View Full Version : <Animosity Risen>

06-07-2013, 10:24 AM
<Animosity Risen>

From the ashes of <Animosity> comes <Animosity Risen>. A core group of former <Animosity> members have resurrected the guild as <Animosity Risen>.

Core Values:

We are an open guild. Fun in game is what we value. If leveling is what you like then do that, if PVP is your thing then great, hording pets? go to it (just keep your stable clean). Members should put priority on working and helping other members. Remember when leveling in mines you should go with similar levels. Max level players can help with boss runs but will actually hurt you in mines.


Rules! We don't need no stink'n rules!

Well actually we do, please respect the following...

Minimum Lvl 10+
Absolutely no Begging, this can result in ejection from the guild, DON'T DO IT!!!!
Do not ask for a promotion. Officers will be chosen on an as needed basis and will be limited.
Do not fight members in PVP.
No Blind Party Invites. Post to Guild Chat (/g) that you would like help, where, and how much. Members have every right to ignore blind invites. (NEW 7/2/13) :encouragement:
No cussing or swearing at any time. Trolling will result in ejection.
Respect the rules set forth for Guild Events. Event organizers should be respected. Their event rules and decisions stand.
Stale memberships will be removed at officers discretion. Members that are not max level and have not increased in level within a month will be considered stale.

To Join <Animosity Risen> Please PM an Officer in game.

Guild GMs


Guild Officers (As of 7/2/13)



This list will be updated periodically and non-max stale accounts will be removed at officers discretion.

Name - Level - Date MM/DD/YY

Abagoazif - 12 - 6/7/13
Ahmedomar - 22 - 6/7/13
Ajthatdude - 15 - 6/7/13
Akatsukira - 13 - 6/7/13
Akreya - 10 - 6/7/13
Alwaysinuse - 12 - 6/7/13
Alvinjob - 14 - 6/7/13
Anezeuve - 14 - 6/7/13
Anikokri - 11 - 6/7/13
Asafeozub - 30 - 6/7/13
Aveuibi - 14 - 6/7/13

Bajitar - 16 - 6/7/13
Beanekrev - 14 - 6/7/13
Beoakea - 30 - 6/7/13
Beozuskeh - 17 - 6/7/13
Blastcannon - 17 - 6/7/13
Blueexmage - 13 - 6/7/13
Bocorwoman - 17 - 6/7/13
Brustoos - 12 - 6/7/13

Cactusheart - 31 - 6/7/13
Ceucakreci - 9 - 6/7/13
Cheoshav - 15 - 6/7/13
Czdeath - 17 - 6/7/13

Damagedany - 16 - 6/7/13
Deasaveh - 12 - 6/7/13
Dolcefrex - 22 - 6/7/13
Drakadarius - 16 - 6/7/13
Duckyuu - 11 - 6/7/13

Ebavara - 13 - 6/7/13
Ebefaokal - 13 - 6/7/13
Elysiael - 14 - 6/7/13
Evaneskence - 31 - 6/7/13
Exiblade - 15 - 6/7/13

Fiftycones - 14 - 6/7/13
Fioajal - 12 - 6/7/13
Flianidre - 31 - 6/7/13
Fliosahab - 13 - 6/7/13
Fpi - 11 - 6/7/13
Freushaba - 6/7/13

Galeilo - 14 - 6/7/13
Glizer - 10 - 6/7/13
Gooatrad - 13 - 6/7/13

Habebaa - 11 - 6/7/13
Heomaaz - 20 - 6/7/13
Hessra - 18 - 6/7/13
Huckxley - 19 - 6/7/13
Hulaba - 27 - 6/7/13

Iachaababa - 14 - 6/7/13
Ihsanbadr - 14 - 6/7/13
Ilnj - 14 - 6/7/13

Jaksic - 17 - 6/7/13
Janosikk - 18 - 6/7/13
Jaotakeur - 23 - 6/7/13
Jodobackins - 12 - 6/7/13

Kandanh - 4 - 6/7/13
Kelthuxad - 28 - 6/7/13
Kheva - 13 - 6/7/13
Krabcua - 24 - 6/7/13
Kreotakda - 8 - 6/7/13

Lemonte - 19 - 6/7/13
Lenardz - 23 - 6/7/13
Lilscooby - 14 - 6/7/13
Liromyc - 16 - 6/7/13
Littledennis - 13 - 6/7/13

Mastazi - 12 - 6/7/13

Nightwollff - 10 - 6/7/13

Ocadriuab - 14 - 6/7/13
Onehitdeletes - 31 - 6/7/13

Pistls - 12 - 6/7/13

Rakshasajr - 25 - 6/7/13
Ranedean - 14 - 6/7/13
Rappunzel - 31 - 6/7/13
Rasiboss - 18 - 6/7/13
Reesea - 11 - 6/7/13
Robychen - 16 - 6/7/13

Scarfet - 18 - 6/7/13
Seenihale - 30 - 6/7/13
Shythunder - 12 - 6/7/13
Sillystoner - 13 - 6/7/13
Sirfancypantz - 27 - 6/7/13
Skaozutal - 15 - 6/7/13
Skillfool - 30 - 6/7/13
Sorcerergila - 22 - 6/7/13
Sunblas - 12 - 6/7/13
Syneria - 18 - 6/7/13

Thorostidlis - 11 - 6/7/13

Uefaanibu - 17 - 6/7/13

Veogos - 14 - 6/7/13

Wingsxderp - 15 - 6/7/13
Wizardmensd - 15 - 6/7/13

Xbodoy - 16 - 6/7/13
Xianee - 17 - 6/7/13

Yamca - 10 - 6/7/13

Zoefytong - 24 - 6/7/13
Zeony - 11 - 6/7/13
Zhauegrit - 10 - 6/7/13

If you have some artistic Skillz please submit some <Animosity Risen> Swag and we will link to it here...

06-07-2013, 10:25 AM

06-11-2013, 03:15 AM
Good one thrin ^.^, ty for the forum :D
Gotta remove Skills name from officers list though, chap got demoted

06-12-2013, 09:18 AM
Updated minimum Toon Rank Lvl to 10.

06-12-2013, 07:17 PM
Just so people know we won't be kicking low level players til Sunday.

06-19-2013, 07:44 AM
All Low lvls have been kicked. Once we reach 300 total members the member lvl minimum will be raised to 15. This is likely to happen withing a week or two.

07-02-2013, 10:22 AM
Updated Officers and Rules...

07-04-2013, 05:41 AM
o.O kool u guyz made a thread
jia..wen u gonna make that alt of mine officr? lol jk
n wers lils' name? she member?