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  1. Excited! (^_^)
  2. Make it Compattible With ArmV6 (Low end devices)
  3. im so excited! !!
  4. Arcane legends
  5. Arcane Legends to be a Pocket Legends 2?
  6. What is "Arcane Legends?" I need full details please.
  7. Will you play Arcane Legends?
  8. Arcane Legends <Pre-View> FAQ
  9. What Will You Play As?
  10. Unofficial Ideas and Suggestions Thread
  11. genere
  12. Arcane Legends press links : Your one stop place for reviews and previews!
  13. Players Behind The Legends
  14. Bad guys
  15. What kind of guns?
  16. how excited are you?
  17. Beta Testers?
  18. Arcane Legend Not 3 classes but 4 classes of characters! plus new thrill way of play!
  19. Arcane Legends pictures (devs?)
  20. Name Reserves?
  21. Massively has Arcane Legends News from E3
  22. Arcane Legends inspired short story
  23. Arcane Legends Starting chapter and system requirements
  24. Look at what I found!
  25. Look What I Found!
  26. More Arcane Legends News - Slide to Play, Technology Tell and MMORPG
  27. Arcane Legends level cap and elite vanity discussion - Level 20 at launch
  28. 3D mmo - Like Darklegends or PocketLegends
  29. E3 Hands on with Spacetime Studios latest MMORPG "Arcane Legends"
  30. Dont see a spacetime studio booth at E3...
  31. Can you Play?
  32. Plat Prices
  33. Price per slot?
  34. Lookie what I found!
  35. Quick sketches
  36. playable on kindle fire and nook tablet?
  37. AL pics for u!
  38. Arcane Legends : worldname ?
  39. Personally, I'm wondering why.
  40. This looks like just what I wanted
  41. I'm either confused or excited D:|:D
  42. AL Japanese News!
  43. will we be able to...?
  44. What you think about CHI?
  45. i hate to say this but
  46. Gamescom
  47. game finding
  48. Arcane Legends might just be a big hit
  49. Games.com Preview: Arcane Legends... the Legends series through a sieve
  50. If you're looking for Arcane Legends Concept Art - Follow us on Facebook!
  51. Playtest Arcane Legends - For those in or near Austin, TX
  52. More Arcane Legends Concept Art on the Facebook Page
  53. dont release more game make AL ur last
  54. The Brewer, The Baker and the Candlestick Maker - Err, just the Brewmaster!
  55. 1000th post and still waiting :D
  56. Reserved Name
  57. Show off your Arcane Legends Vanity!
  58. where's meh hardlight!?
  59. So can we meet the dev for al...my moneys on Swede
  60. AL Attack/Skills System Info?
  61. are you going to play?
  62. Put Video Test Beta
  63. names reserved..see you guys in AL.
  64. Reserve name Question
  65. buying glyp charmin set/items lvl 56 (int)
  66. when u tesers/trailers comin
  67. Been Quiet on the AL front.
  68. Release dateSSSS
  69. Name reservation question
  70. what class will you choose
  71. compatibility
  72. Fernando Blanco talks a little about AL:P
  73. Something free for Reserving AL name
  74. AL Delayed, Any New Teasers?
  75. AL Interviews
  76. What do you hope to see in AL?
  77. AL - Leap For More Hardcore MMO?
  78. developers please >>>
  79. 7 to 8 more days Left
  80. About the names
  81. Am I the only one seeing this?
  82. Skill Suggestion
  83. A screenshot of the AL classes?
  84. Still working away on Arcane Legends
  85. Rogue epic skills!
  86. PVP incentives
  87. release date
  88. Arcane Legends version
  89. what level do you think the first cap will be ?
  90. my gameplay question about arcane legends
  91. Arcane Legends Interview Video
  92. weapons question?
  93. Update on Arcane Legends
  94. Arcane Legends Release Date
  95. Arcane Legends going to be at GDC in October?
  96. Looked at Arcane Legends link for Google Chrome =D
  97. Arcane Legends Articles Coming to a Magazine Stand Near You
  98. Some cool things heah.
  99. New Details
  100. Stay up to date with Arcane Legends news by subscribing!
  101. Want To Stay On Top Of Arcane Legends News? Read this!
  102. Do you live in Central Texas? Come playtest Arcane Legends!
  103. Like arcane legends
  104. Maybe this is what I've been looking for
  105. past ideas taken into consideration
  106. Got trolled by AL devs...
  107. Sneak peek! - inventory!
  108. Arcane Legends Email Updates
  109. Name Reserve Questions
  110. release...
