View Full Version : Reun's Level 50 Death Bear Guide!

06-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Hello! This is my level 50 death bear guide! Please note that death is not the only gear that you can use for my guide, as there are many other good options for gear.

I. Gear
II. Skills and Attributes
III. Combo

I. Gear

Now, my personal favorite gear to use is the sentinel set. There are 3 sentinel sets: the shot gun set, the talon and wing set, and the slicer set. In my opinion, the shot gun set and the talon and wing set are the best in PvP.

Loadout 1: Shotgun
This loadout consists of the sentinel shot gun set: Sentinel's Helmet of Death, Sentinel's Shotgun of Death, Sentinel's Armor of Death. This set costs around 1 million to 1.3 million. I like this set because of 13 meter range.
Loadout 2: Talon
This loadout consists of the sentinel talon and wing set: Sentinel's Helmet of Death, Sentinel's Talon of Death, Sentinel's Armor of Death, Sentinel's Wing of Death. This set costs around 1 million to 1.3 million. I like this set because of the higher armor and dodge it gives than the shotgun set. This set does not give a lot of skill damage, but it gives a lot of DPS (damage per second). This set is good if you like to use auto a lot.
Loadout 3: Rift
This loadout is optional. If you are going pure dex (read Skills and Attributes) you can ignore this loadout. This loadout consists of the rift set: Overlord's Helmet of the Rift, Sunblessed Scimitar of the Rift, Power Armor of the Rift, Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift. This set is good because of high armor and health, which means this is very good if you like to tank. This set does not have any dodge, but that is okay because the high armor and health makes up for it. This set can be bought from 60k to 80k. Since this is a death bear guide, I will not be talking about this set that much.

Loadout 3: (Pure dex loadout) Cyber Void
This loadout is if you are pure dex. This loadout consists of the cyber gun set: Cyber Helmet of the Void, Cyber Gun of the Void, Cyber Armor of the Void. This set is a good alternative if you are on a budget and cannot afford the sentinel shotgun set. This set cannot be bought, but can be farmed in Alien Oasis III. You can get the quest if you are level 50 or higher from a shadow guy in Crush the Keeper.

Loadout 4: Void
This loadout consists of the void set: Jacob's Helmet of the Void, Mega Blaster of the Void, Wraith Armor of the Void. This set is a good substitute if you are not rich enough to buy Sentinel. This set costs around 80-100k.

II. Skills and Attributes

So, for the build. I have 2 builds that I personally like using: The first being:
6 Rage
6 Iron Blood
6 Evade
1 Super Mega Slash
1 Crippling Slash
1 Vengeful Slash
6 Hell Scream
6 Crushing Blow
5 Beckon
5 Stomp

The second:
6 Rage
6 Iron Blood
6 Evade
1 Super Mega Slash
1 Vengeful Slash
6 Hell Scream
6 Crushing Blow
5 Beckon
6 Stomp

There are 2 ways to distribute your attribute points: The first way being pure dex, and the second way being 115 strength and the rest dex. So, why 115 strength and the rest dex? 115 strength allows you to use the rift set, a very good set to use at this level. This set doesn't give any dodge, but it makes up for it because of the massive health and armor. The 115 strength also gives you a little dodge, which is very crucial at this level. Pure dex is to give you more damage as well as hit, but only allows you to use Sentinel/Cyber Void/Void. I personally like using pure dex, as I don't use rift as much because I think sentinel is better.

III. Combo

There are many different ways to defeat others, so here are my ways. First of all, the campaign Tiny Tombs and Rockwall Forts are your friends. Why? They have a lot of walls, making it easy to trap the opponent and nuke them.

