View Full Version : Initial loading issue stuck at 92% Rant + Fix

06-02-2013, 10:36 PM
Loading issue here's a fix:

Here's a fix its quit draining having to do it every time you close chrome. Seems the only way to work until top developers realizes "Ohh wait its actually us again, Sorry community"

Step 1: Start Button>Control Panel> Add & remove programs look for Chrome & Uninstall.
Step 2: Your going to need a older version of chrome. Don't do anything over 26 or under 23. I use this one (Chrome 25.0.1364.172) http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome.php?old_chrome=11967
Step 3: After its downloaded turn the internet connection off.
Step 4: Install the version you've downloaded making sure the internet connection off, otherwise it will auto update and your back to the start.
Step 5: Once chrome is open you can turn on internet connection
Step 6: Either sign into chrome n use the AL App or Connect to: http://account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends/ which is saves signing in adding app ect ect.

NB: Just remember every time you close chrome your going to have to uninstall again as it auto updates! Until this issue is fixed, unless you want to try alternative methods, which can get tricky for some. Here are some links as to what to do. Saves time and probably easier for you folks to understand!

Alternative method 1: Adding GoogleUpdate.exe to a disable/block list through your computers firewall/security.

(Can usually found here): C:\Program Files\Google\Update\Googleupdate.exe or C:\Users\"Your username here"\AppData\Local\Google\Update\Googleupdate.exe.

Alternative method 2: Bit more trickier, take caution:

Turning off Auto-Updates on Windows:
Follow the instructions here: http://www.chromium.org/administrators/turning-off-auto-updates

Turning off Auto-Updates on Mac:

Happy Gaming.

06-03-2013, 08:31 AM
OMG I couldnt agree with u more!
You guys have time do work on banner competitions and ways to make people buy more plat to increase your pocket size.
But you cant fix a simple problem with loading?
And so many other people are posting about it but no ones doing anything about it.
The least you can do is say your working on it.
Or figuring out what the problem is.
Or soon people are going to stop playing.
Including me and others.
Please fix this issue its very annoying.

06-04-2013, 03:49 AM
Finally someone got a solution. I can now login to Chrome again. Thanks to Gorotsuki. You should join the developer team :D

06-04-2013, 09:10 AM
Finally someone got a solution. I can now login to Chrome again. Thanks to Gorotsuki. You should join the developer team :D

Glad I could be of help! Might want to leave chrome open.. or your going to have to do these steps again and again!

06-04-2013, 11:02 AM
Hey guys,

We are sorry to hear of your difficulty playing on Chrome. Unfortunately, this is not a universal problem. It appears to be a system specific issue. The problem that causes Chrome to get stuck also isn't specific to just our game. If you try playing other Chrome Apps that use Native Client you will likely encounter the same problem. We are working with Google to help to address the issue, but at this time we don't have any further official suggestions than the ones outlined in this support article: http://support.spacetimestudios.com/customer/portal/articles/963855

Thanks very much for your understanding.

06-04-2013, 07:34 PM

After you revert back to chrome version 26 or under, follow this link for instructions on how to disable auto updates until this issue is resolved :)

06-04-2013, 08:07 PM
Won't disabling auto updates before switching on the internet again? Cuz I wouldn't want to install and uninstall chrome so many times just for AL.

06-05-2013, 01:13 AM
Won't disabling auto updates before switching on the internet again? Cuz I wouldn't want to install and uninstall chrome so many times just for AL.

I disabled mine first, then uninstalled, reinstalled without Internet and it didn't update nor will it do so now. Pretty permanent solution for now! I never had that old chrome exe in my Google folder so this method worked best for me.

06-05-2013, 02:56 AM
Guide a Quick Fix:

1. Download the latest CCleaner ( http://filehippo.com ) (this application is Awesome! 2 thumbs up!)
2. Install and Run Application to Clean cache and Registry (the app can be used entirely for your computer maintenance. it will always help you clean you PC)
3. Start Menu > type in search > Google Chrome (you will see it show up then) > right click Google Chrome > click Properties > click Open File Location
4. Once the File Folder Appears (you will see Old Chrome) > right click > click run as Administrator > (on Google Chrome browser) go to your STS account to log in..
5. if you turned off your PC and will play again later.. repeat step 3,4 and 5. (because once you reboot your PC and open your browser it will automatically run the new chrome)
6. Please like... (thumbs up if this guide helps you) thanks!

