View Full Version : Game spelling censor

10-14-2010, 01:19 PM
Okay, I get that you're trying to keep profanity to a minimum, but the "spellcheck" is either too sensitive or not discerning enough. I was trying to help a newbie and typed in "..."friends", hit add...". What they saw was "..."friend*" *** add... ". It's hard enough when you've played and have a rough idea of what people are trying to say. The poor newbies, though; it confuses the **** out of them. ;)

ETA: was just trying to tell another player that the two final quests they needed were the 1000 pelts and 1000 snowballs, excuse me, snow*****. Fer crying out gently, the game can say "snowballs", but I can't?

10-17-2010, 02:42 AM
You can turn it off

10-17-2010, 10:35 AM
for new players trying to catch up i think he means
ps same with names

10-17-2010, 03:32 PM
for new players trying to catch up i think he means
ps same with names

Yup-yup, that's what I meant. Sorry for not being clearer.

10-17-2010, 03:38 PM
Ehh, its a very tight censor.