View Full Version : DL Technical Issues and Bugs

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  1. Can’t play DL on my iPad
  2. Ahh pleaes fix the sanguine royalty top
  3. Update caused glitch for iphones
  4. The game is too slow and not working
  5. Stash slots number indicator disappeared
  6. Issue connecting to DL
  7. Has anyone noticed new lag with The "Blood Beach" Gauntlet Event?
  8. Satia Mors
  9. Inventory bug
  10. Inventory bug 2
  11. Vanity Wings Bug
  12. Female Peekabo Hair Bug
  13. Nightly Reward Bug
  14. Game disconnection
  15. Wrong Spellings of Starter in Starter pack .
  16. Club Sanctuary Staff Slacks bug
  17. Intended?
  18. Vanities giving bonus buff in PVP
  19. Bug on gold ingot leggings
  20. Bugs on gold ingot set
  21. Vanity Unfavorite On It own
  22. IOS game launching crash
  23. Hi
  24. Why Forum comment being removed ?