View Full Version : Suggestion regarding Devs (admins) in game

04-29-2010, 01:30 AM
I hosted a game tonight entitled "25+ lvl ONLY pls or booted :)"

Of course, if I see a level 4, I boot 'em. I had the honor of asommers joining my game and promply booting him because his char was lvl 4. Didn't see that asommers was part of his name at first. He then msged me he was testing something and of course, I did not boot him.

So, since asommers will be reading this (hello), you suggested making it so admins can't be booted. I quite agree. However, ppl may wonder why they can't boot that player. Even if you have it tell the booter that "you can't boot an admin" when they try to boot an admin, the rest of the group will keep wondering why it is you haven't booted that lvl 1 off the map.

I suggest changing the color of the level behind the name of the Dev or admin.

if the dev's char name was devadmin (4) then make the text green or some other color. Once word gets around, people will know that if they see a green (or whatever color) level behind a char name, that is an admin. Hosts of games will know why they have a lvl 1 in there game, obviously testing something and will ignore the admin to let him/her do his work.

04-29-2010, 02:20 AM
Psst, asommers, we're on the forums now, give him the boot back!

I think there are pros and cons to this.
cons=colored names will make people go omg why is your name colored? omg you is admin? omg free items levels platniums pls! *sends friend request*
pros=setec doesnt boot you from the game.

I think its a rather small one off thing, so its not a big issue.

04-29-2010, 03:22 AM
Well, I considered that before posting my idea about players spamming the obvious admins with their requests like "give me gold" or whatever. True, that would happen.

I am sure they will make it that admins can't be booted but I still think it brings up the issue that you won't know why you can't boot that person. And if they do nothing, the anyone could impersonate an admin by saying "Hey, I know I'm only lvl 4, but I am testing something. I'm a Dev :) thx" or something like that.

Since this is a rather small occurrence, it wouldn't matter than if the lvl behind the admin's name was green because it's not like they would be hanging in Towne or anything all night.

Anyway, it was just an idea.

04-29-2010, 03:23 AM
but admin account are probably a lot more advanced than stardard accounts..

04-29-2010, 03:25 AM
but admin account are probably a lot more advanced than stardard accounts..

Right BUT I was able to boot him from the game. I know he can probably add a flag in the game so devs don't get booted. But he looked like a normal player to me. So, other than his name I had no idea he was a Dev.

04-29-2010, 09:00 AM
I honestly didn't mind being booted, there was no way you could have known. I just needed to be at the end of a 65 kill dungeon to find a bug (that you reported actually).

I think the proper solution would be to allow me to flag myself as invisible. :)


04-29-2010, 09:13 AM
I accidentally banned Futumsh once. Rather ironic since he wrote all that stuff, he very graciously forgave me if I promised never to do it again.

04-29-2010, 10:47 AM
Ahh, the invisible flag woukd solve all this. Very nice.