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06-09-2013, 06:20 PM
I play this game A LOT! Most of you know me as Zergeo. I am writing this to tell you what's up in Pl:

1) Noobs. First of all if u say noob more than twice a day YOU are a noob and a egomaniac. Some ppl aren't used to this game like the rest of you. Don't be a Cyber Bullier or Just Mean. Think about how many ppl you have annoyed and turned into a monster.

2) Pvp Dude be a gentleman and let them take a free. Its the nice thing to do since you have been nasty to them. All these slang words:nub,FFA, rush, ez ect. I have seen a lot of cyber bullying in mmorg's but (by a landslide) pl is the worst.

3) Scamming. Most of you know that you have scammed before. Just don't. Mute them and report(if neccecary).Don't steal.

I say sympathy for the inexperienced ppl. Suck it up and be nice.
*Microphone drop*

P.S I'm thinking of making a guild called Sympathy for the inexperienced. If you are generous enough to make the guild for me (and make me the leader)
I will: make you a honorary Officer and help you in some way if I can. Pm me Zergeo In game if u are one of these nice ppl.


BTW if some stupid psychopaths are spamming this place up with their slang nonsence, I will report u so hard u will be in a FULL body cast.

And another thing: Sympathy for the Inexperienced!!!! Zergeo is out. Peace.

06-09-2013, 06:21 PM

06-09-2013, 06:25 PM
Thank You. Does anyone have a microphone drop pic they could post?

06-09-2013, 06:30 PM
1) You said noob twice. (In one day)

2) I hate to break it to you, but "frees" and calling "Go," aren't rules of the game. People don't need sympathy if they cry about rushing. It's just part of the game.

3) I've never scammed anyone, and alot of people actually haven't. Apparently you have, since you say "We all know we have." Keep preaching pls.

This is really nothing against you, I just believe that you should possibly think a little more about this stuff.

06-09-2013, 06:32 PM
I can honestly say I do not mean to say Nub twice and I am making a statement. If your gonna be like this get out my post.

06-09-2013, 06:35 PM
I can honestly say I do not mean to say Nub twice and I am making a statement. If your gonna be like this get out my post.

You bully. He's new to forum. Some people aren't used to the forum as others. You a hippo CRIT.

06-09-2013, 06:39 PM
Hello, Zergeo

I think that your efforts may be a little misguided. In your statement, you basically said to have sympathy, correct? Then how can you justify your insymapthy towards others who don't agree with your methods of bettering the forums community? Heck, when I was reading this, it was almost as if I was reading it in an aggressive tone. Also, I may be mistaken, but I notice a threat or two in there as well.

That being said, I play FFA in PvP. So, when I rush, it's not because I hate, but because I'm playing the way PvP was meant to be played - in FFA mode. Honestly, if everyone played FFA, they would see PvP is more balanced because that's how developers designed PvP balance - to be present in FFA.

If you want a 1v1 match, there's a map designed specifically for that. However, if you are in a FFA map, expect FFA.

06-09-2013, 06:45 PM
I understand. But this game is so mean to me and I am warning ppl about this. I like that you did not start to cuss me during your post. I'm sorry...

06-09-2013, 06:47 PM
To All... Im sorry of what ive become. Instead of being a rebel. I've become 'one of them'. Thank you

06-09-2013, 06:51 PM
While this post is still alive, taking into account of what I'm saying, I would like to know some help in all areas of the Fox . Appreciated

06-09-2013, 07:13 PM
1) You said noob twice. (In one day)
Obvious troll comment. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will anyway. The OP starts off by stating that people that say Noob twice or more are noobs and egomaniacs themselves. You try to counter this by trying to find the easiest loophole by stating that he said Noob twice in this thread and thus makes him a Noob and an egomaniac. Problem with your point is that it doesn't fit in properly. When he stated that anyone who says Noob twice or more in a day, he obviously meant that anyone who insults other players by marking them as noobs more than two times in a day in a Cyber bullying way are noobs and egomaniacs themselves. Your argument and accusation of him breaking that first point is therefore invalid.

