View Full Version : Guild Recruitment's Log

05-31-2013, 06:01 PM
Hello everyone, I'm an officer in my Guild.

Tonight we suffered the unfortunate recurrence of a player who, while continuing to be kicked out of the guild, with good reason, continued to be re-recruited, without anyone knowing who was the recruiter who continued to reinsert him.

I would then suggest to the Staff, to make sure that the Master and also the Officers of a Guild can access this kind of information, perhaps in some area of ​​the guild hall. In fact I am not aware if this thing it's already be known to the master.

What do you think?
Thanks for your attention.

06-01-2013, 09:04 PM
Yeah, good idea. Ive actually had someone who was kicked out of the guild return thrice in the same day before he was finally just not recruited.

06-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Its a good idea :)

Or when someone joins the message would announce:

"(.....) has joined the guild! Invited by ____"

06-03-2013, 07:07 PM
Not only being able to see who was kicked and recruited would be nice. As a GM, I would like to see who of my officers and recruiters are doing their job and others who need to have a meeting with to see if/why/how they are slacking.

Another good suggestion is to also see log in times at least under name, so that way people can clean house of several month of guildies who are never on anymore.