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  1. An Arcane Legends Suggestion
  2. Welcome to the Arcane Legends Suggestion and Feedback Forum!
  3. for starters
  4. Guild Price & Skill Loadout
  5. My Big Thread of Feedback.
  6. Feedback - cons
  7. please add camera rotate
  8. Yeah i said it
  9. few more things
  10. Spider Boss and Final Campaign Boss Impossible?
  11. Thoughts on mages
  12. give us Resurection/revive skill pls
  13. Elixirs!
  14. Host and lock game
  15. AL first impressions
  16. first impression, thumbs up!
  17. My Impressions (English) / Mis Impresiones (Spanish)
  18. Selelcting a Person on Screen Mini Menus
  19. Auto attack
  20. Promo codes?
  21. The Space between typo
  22. Flounder pet
  23. join someone who is ina full town/group, then get sent to main screen, grrrr
  24. The feedback
  25. Founders into vanity!
  26. guild hall
  27. Trial pay shows no offer even on wifi
  28. Arcane Legends name reservation vanity shields
  29. Shazbot and Timer Bypass
  30. guildprice 50k gold (=50plat) or 20 plat
  31. Suggestions, Bugs, and more!
  32. Oyster Pet Please?
  33. Luring Pets
  34. Suggesting Auto attack for elite boss
  35. Founders chests got a quick idea
  36. RESPEC option with GOLD pls pls pls pls
  37. Play at Desktop
  38. Gender selection
  39. Community and Guild ideas
  40. Elite Bael
  41. Suggestions
  42. Moveable Camera?
  43. We need a plat sale for official launch!
  44. Chrome AL is beautiful.
  45. Former Founders Equip
  46. Optimization for Windows 8/touchscreens?
  47. UI tweak
  48. Questions about Starter Bundle, Heraldic set and Vanities
  49. allow the arrow keys for movement
  50. World Map Travle
  51. Kraag
  52. Assasin
  53. Touch to Move and Auto Attack
  54. pet rename notice
  55. umm will we see these from other games?
  56. K/D ration Leader boards
  57. pet suggestion.
  58. pet suggestion
  59. AL on chrome = pure awesomeness
  60. Entering dungeons
  61. PVP
  62. New update feedback
  63. name thiefs trying to blackmail
  64. Feedback for Update 1.03 11/14/12
  65. Net retraction chance
  66. Display how much gold you have when viewing CS.
  67. My feedback!
  68. Constructive Feedback Thread : The Real Deal
  69. Classes feedback
  70. Horribe UI and keybindings?
  71. [Feedback/Suggestions] After day 1
  72. General game improvements, character re-balancing, feedback, and more....
  73. new guild hall entrance here please.
  74. Daily Indicator - better indication needed
  75. How do you play this game?
  76. Horn of Renew
  77. Quest Count
  78. OMG please put a confirmation!
  79. Some important additions required in game
  80. Need Arcane Legends Avatars for these Forums!
  81. Going Solo
  82. CS suggestion
  83. My opinions on Warrior
  84. HTC Wildfire Phone
  85. Another languages (French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean..)
  86. Flag for Soloing
  87. Lightning Strike - Electrical Charge Change Suggestion
  88. Showing stats in inventory feedback.
  89. Cross-class items
  90. Warrior overpowered
  91. Respec Skills and Stats Separately
  92. Pets
  93. Male / Female character
  94. Picky: clock effect
  95. Healing fountain for you and pets
  96. Join system needs major change...
  97. Put guild back to normal prices
  98. Combo skills
  99. Sets
  100. Class rebalance
  101. To STS - A praise and a complaint
  102. Dont know if this has been mentioned before.
  103. \\(-_-) Pet \(^_^)/ suggestions (-_-)//
  104. Quick chat on AL anyone?
  105. Mass killings
  106. "Repost" For AH
  107. suggestion about pets and other sruff
  108. Connected Accounts
  109. Non groupers
  110. Just A Few Suggestions
  111. Ice Skill
  112. play solo
  113. New mute filter
  114. Question about the old bundle set
  115. guild member location in guild list
  116. Mage Heals gets too much aggro
  117. Thoughts on AL
  118. Plats transfer
  119. Misnamed zone and a typo
  120. A Few Suggestions :)
  121. Date
  122. In game log in
  123. Split up respecs!
  124. Future Innovations to Arcane Legend/Bugs/Fixes
  125. CS equivalent
  126. Something for max lvl players
  127. Little things that should be added quickly
  128. lvl 15 and 16 sugesstions
  129. classes suggestion (if not mentioned yet)
  130. [SUGGESTION] Bosses and mana drops
  131. REJOINING Timed Runs
  132. Re-egg pets
  133. Elite map payout
  134. Need a line to who your attacking! Can't see on small devices!
  135. Will we ever be able to add a 5th skill to our bar?
  136. Reconsider the mages revive skill?
  137. Ribbit pet movement fix
  138. Just a question...
  139. Pet Food!!
  140. Hauntlet coin award
  141. Change Pet Hotkey
  142. Warrior Buffs: Keep running
  143. how to earn platinum?