Note: Tip Bookmark your Arcane Legends Game so its one click away! Hope this Helps! ^_^

06-05-2013, 07:00 AM
I dont have old_chrome, searched everywhere!

06-05-2013, 09:50 AM
Hey guys,

We are sorry to hear of your difficulty playing on Chrome. Unfortunately, this is not a universal problem. It appears to be a system specific issue. The problem that causes Chrome to get stuck also isn't specific to just our game. If you try playing other Chrome Apps that use Native Client you will likely encounter the same problem. We are working with Google to help to address the issue, but at this time we don't have any further official suggestions than the ones outlined in this support article: http://support.spacetimestudios.com/customer/portal/articles/963855

Thanks very much for your understanding.

Well I'm glad somethings being done here! Thanks! Perhaps put a sticky so the community is aware of the situation?

06-05-2013, 02:33 PM
Someone please sticky this, I now can play AL after not being able to get on chrome for god knows how long.

06-06-2013, 02:28 AM
Someone please sticky this, I now can play AL after not being able to get on chrome for god knows how long.

Sam has created a thread for this problem with links to player created posts.

06-08-2013, 01:27 PM
thanks it has worked for me , thanks you it isnt enough but thanks !

06-09-2013, 01:01 AM
OMG I couldnt agree with u more!
You guys have time do work on banner competitions and ways to make people buy more plat to increase your pocket size.
But you cant fix a simple problem with loading?
And so many other people are posting about it but no ones doing anything about it.
The least you can do is say your working on it.
Or figuring out what the problem is.
Or soon people are going to stop playing.
Including me and others.
Please fix this issue its very annoying.

First of all my dear this issue is not on STS hands anymore. You can't put the blame on them, they are just using google chrome to load the games. You better understand the whole situation before telling what's on your mind. We are all encountering the same problems here but we as a client find ways also to help the developer on suggestions we find in the internet. Thats all!... This will help you as suggested by Gorotsuki - Initial loading issue stuck at 92% Rant + Fix

Loading issue here's a fix:

Here's a fix its quit draining having to do it every time you close chrome. Seems the only way to work until top developers realizes "Ohh wait its actually us again, Sorry community"

Step 1: Start Button>Control Panel> Add & remove programs look for Chrome & Uninstall.
Step 2: Your going to need a older version of chrome. Don't do anything over 26 or under 23. I use this one (Chrome 25.0.1364.172) http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome...d_chrome=11967
Step 3: After its downloaded turn the internet connection off.
Step 4: Install the version you've downloaded making sure the internet connection off, otherwise it will auto update and your back to the start.
Step 5: Once chrome is open you can turn on internet connection
Step 6: Either sign into chrome n use the AL App or Connect to: http://account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends/ which is saves signing in adding app ect ect.

Dhy Noah
06-09-2013, 07:05 PM
i play alot of games using native client they all working good with my chrome..
nowdays all games from spacetime stuck on chrome..i believe ppl will start to quit spacetime
games if u not fix this issue immediatly:anonymous::anonymous::anonymous::anonym ous:

07-04-2013, 04:57 AM
I cant download the versions of chrome!!! It keeps directing me to download other things... :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

07-27-2013, 03:43 PM
First of all my dear this issue is not on STS hands anymore. You can't put the blame on them, they are just using google chrome to load the games. You better understand the whole situation before telling what's on your mind. We are all encountering the same problems here but we as a client find ways also to help the developer on suggestions we find in the internet. Thats all!... This will help you as suggested by Gorotsuki - Initial loading issue stuck at 92% Rant + Fix

Loading issue here's a fix:

Here's a fix its quit draining having to do it every time you close chrome. Seems the only way to work until top developers realizes "Ohh wait its actually us again, Sorry community"

