  183. Can turn around when rooted with mythic gun proc.
  184. skill change issue
  185. Camera Distance
  186. DovaBear doesnt stun
  187. Cannot Swap Skill bec ACTIVE, "Skill has not yet been unlocked" but it is unlocked.
  188. What the heck is this??
  189. Kragg Cannon Glitch!
  190. Quests Dungeon crawlers,Unstoppable force,Big bad wolf,All too Uber don't work.
  191. selling singe
  192. Problem w AL Chrome
  193. Clock is going crazy
  194. Can't press log in?!
  195. Is this supposed to be like this?
  196. Juggernaut cancels out own maul proc
  197. How delete Chests with Stash slot?
  198. Glitch!
  199. Devo bow common shot bug
  200. XP Sharing broken
  201. Chat box problem
  202. movement pad!
  203. Charged attack while moving
  204. BREEZAGA bug and great issue
  205. few MAIN bugs on my character
  206. How to fix these
  207. Solid Gold - 10m Vanity Issue
  208. assault is a bad word?
  209. wheres dat move pad in my PC??
  210. Not able to spend?!!?!??
  211. Rooting Problem
  212. Lags
  213. Devs messing up the lb again
  214. Still can't access 4 Nordr Quests!!!
  215. AL FORUM bug
  216. planar elixir run?
  217. Un usual lags, joystick freezes...please help me
  218. B> bulwark +9 or clean
  219. I can't log in
  220. Is it a Glitch or this is how its supposed to be?
  221. Chrome screen fit.
  222. Nativex gone...trial play starts...
  223. Arcane Legends Kd (Inspect Page)
  224. Gmail
  225. Typing problem after update
  226. Nekro banish!
  227. Mythic Bow Glitch
  228. joystick freezes badly
  229. questing of the bard in nordr
  230. What is the minimum price of lock creates after expansion?
  231. Payment fail ... again zzz
  232. My pet doesn't like the arena.
  233. Speed up your iPad
  234. Planar bug
  235. The hair changer thingy lady on Kraag
  236. Can I Recovery Those items in Auction
  237. Pure planar arena lb is bugged
  238. LB Records in Arena
  239. Please return on-screen feedback timing to the original setting
  240. Cannot login on client
  241. The magical blackhole - Where even 3D orbit is possible!
  242. Cant use my google login since update
  243. Down for Maintenance!?!?
  244. 10 sec disconnection...
  245. Halloween event
  246. Bugs (Halloween Event)
  247. Quest 5 ghost bug?
  248. Buying Courage
  249. Stuck busy
  250. Halloween Event-Shadow Pierce Glitching