View Full Version : Lvl 71-76 PVP Bear Vs Bird

06-07-2013, 08:18 AM
So which one is better at that lvl? Bear or Bird owns?

why? please explain and give ur opinion :)

*consider they both have the best equip

06-07-2013, 08:21 AM
It totally depends on which way you play the class. If you just play a certain class to take advantage over others in PvP, then you're thinking wrong.

06-08-2013, 06:46 AM
Bears are easy class to play, means if you make mistakes or bit lazy, you'll get chance to overcome it, on the other hand as bird you won't have a second chance, add it with luck.

Secondly, birds are fast killers and good kill stealers also, it's your decision now :)

06-08-2013, 06:50 AM
I'd say~ 71-73 bear wins. 75-76 bird wins. It still depends on how skilled you are. 71-73 birds don't have the pheonix set, which gives 55-60 crit no buff. 56-73 bears are generally over powered, so beating a average bird isn't hard. Bears have great armor and dodge, with sm Orlok angel and sand walker and beastly. But in my opinion birds are more fun to play. ^^
In the end, it all boils down to the players skill level. :D

06-09-2013, 10:18 AM
i agree with argyros.

bears are the op class between 71-73, but birds dominate at 76, like argyros said you have to be skilled aswell in order to win in ur advantage or disadvantage. however, i would choose a bird for 71, it takes skill to use it and its more of a challange than 76, a good skilled bird can kill both advantage and disadvantage enemy's.

if you need any help on build/combo's/tricks or gear setups i'll be glad to help u ^^ ( this includes mage and bear aswell.)

06-09-2013, 12:32 PM
I'm making a 71 bear now, but I also have a 71 bird. I'm not used to having 9 skill points. Can you give me a skill build ?

06-11-2013, 01:59 PM

06-11-2013, 02:13 PM
That's sweet^:)