  111. Will i be able to play AL?
  112. Armors
  113. Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  114. Is it after halloween event
  115. Will the first people to play Be Rich
  116. Founders Helm in AL?
  117. Mounts!!!!!!
  118. Watch for Arcane Legends on G4TV on Monday, Oct. 8th
  119. What do you think will be the best class in pvp and why?
  120. Arcane Legends Screenshot Email 10/5
  121. Approx when does this thing come out?
  122. The first course of action
  123. This can't be right
  124. here you go
  125. emote suggestion
  126. More variety in types of support spells?
  127. AL GDC Brochure
  128. Gamasutra talks about Spacetime Studios and Arcane Legends!
  129. Engine improvements in AL
  130. What will you AL Guild name will be?
  131. Techgaming247 - Hands on preview of Arcane Legends With Spacetime Studios
  132. Requesting a Developer "Ask me Anything" thread
  133. Arcane Legends Platinums
  134. Gotta Check This Out
  135. Phew, so glad we caught this one! Otherwise, it would be like that bad dream...
  136. Arcane Legends Warrior, Mage, Rogue Pictures
  137. Arcane Legends video
  138. So is the game ready?
  139. Sneak Peek: Work-in-progress Feature for Arcane Legends Login - access to Dailies
  140. Substance
  141. Host games
  142. delete goblin mage character
  143. WOW
  144. I cant Wait till this game comes out!
  145. New and Cant Wait
  146. - can we have some warrior and rogue's info? in Arcane Answers
  147. A new Arcane Legends email is out
  148. AL pet
  149. Beta Tests?
  150. Phone Compatibility
  151. Will the AL beta keys be only given out to the more "favored" sts forum users?
  152. Devices that can run Arcane Legends
  153. Question!!
  154. General questions
  155. PETS: PvP &amp;amp; PvE Questions...
  156. Phoenix in AL :)))
  157. AL platinum pre-purchase?
  158. Arcane Legends App Officially Released
  159. The Curse Skill
  160. How many days does it take for all original cool names to get taken
  161. RAGE!!!!!!
  162. hanging with justg on al
  163. Whats yo ign?
  164. Founder's helm
  165. I got "You" as my ign!
  166. What's Elite Mode?
  167. Quest for devs about IGNs
  168. This Is Really Strange
  169. Only Canada and Australia? Thats a bit unfair...
  170. The official ARCANE LEGENDS poem!
  171. Anybody for Crypt farming?
  172. Availbility of Arcane Legends for Android 2.2 ?
  173. does any one else think....
  174. AL First impressions!
  175. Halp :/
  176. What pet did you pick first and what did you name it?
  177. Founders gear stats
  178. I have a question about reserved names
  179. I reserved my name but it didn't work!
  180. Where's the auction house?
  181. First Pink Drop?
  182. End Game Level 15 Founder's & Legendaries Stats
  183. My guild! <Last Attempt>!
  184. BETA? Hello?
  185. Request: gameplay trailer
  186. plat for leveling...
  187. The sorcerer main spell
  188. Revive?
  189. Magi Counsel
  190. how to get kills? -.-
  191. AL only on google play :(
  192. Heal Cooldown & Mage Range & XP rates
  193. My hope for pvp
  194. did anyone else recognize this helm....lol
  195. Founders?
  196. Can someone tell when AL released in Western Europe
  197. Could use some help
  198. concern with mob dmg in groups
  199. Level Cap?
  200. lvlcap vanity?
  201. frog quest pack
  202. Pinks
  203. Ios -_-
  204. which founders should i try to get?
  205. Question: iOS & Worldwide releases
  206. Runs with Mods/Devs!
  207. When does Al come out?
  208. Selling Elite Chests
  209. Perspective: I get where you are coming from STS, but...
  210. How to Stash Gold?
  211. Screenie help.
  212. have to be one of the luckiest
  213. AL and Pl
  214. AoA? lol
  215. Max lvl
  216. Have I reached the limits?
  217. blessings..
  218. sellin
  219. How do I get the auctioneer achievement?
  220. daily minnion
  221. triple threat photo contest
  222. requesting assistance
  223. curious about stats of pets?
  224. Daily quest gold?
  225. Sony Xperia U
  226. JavaScript disable?
  227. Hey AL, I'm a little furious with our Guild Name...
  228. Most annoying things in AL...
  229. What do stats do ?
  230. Please dont our characters
  231. estabans egg...
  232. Pve - Full str mage (paladin)
  233. Androidcentral reviews Arcane Legends - Read it here!
  234. health and mana
  235. Skill or Attack charge-up
  236. when will the beta version be available for Android
  237. al release?
  238. Arcane Legend Early Release
  239. Recruiting for guild <UNITY>
  240. Eggs/Pets please!
  241. Canadian for a day?
  242. AL Avatar pics?
  243. whats the lvl cap for pets....do they have one?
  244. please help Where is sigrun's companion ??
  245. AL Reserved Names
  246. Founder Chest for lv 1?
  247. just the beginning
  248. Arcane Legends Release World wide?
  249. Trollbane proc?
  250. The problem with a limited release