Vs. Dex Bears
These bears (like you) rely on damage to kill you. For these types of bears, I would personally use the sentinel shotgun set. What I would do is kite at 13 or 14 meter and try to trick them into thinking that you are in 12 meter, so they will miss beckon. If you do accidentally step into 12 meter, try to trap them if they haven't trapped you yet. To do this, use beckon, hell scream, crushing blow, stomp, super mega slash, vengeful slash, and crippling slash (if you have it) all to a wall or tree. Once they are trapped, you most likely will win as most dex bears are very squishy. If you do get trapped, then try to stomp, super mega slash so that the opponent will be very far away from you.
Taunt x2 (taunt stacks), Evade, Iron Blood, Rage, Beckon, Hell Scream, Crushing Blow, Stomp, Super Mega Slash, Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash

Vs. Strength Bears
These bears are very tough to defeat. These bears rely on surviving and dodging (if royal sewer/fury fighter bear) to win. There is actually a very good method to defeating these type of bears. It is called the "late rage" method. What is this so called method? It is to not use rage in the beginning of the battle, but after the opponent's armor and dodge buff runs out. Sentinel talon or shotgun works, but I would use talon because I would prefer to survive after the opponent's dodge and armor buff runs out. How do you tell when they run out? Well, in my opinion, the easiest way is to let the opponent buff first and then you buff quickly after. Then, once your dodge and armor buff runs out, it should run out about the same time their buff runs out and you can then proceed to use rage. The bear will try to run away to wait for their buff to be used, so before they get out of range, use rage, beckon, stomp, super mega slash to a wall and trap them. This way you can nuke them and they will soon be dead (if you aren't yet).
Taunt x2 (taunt stacks), Evade, Iron Blood, Beckon, Hell Scream, Crushing Blow, Super Mega Slash, Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash, Rage (whenever the opponent's armor and dodge buffs run out).

Vs. Shotgun Mages/Shadow Mages
There are two different types of mages: kite mages, and nuke mages. Vs. any kind of mage I prefer to use sentinel talon set. You need the armor and dodge, and it is okay to sacrifice a little skill damage. A kite mage will most likely use fire first so either:
A. Great! You dodged fire! Try to beckon, hell scream, crushing blow, stomp, super mega slash, vengeful slash, crippling slash them to a wall. They will most likely run out of mana, so keep them there and proceed to nuke them.

B. Fire hits, but you are still in range! Proceed to do the normal combo. Nuke them until they die.

C. Fire hits, and you are out of range! :( Close in on them and try to trap them. Do not let them kite you, so once they step into 12 meter range to use their skills, do the combo really fast to a wall or tree to nuke them hard.

Be a gentlebear. Ladies first, like they say. Let them use fire first, and then either A, B, or C will happen. You do not want to waste a beckon.

Nuke mages are a bit tougher. They will get very close and most likely will use frost, fire, drain, light very quickly. They want to try to kill you quickly, so do the same to them. Nuke them quickly. It doesn't matter if to a wall or tree, just nuke them. Do the combo very quickly, and if you didn't nuke them to a wall, make sure they fly by using stomp, super mega slash. That way you can wait for the cool down on your skills.
Combo: Taunt x2 (taunt stacks), Evade, Iron Blood, Rage, Beckon, Hell Scream, Crushing Blow, Stomp, Super Mega Slash, Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash

Vs. your hardest hardest enemy: Birds.

These guys are deadly. Especially the shotgun birds. Use the sentinel talon set, because they hit hard. Very hard. Nuke these guys very quickly to a wall or tree. These guys are very unpredictable, but their deadliest weapon usually always go first: blind. This is why I went pure dex: that extra hit helps. These birds are squishy, so pray that you hit most of your skills and they don't dodge most of your skills. If you hit your skills, then most likely you will win. You might also want to watch out for thorn root and thorn wall, as they will do a big impact on the fight, too. So to summarize, nuke like a maniac, pray that you hit most, pray that they don't dodge much. It is mostly luck in a dex bear vs. a dex bird fight.
Combo: Taunt x2 (taunt stacks), Evade, Iron Blood, Rage, Beckon, Hell Scream, Crushing Blow, Stomp, Super Mega Slash, Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash

Vs. any foxes
Dex foxes destroy dex bears, in my opinion. Why? You can't kite, you have low armor, and dex foxes hit hard. I'm not saying a dex bear cannot destroy a fox, I'm saying they are hard to beat. Use the normal combo and trap them. Strength foxes are like war birds, the late rage method might help.

