View Full Version : AL Technical Issues and Bugs

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  1. Bug in vanity loadouts
  2. New bag with pet menu
  3. Gale Skill & Armor Pasive
  4. Vanity Loadouts are glitched
  5. Moderator approve posts
  6. Loading wont go past 86%
  7. Banned Forever with no reason
  8. Party issue on PC
  9. House Bug
  10. Spoils of War banner handle
  11. Chaos jewel elixir not working
  12. Bug in the current new lb banner
  13. Ok
  14. How to kill Dream eater after getting 66 lvl?
  15. Game logo stays on screen during game play.
  16. New UI for iOS: Buy Back button doesn't work.
  17. Toxy's AA
  18. Android on screen buttons bug
  19. When one is in need of help..
  20. Floating banner, bug?
  21. Joystick sticking
  22. about last changes
  23. Please Bring back guild battles!!!
  24. Auction problem
  25. Huge bug in auction steals your gold
  26. character slot limit?
  27. Weird visual glitch behind boss
  28. Pet Rename w/ Plat
  29. Massive Crate of the Hearth
  30. I can't rename my pet (using platinum)
  31. I couldnt login with my facebook account on my phone
  32. Nightmare Gear Bonus Not Working in new Elite Masoleum
  33. A small bug
  34. Cant log in using FB account both on android and PC
  35. Kelvin AA not stuns bosses (And other pets too)
  36. Bunny helm Vanity
  37. dmg in guildbattles not reduced
  38. Issue regarding the use of apostrophes and quotes
  39. 404 Not Found
  40. 404 not found on chrome
  41. Party issue
  42. Super slow login times With Facebook?
  43. Terrible Ping in Chrome Since Last Week's 404 Error
  44. Elite Gold Heretic bug.......................
  45. Cannot get past loading screen after character selection hub.
  46. Event bug
  47. Sudden lag spikes ingame?
  48. chest splitter doesn't disrupting event bosses' skill
  49. Can't log in
  50. Massive Loced Marvelous Crate Dont Need Platinum To Open?
  51. Mausoleum Teleporters
  52. Special massive twilight crate
  53. Could not recover my thrown away items
  54. Dear sts why is there a device ban on my phone from AL?
  55. Turn In Of Silk Stalker Quest is Bugged
  56. sacred halo helm holder bug
  57. Cant carft 2017 glinter crates
  58. Plat title not in inventory
  59. Bug
  60. Please look into case #633295 or #633498
  61. Issue with Chrome
  62. Event party bugs
  63. Cant locate Greater Gilded Goblin Chest
  64. Elixir in PVP bug
  65. Al not loading
  66. Bug on Goblin Event Regarding Mage
  67. Heroic Cottonkill - damage bonus bug
  68. New graveyard map glitch
  69. Unable to Connect to Arcane Legends
  70. Glitched story token quest ?
  71. Huawei P20 Lite - AL Performance
  72. Goblin money sack
  73. Pixels out of place
  74. latest update
  75. cant play in my chrome friday, june 01, 2018 ph time
  76. Bug regarding Dreamscape
  77. Elondrian Furnitures Bug
  78. Infused weapon's texture is missing....it looks...beautiful....pic attached T_T
  79. Charged Gale bugged
  80. Stopped support for Android ICS? and Still cant play on chrome
  81. Missing weapons... In different perspective?
  82. Warrior's two handed weapon attack seems weird.
  83. Hearth crate recipe
  84. Mages gale force acting weirdly
  85. Leaderboard Map list is shifted now
  86. Warrior skill "vengeful blood" isn't working properly
  87. Changing vanity bug
  88. Boltags weekly quest
  89. Forum bug
  90. Awakening bug
  91. unable to craft 2017 massive glint crate
  92. Glitch - pressing skill twice messes things up
  93. Dreadbow Charm broken?
  94. Tower of Mardrom Minion bug
  95. Leveled up
  96. Hero Of Legend Aps
  97. Better, Faster, Stronger quest.............
  98. Joystick gone in daily quest
  99. Servers still say they are down ?
  100. double check
  101. Skill bug
  102. Options Stacking on top of each other /not showing when clicking player in new map
  103. Banner is on the ground instead of over head.
  104. Lost Mages Mine is a Crypt and Elite Map
  105. Sts pls fix auto charging skill bug
  106. XP Elixir Bug, and other stuff
  107. 7 day xp elixir
  108. Messaging BUG...............
  109. Mauso portal bug
  110. Chrome issue
  111. How to show devs your al issues on a pc
  112. Party, click on party member name
  113. charging bar and AA
  114. Reporting Some Bugs
  115. I forgot my password
  116. 2 Bugs in Hydra Raid
  117. new arcane things str+int
  118. Porting to Bog
  119. Pet AA isssues
  120. Festerfang zone bugs
  121. Hydra boss bugged after last update.
  122. Text bug/Window UI?
  123. Damage,health and dps number bug?
  124. 3 bugs in 1 hour
  125. Fly Lord Orrick Pool issues.
  126. meaningless banned
  127. FACEBOOK logg in problem
  128. GALE AOE buggy?
  129. Plat purchase issue
  130. Auto attack issue on Chrome
  131. Fix hauntlet angle
  132. Tank Juggernaut skill doesn't works so well
  133. Tap Joy free platinum offers not working?
  134. Swamp elixirs..... Increased boss damage % awakening.......
  135. Free plat offers
  136. Entering game issue
  137. fixed hydra bug
  138. Hydra bug
  139. CTF Issue
  140. dot bug?