Step 1: Start Button>Control Panel> Add & remove programs look for Chrome & Uninstall.
Step 2: Your going to need a older version of chrome. Don't do anything over 26 or under 23. I use this one (Chrome 25.0.1364.172) http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome...d_chrome=11967
Step 3: After its downloaded turn the internet connection off.
Step 4: Install the version you've downloaded making sure the internet connection off, otherwise it will auto update and your back to the start.
Step 5: Once chrome is open you can turn on internet connection
Step 6: Either sign into chrome n use the AL App or Connect to: http://account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends/ which is saves signing in adding app ect ect.

it works :) woooot,, thanks !!

08-06-2013, 03:53 AM
I got the same problem yesterday.
Found an easier solution, go to C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\U ser Data\Default\File System\000\p\ and delete, move or rename folders like 00 or 01 and start the game and it just downloads the game files again.

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-06-2013, 08:53 AM
i just usually close the browser and restart.

10-22-2013, 07:47 PM
I got the same problem yesterday.
Found an easier solution, go to C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\U ser Data\Default\File System\000\p\ and delete, move or rename folders like 00 or 01 and start the game and it just downloads the game files again.

didn t find this particular folder :(

03-21-2014, 10:40 AM
Where can I even download the chrome that has that specific version... can't find them at google... Can someone point it out for me? Thanks.

03-22-2014, 01:50 AM
Where can I even download the chrome that has that specific version... can't find them at google... Can someone point it out for me? Thanks.
Ty for necro threading this one XD

03-23-2014, 03:53 AM
It does not work with my computer... :(

10-18-2014, 10:53 PM
why after i click this -->http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome...d_chrome=11967 i cant see the download

12-04-2014, 08:27 PM
why after i click this -->http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome...d_chrome=11967 i cant see the download

That solution is really old and not relevant anymore. A lot has changed. For starters, its NOT just your version of chrome or software, that is blocking this. Its a lof of things. Since the game uses WebGL in Chrome, if you are using anything less than OSX 10.8.5 on Mac or anything less than Windows 7, the game will not launch.

Also, your graphics card chipset and core processor MUST be on the list of acceptable devices etc. There is no way to hide that from the game/Chrome anymore like us overclockers were doing, cause even if you manage to mask that or change it via a User Agent switcher (previously worked, not now) you are blocked again.

There are no more work arounds, and even if some crazy ones are found, they will work only for a short time then not anymore. This is all due to something much bigger than STS. Dont blame them. Right now, the internet is going through a big transition from 2d to 3d. A lot of people aren't aware of this unless you do a lot of intense hardware/software dev. A line in the sand, so to speak, is being drawn and on one side you have all the stuff that will be fast enough to run the new way web will be with 3d and post processing effects, layer and transition composting etc. On the other side is all the hardware and software that will NOT be able to. What is tough to deal with is MOST of us with this issue are right on that line.... so our set up might have worked FINE a week ago, and now all the sudden, it doesn't.

Unless you are someone who has a new computer setup and just maybe need to tweak your settings, the reality is guys, this is the time whether you are broke or not, have the means or not, you HAVE to find a way to get a much more modern set up to keep playing the game. You have to get a new operating system, which means, all new hardware. This is what is happening, not some bug or error with the game, I want to make sure someone made this super clear.

If you are one of these lucky few, what this means 99.9% of the time you are using hardware/software that is from around 2007-2010ish or something. OR it might mean you are using Windows XP and are one of the few that didnt know it was phased out this year, its no longer supported, consider it dead, it will just get worse and worse. I am positive this will address almost all of the players that are posting issues like this. If I was one of you, I would want to know this before spending countless hours trying to get the game working, only spend that time if you are sure you have a machine and software at max, only a couple of years old.

I read a post from one of the dev's earlier in response to these issues saying stuff simply like "Update your graphics drivers and you should be fine..." So I had to come here and post all of this info. You guys have to have all the information or you will spend tons of time troubleshooting the wrong thing.

01-06-2015, 04:34 AM
not working for me :( it said that old chrome is expired and it cant be installed>HATE MY computer!!!!