2) I hate to break it to you, but "frees" and calling "Go," aren't rules of the game. People don't need sympathy if they cry about rushing. It's just part of the game.
It's part of the game to grind new players into the ground instead of just giving sympathy towards their inexperience by showing them the ropes to PvP? There are things that are present in many areas such as PvP that are known as the "Unwritten Rules". Treating the new players like dirt and crushing them instead of helping is more of a selfish standard. Pros help new people at a game that they may become greater than what they are while egomaniacs crush new players to bask themselves in the glory that they don't have to further make their confidence and pride be greater. Just saying that it's part of the game also states that you believe in there being "Unwritten Rules" as there are no official rules stating that "people don't need sympathy if they cry about rushing". That in itself I think needs to be looked at because people who cry about rushing are either new players who have a super low skill compared to the enemy and are in need of help from pros, or a former egomaniac who had his pride chopped down when he finally faces a player who had more skill than him and was shown that the image he conjuring himself in was only a self-created illusion.

3) I've never scammed anyone, and alot of people actually haven't. Apparently you have, since you say "We all know we have."
He never said "We all know we have" at all in his post so quote what he actually says when using quotation marks, and he isn't trying to accuse everyone of scamming so you don't have to automatically jump in a defensive attitude and accuse him of being a scammer by saying "Apparently you have". That is also the most vain attempt I saw a person try to demoralize another and hurt them image in front of others. That is also known as Cyber bullying so you will need to think twice before you speak. There may be a lot of people who don't scam, but there are a lot that do.

Keep preaching pls.
And to end your flame-filled comments toward a person just trying to do good is awfully similar to the troll comment of "cry more pls". This proves that you barely gave this thread much thought at all before you let your mouth slip by spouting out only negative comments more in an attempt to be deconstructive than by staying on topic and making a constructive opinion. Instead of automatically trying to oppose people at the start by posting out closed-minded comments, try to read and understand more at what the poster is trying to present with his thread and message.

06-09-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm wasn't originally trying to type out a big bash against you, Trenton, but the way that it was told was just not in a good way. Even if we have a major difference of views of things as many people do in life, I really think that there could've been a better way to say it out in a more constructive way in the end as I have to yours. I apologise for my post above, and I hope that you understand at what I was trying to do before I let some of must own feelings get a hold of me.

06-09-2013, 07:21 PM
*Mic Drop*

06-09-2013, 07:31 PM
Jaw drop

06-09-2013, 07:46 PM

06-09-2013, 08:03 PM
To All... Im sorry of what ive become. Instead of being a rebel. I've become 'one of them'. Thank you

Dude you aren't like turning into a dam zombie. Chill out.

06-09-2013, 08:11 PM
I play this game A LOT! Most of you know me as Zergeo. I am writing this to tell you what's up in Pl:

1) Noobs. First of all if u say noob more than twice a day YOU are a noob and a egomaniac. Some ppl aren't used to this game like the rest of you. Don't be a Cyber Bullier or Just Mean. Think about how many ppl you have annoyed and turned into a monster.

2) Pvp Dude be a gentleman and let them take a free. Its the nice thing to do since you have been nasty to them. All these slang words:nub,FFA, rush, ez ect. I have seen a lot of cyber bullying in mmorg's but (by a landslide) pl is the worst.

3) Scamming. Most of you know that you have scammed before. Just don't. Mute them and report(if neccecary).Don't steal.

I say sympathy for the inexperienced ppl. Suck it up and be nice.
*Microphone drop*

P.S I'm thinking of making a guild called Sympathy for the inexperienced. If you are generous enough to make the guild for me (and make me the leader)
I will: make you a honorary Officer and help you in some way if I can. Pm me Zergeo In game if u are one of these nice ppl.


BTW if some stupid psychopaths are spamming this place up with their slang nonsence, I will report u so hard u will be in a FULL body cast.

And another thing: Sympathy for the Inexperienced!!!! Zergeo is out. Peace.

A basically ur making a thread about how we all r jerks and need to straighten up and fix our attitudes, and then u ask for a guild?

06-09-2013, 08:12 PM
Frees are a joke. If you're that butthurt over one kill, earn it from me.

06-09-2013, 08:13 PM
Hello, Zergeo

I think that your efforts may be a little misguided. In your statement, you basically said to have sympathy, correct? Then how can you justify your insymapthy towards others who don't agree with your methods of bettering the forums community? Heck, when I was reading this, it was almost as if I was reading it in an aggressive tone. Also, I may be mistaken, but I notice a threat or two in there as well.