Vs. any rhinos
To be honest, I haven't seen many good rhinos at this level so I can't really tell you any good against level 50/51 rhinos, sorry :/

Special Thanks to:
Protukura (Gnomecide)
Yumalicious (Jake)
Isuckhard (Trenton)
Legalities (BlueSkied)

I hope this guide inspires many to make a level 50 death bear. If you have any comments or constructive criticism, then please post below.

-Lqser (Reun)

06-10-2013, 07:27 AM
Thats My Bro!

06-10-2013, 07:30 AM
Gj potato! Btw, shotgun is 14m? Thought it was 13m :/

06-10-2013, 07:31 AM

06-10-2013, 07:33 AM
Gj potato! Btw, shotgun is 14m? Thought it was 13m :/
I am 99% sure it is 14, as I have tried with a level 10 crossbow (lol) with 13m range and used the shotgun and it had a longer range.

06-10-2013, 07:39 AM
Gj potato! Btw, shotgun is 14m? Thought it was 13m :/
I am 99% sure it is 14, as I have tried with a level 10 crossbow (lol) with 13m range and used the shotgun and it had a longer range.
Guess I have to check up ranges.
Always thought
Bow: 8m
Crossbow: 12m
Shotgun/gun: 13m

06-10-2013, 07:43 AM
I am 99% sure it is 14, as I have tried with a level 10 crossbow (lol) with 13m range and used the shotgun and it had a longer range.

You're mistaken, it is 13m. I am 100% sure of that. But that difference is not important since the knowledge of range in the arena itself comes from common sense and experience and endless practicing. I am able to keep my opponent in 14m most of the time but it's the tactic moving forward of the range that matters.

Besides beckon does hit in 13m cause of the "chasing glitch" which adds range. I recommend you edit that to 14m, but once again words cannot describe common sense.

06-10-2013, 07:49 AM
Guess I have to check up ranges.
Always thought
Bow: 8m
Crossbow: 12m
Shotgun/gun: 13m
Guns do not differ from crossbows, both 13m
And a longbow's range is 10m.

06-10-2013, 08:35 AM
Good effort but I would change a few things:

1. Rift DOES offer dodge. At 14, it is only 3 less than a Death set.
2. I would include pictures as some people are visual and it allows others to compare their build to yours. (For example, comparing armor, hit%, base damage, skill damage, etc.)
3. Cyber gear pieces are granted through a series of four quests. Quests are received from the stationary shadow found in the area where the continuously spawning shadows are found in the "Crush the Keeper" map of AO3.
4. If this guide is strictly for "Death Bears," I would edit out the other sets as you are giving advice strictly for this class.

Other than that, nice job.

06-10-2013, 08:46 AM
Good effort but I would change a few things:

1. Rift DOES offer dodge. At 14, it is only 3 less than a Death set.
2. I would include pictures as some people are visual and it allows others to compare their build to yours. (For example, comparing armor, hit%, base damage, skill damage, etc.)
3. Cyber gear pieces are granted through a series of four quests. Quests are received from the stationary shadow found in the area where the continuously spawning shadows are found in the "Crush the Keeper" map of AO3.
4. If this guide is strictly for "Death Bears," I would edit out the other sets as you are giving advice strictly for this class.

Other than that, nice job.
Thanks for the advice, I will try to add pics. I cannot right now since I'm running late

06-10-2013, 09:20 AM
How do u test range?

06-10-2013, 10:20 AM
Geez people..