  144. Why, Spacetime, why?
  145. Suggestion - Elite dungeon
  146. About Vanities..
  147. Simplicity 'R' Good
  148. Confirmation on Plat-Spending
  149. Boss Fight Suggestions/Bugs
  150. About the soon to be added content
  151. Stop leecher/AFK players STS!
  152. About the pets
  153. Plat confirmation suggestion
  154. Elite mode suggestiom
  155. My opinion on Platinum Armour Set Stats
  156. Suggestion: Create party-button to create 1-man party to solo
  157. Dc lockout.
  158. 1 click inventory cleaning system
  159. Classes fix suggestion
  160. Windmoore tavern - hard to access bard
  161. Guild Noticeboard
  162. Entangling Trap -> actually Entangle + Guild should have a maxixum number of members
  163. Guild Hall Improvements
  164. Beautiful Fire Gone?
  165. Change in Weapon Damages for elite items.
  166. We need a +5 or +10 both would be great
  167. it wud b great if......
  168. I purpose a G-Chat button
  169. Extra character slot
  170. Capes
  171. Make Potions Stashable
  172. Pet transfer
  173. Consignment Fee on completed sale ONLY
  174. Option to remove names during combat
  175. Stack The Same Elixirs On Dailies
  176. What OTHER things would you like to see in Arcane Legends? (Free Content)
  177. What OTHER things would you like to see in Arcane Legends? (Premium Content)
  178. Completely get rid of
  179. A class upgrade suggestion.
  180. My feedback and suggestions!
  181. why must warrior stop runnin in heal or mana regain skills :(
  182. Opinion on AL economy
  183. Please add a camera unlock option.
  184. Any plans to support airplay for Apple TV?
  185. How to make a well rounded economy?
  186. BlackBerry 10 Legends ports.......
  187. Gold in AL
  188. There is no advantage into have more char in the same account
  189. please make it so we cant click on eachother during runs
  190. Usability suggestions in lists
  191. Guild enhancements
  192. Fifth day reward heraldic bundle : Useless gear for character's class.
  193. Brief pause when pet levels up
  194. Display
  195. Make guild hall accessible in each towne (& more)
  196. World Map Suggestion
  197. Health Drops
  198. Founders gear should be untradeable vanities
  199. Server issues?
  200. Free platinum offers
  201. Chat ideas!
  202. Tap to move
  203. Opening & Closing Menu Screen
  204. Opening Inpect Page
  205. Join a friend?
  206. notice for aucction end
  207. Auto-Attack path to enemy.
  208. AoA or AoK
  209. Rogue's mana issues.
  210. Out of combat Mana Regen change suggestion
  211. Guild Hall - Appear on map
  212. Mine / Codex
  213. pop-up time in tombs n elite maps, only when record time is set
  214. A Few Ideas
  215. Has a 23-hour day been suggested already?
  216. Consignment Shop
  217. How could i Fits the screen while playing AL at Google chrome
  218. Screen Rotation
  219. Devs please check ty
  220. Mapping more than 4 skills.
  221. AL on Samsung Galaxy Ace
  222. More Daily quest?? Better daily gear, and gear suggestion in general.
  223. Daily Reward/ Ally Rewards... what do you want?
  224. Can I get a Pet
  225. Vanitys for Pets
  226. Inspect page...
  227. [SUGGESTION] An idea concerning old gear and vanities
  228. PVP?!
  229. Wants and Needs for AL?
  230. Confirmation button on every plat purchases
  231. My take on PvP
  232. my weird mind thinks like this - u agree on anything ?
  233. [SUGGESTION]Early retirement plan for STS employees
  234. End of The World Sale
  235. 7 day XP elixir should not affect timed runs
  236. Slight interface tweak - skills on bottom of attack button
  237. Leaderboard Titles?
  238. inspec page
  239. captian of the watch
  240. 3 characters
  241. potion
  242. For the upcoming update;
  243. Boss tweaks?
  244. Bring Arcane Legends to the next
  245. Creating your own rooms
  246. Automatic Clock Start Read for info
  247. Leaderboard ideas.
  248. Pc keybindings and Android Suggestions
  249. Guild Bank
  250. Confirmation box after this screen