That being said, I play FFA in PvP. So, when I rush, it's not because I hate, but because I'm playing the way PvP was meant to be played - in FFA mode. Honestly, if everyone played FFA, they would see PvP is more balanced because that's how developers designed PvP balance - to be present in FFA.

If you want a 1v1 match, there's a map designed specifically for that. However, if you are in a FFA map, expect FFA.

I wanna thank this so many times. Devs pls put a few more thanks buttons on this post

06-09-2013, 08:17 PM
If u don't have anything nice to say, just plz put nice things

06-09-2013, 08:20 PM
A basically ur making a thread about how we all r jerks and need to straighten up and fix our attitudes, and then u ask for a guild? Well, I didn't mean everyone just some ppl. I asked politely if I could have a guild to benefit everyone. I'm sorry how my post is formatted.

06-09-2013, 08:21 PM
If u don't have anything nice to say, just plz put nice things

This isn't kindergarten class. If people expect "nice things" and nothing else, the Internet isn't the right place for them.

06-09-2013, 08:21 PM
If u don't have anything nice to say, just plz put nice things

How about you come back with something productive to say about what everyone said

06-09-2013, 08:22 PM
Frees are a joke. If you're that butthurt over one kill, earn it from me.

Obviously your one of those ppl. O-O

06-09-2013, 08:23 PM
Obviously your one of those ppl. O-O

wut r ur igns?

06-09-2013, 08:24 PM
Sorry Everyone for my cruel attitude, not some of my best work um mm so I speak before I think!!! U happy?

06-09-2013, 08:24 PM
Sorry Everyone for my cruel attitude, not some of my best work um mm so I speak before I think!!! U happy?

Happiness isn't an emotion I was programmed to feel.

06-09-2013, 08:24 PM
I'm just jk about some things

06-09-2013, 08:25 PM
Ha ha, u said buthurt

06-09-2013, 08:27 PM
Happiness isn't an emotion I was programmed to feel.


06-09-2013, 08:28 PM
I think that the Internet can change. Cyber Bullying is a joke.

06-09-2013, 08:29 PM
I think that the Internet can change. Cyber Bullying is a joke.

Nice to see you have a sense of humor.

06-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Nice to see you have a sense of humor.
I will take that as a compliment

06-09-2013, 08:32 PM
Sorry Everyone for my cruel attitude, not some of my best work um mm so I speak before I think!!! U happy?
First impressions are hard to take back, soz it's a cruel cruel cyber world

06-09-2013, 08:34 PM
First impressions are hard to take back, soz it's a cruel cruel cyber world

That's not true. My first impression if you was that you were insanely annoying. Now I only think you're mildly.

06-09-2013, 08:37 PM
Ok. .

06-09-2013, 08:39 PM
Man. Guys. Stop being so hard on him. This is a perfect example of Zergeo's post. *Moonwalk

06-09-2013, 08:43 PM
That's not true. My first impression if you was that you were insanely annoying. Now I only think you're mildly.
Yeah, it probably took you a while to think I'm mildly annoying.

06-09-2013, 10:41 PM
@Cahaun- I'm not gonna even try to quote your post on this stupid app lol. I don't mean to troll, as I'm terrible, and everyone knows it. I'll try this again.

1) I didn't mean to "troll" as like I said, I'm a terrible troll and I bet one of the big Forumers will also agree with me;) I really don't take everything seriously either, as I skimmed through all three points. Pls excuse my laziness as I didn't fully understand the post. I believe that his own statement crashed on its self though, as he says that people who call people noobs are, indeed, noobs. He's calling the name-callers noobs, making him a "noob." As I don't mean to offend him, or you, I just believe that #1 wasn't very well thought out.

2) Again, pls don't take offense by this, but I believe that if I rush, and on some characters I do, I don't think that I should stop rushing just to help someone out who wants help. I believe that I am, like a lot of people say, an ***hole, because I don't really get much into helping people out. Someone asks me for a build, unless they're a close friend or a friendly forumer that I know, I'm definitely not going to give them my build. It's just like a race. You're in a big race, and you know you're the fastest one there. You see someone going pretty slow. Are you really gonna help them "go faster?" I know it may sound mean, but the "noobs" of Pvp need to, in a way, learn for themselves. Did all of the people from the start of PL get help? No. They learned for themselves, and sometimes, that's what it takes. I don't want to flame or anything, but I don't believe that I should stop what I'm doing because someone asks me to.

