View Full Version : Interactive chat window

06-02-2013, 02:11 AM
What would it take to make the chat window names interactive? Typing on a tablet sucks so it would be way easier if you could just click on a person's name in the chat and bring up a menu similar to clicking on the toon itself.

Also how about a "REQUEST PARTY INVITE" button. If you are worried about people spamming for invites at least ad it to the guild/friends lists. As it is people who put out a chat invite have to screen the chat and manually invite interested parties. Just ad a direct route and then the party leader can accept or reject the applicant.

06-03-2013, 07:37 AM
/partyinvite <name> is a useful way of inviting to party while staring at that user's name in chat. Useful for names like mine...'Alhuntrazeck'. Try typing that out without looking twice. Nice idea though.