View Full Version : In game reputation system

06-10-2013, 10:48 AM
So one of the continual plagues of AL is the constant begging and scamming from so many players. Beyond scamming there is also all sorts of levels of dishonesty among players, from lying about auction prices to not helping in pick up groups. It can be quite disheartening.

But this is what online reputation systems were developed for. A simple point-based system would dramatically increase the penalty for dishonest behavior as the bad reputation would follow the player around (even by account so players can't make throwaway scam toons). It would also reduce the burden on sts to monitor and punish scammers by giving a great self-policing tool to the community.

I hope this will be considered to strengthen the game in the long run.

06-10-2013, 11:00 AM
It's possible for someone to give a false reputation against player(s) depending on his reasons?

Scamming, begging, dishonesty, etc. can be avoided. A reputation system won't solve the problems if one let himself a victim from these.

This is a very big NO for me.

06-10-2013, 11:06 AM
As much as I like the concept, the actual implementation will turn into a popularity contest (at best) or a smear campaign (at worst).

The best solution has already been implemented in the form of Friends list and Guilds. A reputation system is too difficult to administer, because you would need an objective 3rd party (namely Devs or Moderators) to be effective, and STS does not have the resources to do this.

06-11-2013, 05:09 AM
Well people can be famous or Notoriuos lmao...
We can have a Biggest beggars achievers too lol

06-11-2013, 03:58 PM
I kinda imagine it like this:

Guy A: Hey, you said the AH price is 1,9k, but in fcat it is 2k! - Brb on all my toons to give you -1

Guy B: -1 for writing "fact" wrong.

06-11-2013, 08:37 PM
I'm all out of thanks for today :(
stop goin' at this pace, doc.

06-12-2013, 12:04 AM
Plus it can turn out like this:

Player A: Give me gold and pinks or i give u -1

Player B: :(

06-12-2013, 06:28 AM
Or it could be other scenarios


If you want to be recruiter/officer in the guild, +1 to me (or on a monthly basis); if u want to continue to stay as officer/recruiter, +1 to me.
I will sell my +1 to you for xxxx gold.
Why you open crates? Everyone! -1 to that person!

This system is similar to maple story where fame is given out. Can either fame or defame people.

There are ways to work things out though. One idea will be to have everyone start off as 1 point. Daily login consecutively will increase that fame by 1. If you miss one day, it will reset. If you have been muted, minus points done by the system.