3) Scamming. Like I said, my laziness of skimming through the post made me misread that part, and I apologize. He says that most of us have scammed before though, who is he to judge everyone by saying that? The Internet is not all prancing unicorns and fairy dust, and people aren't always going to be nice. Either back away from it, or be swarmed in it. You can't change everyone.

"Preach more pls"

This is not one of those "cry moar plz you nub" posts. I now realize that it was indeed mean, but to an extent, it's partially true. Ya know how the people spell more and please wrong to make someone else mad, like "Cry moar pls?" I don't do that on purpose, I usually say pls. I didn't mean that post as a "troll," so don't think that.

Once again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'm also not the smartest person ever with the awesome-lengthy-iknowwhatimtalkingabout posts. If I don't make sense, it's probably either A) I don't exactly understand the post, or
B) Not the best with English.

I don't want to sound cocky, and if I do, I don't mean to.

As I'm FINALLY closing this statement, I don't want to cause flaming, and I don't want trolling because that wouldn't be good either.

06-10-2013, 01:11 AM
I hate to break it to you, but posting this won't really solve any of the supposed problems you mentioned. I'm sure many people will read it and just continue on with whatever it is they do, whether it be calling people noobs, doing ffa, and "scamming"

The Happiness
06-10-2013, 01:24 AM
I wanna thank this so many times. Devs pls put a few more thanks buttons on this post

Yes I wanted to thank Apollo too but have run out of thanks! Need moar pls.

The Happiness
06-10-2013, 01:27 AM
Happiness isn't an emotion I was programmed to feel.

Keep hands to yourself or Saddy will be jelly.

06-10-2013, 01:37 AM
Y'know OP, you can't change everybody to follow the rules. People will divert, alter, bend or oppose the rules no matter how much you try.

This is reality, and it happens in real life as well. People might litter without anyone noticing, people might back stab each other when it comes to working, and people will attempt to cheat on each other, be it money, or a spouse. This is society, nobody could change that. I know you have our interest at heart, but know that others may not share your ideas and mentality.

But that's not to say you have to stop that idea, because we are all entitled to our own opinions. Keep up this great and lawful attitude in the forums, and I'm sure you could make a few friends here that loves your opinions.

06-10-2013, 03:10 AM
R U High? Jk.

06-10-2013, 03:31 AM
R U High? Jk.

I iz high n slarckee een mai bonk zzin waile een PL. :rugby:

06-10-2013, 05:27 AM
I iz high n slarckee een mai bonk zzin waile een PL. :rugby:
Not U -.-"

06-10-2013, 05:46 AM
Not U -.-"

Whoopz!! Sozry bro. C u Ingaem.

06-10-2013, 05:47 AM
Whoopz!! Sozry bro. C u Ingaem.


06-10-2013, 06:24 AM
You've a point, but as Chiro mentioned, and I always say it's like a miniature of society, every type of peoples are here, most of the time famous saints fails to change that mentality in real life, and it's just a game. Peoples won't change, if somebody is getting bullied most of random peoples will start to bully him more, instead showing bit sympathy to him, you'd say I extragating, but no, I grew up at pvp observing it, always, difference is I don't care for my kd, and do insta rush those bullier in case arena no matter who are they.

06-10-2013, 06:41 AM
You've a point, but as Chiro mentioned, and I always say it's like a miniature of society, every type of peoples are here, most of the time famous saints fails to change that mentality in real life, and it's just a game. Peoples won't change, if somebody is getting bullied most of random peoples will start to bully him more, instead showing bit sympathy to him, you'd say I extragating, but no, I grew up at pvp observing it, always, difference is I don't care for my kd, and do insta rush those bullier in case arena no matter who are they.

What a hero!

06-10-2013, 06:57 AM
@Cahaun- I'm not gonna even try to quote your post on this stupid app lol. I don't mean to troll, as I'm terrible, and everyone knows it. I'll try this again.

