View Full Version : Suggestion for new class (I know you get a ton of these): Necromancer/Shadowknight

10-14-2010, 10:14 AM
The class would look like a skeleton wrapped in a hooded cloak. They could be STR, DEX, as INT based.

Pet class with a pet that only reacts to who you are currently attacking. If you change targets, it changes targets. If your target dies it attacks whoever is attacking you, until you pick a new target.

Pets level and strength would be based off of your INT.
Skills would be mostly melee, AE lifetaps, buffs, and raise the dead.

AE lifetaps with a direct heal, and a lifetap with a heal over time.
Example: 10-50 health stolen from every enemy around you and given to everyone in the group. This is weak with only 1 target, but get 10 targets and it can be quite powerful. 10 second cooldown.
Another skill with an area effect -1 h/s per enemy around you, and stacks up on each party member. Again weak against 1 enemy, but quite strong against 10. The buff would last for 30 seconds, with a 20 second cooldown.

AE damage would be based off of STR, hit % based off of DEX.
Buffs - 5 m/s group buff, lifetap 5h/s (taken from enemy, given to whole group)
Raise the dead - Can rezerect fallen opponents in small area to fight as additional pets for 20 seconds. pets damage is based on INT, hit % based on DEX. Long cooldown of 60 seconds on this one, to prevent abuse. You would also have to limit the amount of pets rezerected to say, 10.
Fear - an area effect that sends your enemy running in terror for 5 seconds then right back to you could also be used, but on a long cooldown, like 20 seconds. This would be much like a kick/stun that other classes get.

This would provide a viable class for all 3 types of gear. A weak pet/strong melee damage STR player, a weak pet/high hit% DEX player, and strong pet/weak damage/high heal INT player. The buffs and raise the dead would make them welcome in any group immidiately, but making the skills not stack (you can not raise the same boss with 5 necros, to kill the next boss) would not make them overpwoered. A cooldown of 60 seconds for the powerful skills would balance it out so multiple necros would be welcome in the group.