View Full Version : Help biuld pls - pve -

Gustavo Telles
06-04-2013, 05:59 PM
Hi, pls, im new in game and have so many questions about Biuld
Doing Pure INT

I think do:

Fire - 4
Gale Force - 4
Ice - 4
Shield - 4
Time Shift - 3

Damage - 4
Knowledge - 4
Strenght - 3

06-04-2013, 09:02 PM

I've made this build, and so far i'm doing good =)

Fireball - 4 (all except Scorch)
Lighting - 4 (all except Shock)
Ice - 4 (all except Artic Shatter)
Heal - 3 (all except Regrowth and Recharge Mana)
Shield - 4 (all except Dispalcement Wave)

Damage - 4
Knowledge - 4
Strenght - 3

But i've been told that for PVE a fifth skill isn't that necessery, i'm testing out first.

I had gale force... but aside for the speed boost it didn't prove itself usefull, but that just me.

06-04-2013, 09:34 PM
First off you only need four skills anything more is a waste. You can offset most other shortcomings (minus height) by using the correct gear, security for armor/helm and brutality or assault amulets and rings. This gear maximizes you're health and damage. Also buy equipment that maximizes you're damage, not DPS because all skills revolves around a mages damage.

Please read my other thread which gives you lvl by lvl instructions for build along with some other advice here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?98946-Level-by-Level-Skill-Guide).

Gustavo Telles
06-07-2013, 01:08 PM
Thx Guys...

I am doing the following, my char is at lvl 19 now.

dsantoz, took your biuld as a basis:

Fireball - 4 (all except Scorch)
Lighting - 4 (all except Shock)
Ice - 4 (all except Artic Shatter)
Shield - 4 (all except dispalcement Wave)


Damage - 4
Knowledge - 4
Strength - 3

The points you used in Heal'm thinking of putting in distributed passive, such as Str or Damage, or let Dmg -5, 5 and Know-Str-4

What do you think?

06-08-2013, 05:01 AM
Gustavo, vc tem cara de brasileiro :P

me add no jogo que a gente conversa sobre build de mago, te dou umas dicas e te mostro como usar seus skills..

abs! :)

07-05-2013, 05:39 AM
i went with Gaiejie's level by level build.