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10-15-2010, 07:53 AM
Hey guys.

So I decided to Lv. 50 my bird in-case teams need one instead of using my warrior.

I know they're essential if you wanna do keeper/overlord but I have a few questions.

1. Which skill of the bird really removes their shields? I've heard blast shot does, I've heard Break Armor does, I've even heard that the team SHOULD only use Break Armor debuff since any other debuff makes it shield again. Really confused so a solid answer is really appreciated.

2. When doing those bosses (especially keeper and overlord), since they have regular AoE attacks, should a bird even bother getting nearer to use avian/shattering scream? It would help, but if it leads to me getting killed everytime, I guess not.

3. Would you agree that a Sunblessed Bow/Mega Blaster would out-dps a talon+wing as long as all you want is dps? It should have higher base damage, therefore higher skill damage and per normal attack damage?

Hope you guys could help! Cheers :)

10-15-2010, 08:00 AM
1. Almost all those above and barells break armor/drop shield
2. When u see the red aura under him (looks like he farted) Take cover NUKE!
3. Dunno
No garentees on the first one I all of them at once and hopefully it works

10-15-2010, 08:02 AM
1. So both break armor and blast shot break their shields? How about the no debuff rule from the other members?

2. Not gurgoxx, since gurgoxx only has a single normal attack target. I meant overlord and keeper who have an AoE normal attack. :)

10-15-2010, 08:06 AM
1. Yes BREAK ARMOR BREAKS the SHIELD same with blast shot!
2. Pure dex birds are prone to those all I can say is stay back but if u like me spec to dex tank* ill survive shots...

10-15-2010, 08:59 AM
Break armor does nothing to mana shield. Blast shot only seems to break Overlords shield, not the Keeper or anyone else I can think of.

10-15-2010, 09:15 AM
Thought so too, so it seems just blast shot is the shield breaker. As for keeper, is it, wait for it to get shield down then DPS?

10-15-2010, 02:36 PM
lol i got lucky to get into a 3 bird overlord run team and they took him DOWN. 2 had bows, 1 talon, no blasters as far as i know.

10-19-2010, 04:43 PM
You can damage Keeper a little with shield but you really want your skills ready to go when shield is down. It isn't down for long. And birdies are great at Overlord, Gurgox.

10-29-2010, 09:51 PM
for info only blast shot breaks shield of overlord,..
ksarr the keeper's shield couldnt be break with any bird skills, u must wait for its shield to go down byitself

regarding talon vs blaster vs sunblessed bow my experience

megablaster is good for overlord for its dps and high damage
its better to use all skill with high damage while its shield is down
i hunted overlord with 5birds 5 blaster and 5damage pot and he went down less than 4secs

gurox i preffer bow for high damage

and for keeper want to stay alive if u hunt by yourself use blaster to kill fast the yellow aliens "snipe them" then wing and talon with ksarr for extra armor with the wing,. but if u like use blaster all the way like when i hunt him by myself but you should be fast on pots then heal skills right after you evade skill goes down then evade skill again

hope this help

10-29-2010, 10:46 PM
Ive found the bow is BEAST with its stacking hit debuff but its a risk because not amazing range and you pull of most birds with mega blasters if you attack at the same time as they do. The talon is worth it because you can pull steady dps(not anywhere near as high as mega blaster and bow. It goes Mega Blaster>Bow>Talon in dps but Bow>Mega Blaster>Talon in overal damage) but you don't pull because its less then bow and mega blaster. Also the quick spead is useful if you wanna take out a barrel fast and the extra armour of the shield is definately a plus. Blast shot takes out the OL's shileld but doesnt affect the keepers. Shattering scream is worth using because big range and debuff plus the combo with blast shot, but avian scream no. Probably don't use the blast shot combo with the bow or mega blaster at the start of a fight or you will most definately pull. Instead use blast shot THEN shattering scream to keep the debuff. If other birds are really going hard at the dps then the combo should be fine. Hope this helps :)