View Full Version : High leve helping lower level

Ruth E. Payne
05-31-2013, 06:25 PM
Hey, quick question..recently asked level 18 for help with a boss (Kriegberg, hate him..really hate him) I am level 16. Was told that her level was too high, and she could not help. Is this true, or total BS? Is there a point in the game where you can no longer go to the previous districts? :panda:

05-31-2013, 11:12 PM
Anyone up to three levels higher or lower may join you in pve or pvp.

With that being said, there are a few reasons why she couldn't join you. One, her bags may have been full and didn't realize it or she hasn't yet cleared to the doctor. And of course theres a possibility she just didn't feel like helping you. o_O

Also, you can visit any campaign at any level, always.
