View Full Version : Platinum Acution

06-07-2013, 03:35 AM
Hi! I want to buy Items from stores for platinum after I purchase plat and converting it to gold And many remaining gold is very annoying my idea is to make the players to sell items for platinum would be nice.

06-08-2013, 02:05 AM
Pls reply

06-08-2013, 03:43 AM
No. Just no.

WHY did you convert plat to gold?

06-08-2013, 03:17 PM
Not a very good idea. This will cause the already struggling economy to plummet even further. If people were allowed to sell items for plat then all the players with money at their disposal will again be the "elite" class just because they can afford to buy plat purchasable items from auction. You would see arcane and mythic items list for x amount of plat and a lot of people will complain about the unfairness.

Not to be rude, but this idea wouldn't improve the game.