View Full Version : Idea for future updates

10-14-2010, 02:45 PM
Right now if you are not level 45, you have little incentive to buy the new update. If there were more incentive than 5 more levels and some gear you can run the zones a million times for, then even newbies would buy the new expansions.

I was thinking that in a game that is so heavily dependant on gear its surprising that there are only 4 item slots (3 if you use a 2 hander). I purpose something like EQ's totem system, where an extra item slot is created. The item could be standard for everyone or a drop, either way. The item though, gains power as you defeat a zone from start to finish. (only once)

There are 9 zones (or 10?) The item would start out with 1 str, 1 dex, 1 int, 1% dodge, 1% crit, 1% hit, 1 armor, 1 h/s, 1m/s. With every zone you complete (starting with newbie zones) it increases those stats by 1. In the end, those players who own all expansions, and have completed them from start to finish would have an item with 9 (or 10) to each stat.

That might be a bit overpowered at this point of the game, so ending with 3-5 to each stat might be more in line with other items.

10-15-2010, 05:27 PM
Great idea! that would fix the problems with no ms at low lvls. maybe a different one per class? Like warriors get 1ms 1hs and 1 dodge,
archers get 1ms 1crit and 1 dodge and mages get 1ms 1hs and 1 hit. i donno, maby have them seslling from a vendor so you can choose?