1) I didn't mean to "troll" as like I said, I'm a terrible troll and I bet one of the big Forumers will also agree with me;) I really don't take everything seriously either, as I skimmed through all three points. Pls excuse my laziness as I didn't fully understand the post. I believe that his own statement crashed on its self though, as he says that people who call people noobs are, indeed, noobs. He's calling the name-callers noobs, making him a "noob." As I don't mean to offend him, or you, I just believe that #1 wasn't very well thought out.

2) Again, pls don't take offense by this, but I believe that if I rush, and on some characters I do, I don't think that I should stop rushing just to help someone out who wants help. I believe that I am, like a lot of people say, an ***hole, because I don't really get much into helping people out. Someone asks me for a build, unless they're a close friend or a friendly forumer that I know, I'm definitely not going to give them my build. It's just like a race. You're in a big race, and you know you're the fastest one there. You see someone going pretty slow. Are you really gonna help them "go faster?" I know it may sound mean, but the "noobs" of Pvp need to, in a way, learn for themselves. Did all of the people from the start of PL get help? No. They learned for themselves, and sometimes, that's what it takes. I don't want to flame or anything, but I don't believe that I should stop what I'm doing because someone asks me to.

3) Scamming. Like I said, my laziness of skimming through the post made me misread that part, and I apologize. He says that most of us have scammed before though, who is he to judge everyone by saying that? The Internet is not all prancing unicorns and fairy dust, and people aren't always going to be nice. Either back away from it, or be swarmed in it. You can't change everyone.

"Preach more pls"

This is not one of those "cry moar plz you nub" posts. I now realize that it was indeed mean, but to an extent, it's partially true. Ya know how the people spell more and please wrong to make someone else mad, like "Cry moar pls?" I don't do that on purpose, I usually say pls. I didn't mean that post as a "troll," so don't think that.

Once again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'm also not the smartest person ever with the awesome-lengthy-iknowwhatimtalkingabout posts. If I don't make sense, it's probably either A) I don't exactly understand the post, or
B) Not the best with English.

I don't want to sound cocky, and if I do, I don't mean to.

As I'm FINALLY closing this statement, I don't want to cause flaming, and I don't want trolling because that wouldn't be good either.
It's all good (I understand about the forum app lol). I apologise for responding to your comments with the flames that were my own emotions, and I was already in a frustrated state during that time with STS and in real life so I accidentally let some of it slip into my response. It was also just the thought that a person would skim through a post that someone put the effort to make, and then just make a completely opposed response that made me a bit edgy. I was at the Battlelog forums, and it is simply chaotic and uncronstructive there because a huge majority of the people there are just acting like kids and are just trying to insult and bully anyone who has different opinions that they do. The comment just reminded me too much of the people there.

But let's forget all of this. I take no offense and I forgive you also. We may have different opinions and views, but it shouldn't keep us apart because of such.

Let's light up this pretty dark thread with a light-hearted picture :p

06-10-2013, 07:39 AM
Did the name come to you after listening to some Rolling Stones by any chamce?

06-10-2013, 08:17 AM
This thread getting 3 pages of comments is a direct indication of how bored everyone is.

06-10-2013, 08:21 AM
*drinks popcorn*

06-10-2013, 09:26 AM
this could probably be one of my favorite threads ever (besides the scatterbear guide, my deleted oyster class thread, and the how to look like a pimp guide). It's high drama at its best. OP comes on and rages and threatens to cyber bully if the cyber bullying doesn't stop. This leads, obviously, to more cyber bullying. The very thing he's here to stop (irony at it's best). it's like in hamlet when rosencrantz and guildenstern were carrying letters instructing people to kill hamlet but hamlet discovers them, rewrites them and rosencranztz and guildenstern were killed instead. Hoist by their own petard! The OP even sneaks in a quick beg for someone to buy him a guild! I think the OP must be a professional rassler with the mic drop. (the mic drop was a nice touch btw).

The OP, upon discovering the fact that he's become the very thing he's vilified seems like he wants to go samurai and fall on his own sword.

My favorite part is butthurt tho. Any thread with butthurt in it is bes.
Dis bes thread.

06-10-2013, 09:31 AM
Ha ha, u said butthurt too

06-10-2013, 11:59 AM
Weirdest guy i've seen on the forums so far. For sure!

06-10-2013, 12:05 PM
What did I just read?

06-10-2013, 12:11 PM
What did I just read?

A thread, nowadays.