  141. Festerfang's Hydra Map
  142. Ultimates Charge when Idle
  143. Wtf spirit weapons locked does not open anymore.
  144. Saw this, small thing, didn't check other jewels
  145. Dreamscape Weapon APs bug
  146. Festerfang brawling arena pull bug:
  147. Quest bug
  148. Infested Raid 71 Insta kill BUG
  149. Hydra Bugs
  150. Daily minstrel Tale of the Dead Twist
  151. THE Space Between quest
  152. Lost energy essence before ursoth update
  153. Shadowlurk AA bug slotted
  154. heroic wylenor %dmg
  155. Spirit weapon level
  156. festerfang outpost bug
  157. spirit xp elix
  158. Banned - No response from Customer Service.
  159. My Account Has Been Hack Pls Help
  160. Hi my character, dragonlones have banned, please Hlep my character,, ban forever,,
  161. Festerfang swamp bug
  162. Help me guys i cant change password is fail
  163. Celtic Brawler's garb (M) - What's wrong with this vanity?
  164. Marsh crafter set bug
  165. lost the paragem after the update
  166. Deep marsh
  167. [Bug] Mage Skill: Frost Bolt Mastery
  168. [Bug] Mage Skill: Frost Bolt Upgrade: Ice Wielder
  169. [Bug] Mage Skill: Gale Force Upgrade: Speed Of Wind
  170. [Bug] The Hydra's Bog: Push/Pull Issue
  171. [Bug] Party: Overlapping Text
  172. Bugs?
  173. Toor's passive ability
  174. elite jadis
  175. Eggzavier the Scrambled map is plain white
  176. IPAD Update Issue
  177. ursoth in deep marsh
  178. AA damage% not applying........
  179. Fatal stable bug
  180. Tank and mage damage in hydra
  181. "The Burning Scarecrow Back Vanity" on mage
  182. Update Extremely slow on both IOS and PC
  183. Quest bug
  184. Stuck on contacting server screen
  185. Having ping issues? Check this forum.
  186. kershal vanity will not load properly with arcane artifact level 60
  187. IOS users cant play al
  188. cant login (using fb)
  189. Bug in Elite Kraken (first map)
  190. Infinite loading times
  191. Is lighting bugged?
  192. Quest bug
  193. Dreamscape Dragon
  194. iPhone 5 chat bug
  195. Dreamscape mythic sword Warrior bug?
  196. gold loot in tainted armor
  197. accidental purchase of swamp thing band
  198. Another visual bug
  199. Festerfang swamp 2x event bug
  200. Xp at swamp!
  201. All negative comments dissapeared
  202. Frame on new chrome update
  203. New crafting issues
  204. Amazon kindle/fire can't update ap
  205. Crashing after update
  206. Bug Mission 'World of runes' help me pls
  207. Spirit weapon's level
  208. Last Online Info
  209. Southern seas timed
  210. How to fix most issues with AL chrome servers
  211. Recipes not showing
  212. pet stable
  213. Swamp kills and Kozner quest
  214. Guild hall furniture issues.
  215. Banned for 7hours?
  216. Remove Account From Facebook
  217. Trader’s Permit Notification
  218. Game very laggy recently
  219. Badges doent show
  220. Forgotten ruins aren't 2x
  221. Heroic Dreambot Bugged
  222. Recipe massive terror not work
  223. Can deleted characters be restored? how long do I have to wait
  224. trouble with forgotten ruins quests...
  225. Can you recover deleted characters?
  226. Cannot connect through my region
  227. something isnt working
  228. Why is my chat still locked????
  229. Chat.......
  230. Stuck on Authenticating
  231. strawberry cupcake
  232. Awaken gem
  233. Dream Cleaver Proc
  234. Double offers.
  235. Guild Cottage Bed not showing after open
  236. Repeatedly stuck on authenticating screen
  237. Ping issues
  238. Arcane Legends Bug
  239. Skill Loadout Issue.
  240. Hardcore mode quest
  241. Tindrin boss bug
  242. trulle in tindrin bug
  243. Quest Dead City - City under Siege
  244. Shady and Surge bug
  245. [Bug] Frost Bolt - Upgrade (Ice Wielder)
  246. Haunted Aps bug? (Hardcore)
  247. Elite Southern Gates Worm Bug
  248. [B] Guild Logs Interface Nothing to Shown [/B]
  249. Item packs
  250. Guild chat.....