View Full Version : What do you think?

06-02-2013, 07:57 AM
I'm about to reach level 31 and after readind almost every thread about builds I decided to do this skill build for PVE and ELite:

Fireball - 4 (all except Scorch)
Lighting - 4 (all except Shock)
Ice - 4 (all except Artic Shatter)
Heal - 3 (all except Regrowth and Recharge Mana)
Shield - 4 (all except Dispalcement Wave)

Damage - 4
Knowledge - 4
Strenght - 3

Now I've read that most sorceres go with FULL INT, but I was thinking of 80% INT (144) and 20% STRENGHT (36), what do you think? Does 20% in STRENGHT (36) make a noticible difference in surviving and in the duration of the shield? Or FULL INT it's allways better?


06-02-2013, 08:40 AM
Your build sounds good, but I think full INT would be better than a fifth skill (I completely agree on the usefulness of a fifth tho they're quite valuable). I can't say about the other passives since I haven't tested any out, having gone pure 5/5 for every skill I use, so sorry.

06-02-2013, 08:26 PM
Thanks for the input =)

You are FULL INT on your stats too?

06-03-2013, 10:46 AM
If you're just going for PVE and elite the 5th skill is really not necessary. Drop heal because you'll most likely never use it, and use that 2 points in passive str or get clock.

Go full intelligence and chose armor that has int as a primary and str as a secondary stats. You should have no problems surving in elite, of course I don't mean some nordr bosses that can 1 shot kill even fully geared warriors.

If you want to see this build in action in game, add me and we'll do a couple runs together :)

06-03-2013, 01:54 PM
My advice is to buy both security and will armor instead of wasting valuable skill points on a rotation . Use the security armor for almost everything you do and the will armor when you need to survive.

06-03-2013, 02:07 PM
Thank you all for the inputs, i went FULL INT, yah muchhh better now =) katish I'll add to do some runs with you, thanks.

jb57542, I'll go with your armor advice thanks =)

I've been playing for about 3-4 months... just now am I really understading the correct use of armors, skills etc...

Thanks for the help!