Crossbows/Guns(not blunderbuss!): 13m
All bows/recurves/talons: 10m

Wands and staffs have 8-10m range its kinda random.
Melee weapons have 3-4m range.

There is no weapon with 12m range ingame.

Also, as some others mentioned, range is off by a +/- a few meters when u chase/run away.

I thought most of this is common knowledge by now. :disillusionment:

06-10-2013, 10:48 AM
Pretty good job, but don't late rage against foxes. You'll just end up dying and raging.

06-10-2013, 10:56 AM
Nice :)

06-10-2013, 03:06 PM
Nice, Reun!:) Pls add pictures cuz I iz visual<3 But other than that, it's great! :D

06-10-2013, 07:21 PM
Didn't I tell you?

06-10-2013, 08:45 PM
Didn't I tell you?

You said you wouldn't tell me but told Overkill.

06-10-2013, 09:28 PM
You said you wouldn't tell me but told Overkill.

I remember telling you and Over.
You would of done a better job then me anyways.

06-10-2013, 10:04 PM
Added picts for visual learners!

06-11-2013, 12:05 AM
Nao is bes guide. :3 And if you'd like to test anything with a rhino, I'll be happy to help. Add iBesRhino and we can battle :D

06-11-2013, 12:16 AM
Pro guide.

06-12-2013, 03:01 AM
Trenton, when can we practice?

06-12-2013, 08:57 AM
Trenton, when can we practice?

I beat Trenton's rhino 6-0.

06-12-2013, 04:26 PM
If you want to, we can still practice, but Internal did beat me pretty hard:/

06-12-2013, 09:53 PM
If you want to, we can still practice, but Internal did beat me pretty hard:/

To bad I lost to your bird 7-2.
You said every time you were lower than 1/4?

06-12-2013, 10:32 PM
To bad I lost to your bird 7-2.
You said every time you were lower than 1/4?

Gotta out smart the repulse. Also, a lot of birds will root you and back up to kite. Save your stomp to get out of the roots.

06-12-2013, 10:33 PM
Gotta out smart the repulse. Also, a lot of birds will root you and back up to kite. Save your stomp to get out of the roots.

Almost all of the of the fights were pretty quick.
Not very long.
Most likely going to go to 51 with a friend.

06-12-2013, 10:35 PM
Gotta out smart the repulse. Also, a lot of birds will root you and back up to kite. Save your stomp to get out of the roots.

Almost all of the of the fights were pretty quick.
Not very long.
Most likely going to go to 51 with a friend.
If you do, look up noodlelegs 51 funky bear guide :D
Unfortunately, he doesnt give out skill builds but everything else :)

06-12-2013, 10:36 PM
If you do, look up noodlelegs 51 funky bear guide :D
Unfortunately, he doesnt give out skill builds but everything else :)

We had a brief conversation about it.
Shall I post a 51 halp thread?

06-13-2013, 02:26 AM
We had a brief conversation about it.
Shall I post a 51 halp thread?
PM or talk in game pls.

06-13-2013, 08:19 AM
Almost all of the of the fights were pretty quick.
Not very long.
Most likely going to go to 51 with a friend.

If you were using that talon set, the fights will be fast. Either kill or be killed. Those dex sets are squishy, and why most of us recommend Rift.

06-13-2013, 09:19 PM
:( Looks like I only like talon set

06-15-2013, 07:21 PM
Reun still destroys me, I CAN'T kite him lol>.> I'm jus so bad

06-15-2013, 09:40 PM
You can kite, it's just that my beckon + hs stuns you so bad.

06-15-2013, 09:41 PM
You can kite, it's just that my beckon + hs stuns you so bad.

I miss my beckon and CB at 12m.

06-15-2013, 09:43 PM
Dat 12 meter cb was so funny.

06-15-2013, 09:44 PM
Dat 12 meter cb was so funny.

No one wonder why I lose..

06-15-2013, 09:50 PM
You're not bad, but just try to cb closer :)