View Full Version : SL Needs More New Players

05-31-2013, 12:26 PM
Star Legends is losing all of our best players. All my friends are leaving the game and more follow. Last time I checked, There were four towns in Star Legends, and not one was even nearly full. I think SL needs a commercial! Pocket Legends got one and I think it was funny and awesome. Star Legends could use some new players. PvP is keeping me and other playing for now, but some new friends would be great!


05-31-2013, 04:00 PM
I dont like this idea it will just cause.....
*Vanity Prices to go up even more
*Pink guns/armour to raise
*ALOT more scammers
*More arguments
Nothing is good about this except sts is moking more money
This is also not fair to our Recent players/Veterans :wink:

05-31-2013, 08:10 PM
I dont like this idea it will just cause.....
*Vanity Prices to go up even more
*Pink guns/armour to raise
*ALOT more scammers
*More arguments
Nothing is good about this except sts is moking more money
This is also not fair to our Recent players/Veterans :wink:

You have noticed that a lot of the veterans are quitting right? Meaning eventually with no new players the game will slowly die, right?
Also, if STS notices that they are making more money off of Star Legends instead of Arcane Legends they might start devoting much more of their time to this game, and reward veterans and new players alike with new content.

Just My Opinion...

05-31-2013, 08:12 PM
I personally like SL but never go on it.

05-31-2013, 11:34 PM
I dont like this idea it will just cause.....
*Vanity Prices to go up even more
*Pink guns/armour to raise
*ALOT more scammers
*More arguments
Nothing is good about this except sts is moking more money
This is also not fair to our Recent players/Veterans :wink:

Well, if STS gives us a warning, us veterans who should be rich can by up all the stuff we find important and control the market. Prices only went down because players quit and kept their items. Less circulation caused be less people. More cash flow is a result of more people. So items will be higher priced but everyone should have more money. The point is, SL needs a boost in players. I understand what you are saying though.

06-01-2013, 12:00 AM
What makes u think sts will invest their time and money on sl advertisement ?nice idea zolum but not possible..:mad:

06-01-2013, 09:18 AM
SL will be dead soon if there are no new players and little devotion to creating/releasing new content...

06-01-2013, 09:26 AM
This commercial is made in 2010 when PL was pretty unknown.

06-01-2013, 01:50 PM
I personally like SL but never go on it.
Pretty much my story, I love SL but it gets boring when there's no new content. They really need to add the daily blessing, without it farming is hard :grey: