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View Full Version : bug: boot target_name...displayed on screen after typing / into chat

04-29-2010, 03:19 AM
I was typing in chat to someone and accidentally typed /) instead of the : )

I got this text on the screen

boot target_name
tell who message

So, I tried typing just a slash / and you get the same thing

this allows me to manually type

/boot playername
displays "You are not the host of this game"

displays "you have no respec available"

/tell playername Hello!

*interesting note about the TELL command - I was able to send a message to my other char that was not online. I imagine then that I could send a msg to any player online or offline. And if online, I wouldn't have to be on their map?

I am guessing we probably shouldn't be seeing this :) Don't want people trying to mess around with commands


04-29-2010, 07:45 AM
Nothing secret about them... they just do things you can do elsewhere from the ui.

/tell saying you sent a message when that character is offline will be fixed in today's update.

04-29-2010, 09:09 AM
Those are slash commands. All slash commands listed are the ones you have access to.

Typing /, /help, or /<invalid command> will list them. Invoking the command will either perform it, or let you know how to correctly use it.


04-29-2010, 10:54 AM
Cool. Thanks.