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View Full Version : How about a PvP/CTF contest?

06-11-2013, 01:18 AM
We had a nice PvE timed run contest with some excellent prizes. Now how about a CTF tournament?

It can be in the form of a tournament where maybe 32 teams (5 players per team) enter and face off against each other. Whichever team scores 5 goals first advances to the next bracket where they face the winner of another game. Eventually there will be 2 teams standing and whichever team wins that game will win the tournament.

The 5 players on the winning team will all receive some sort of banner (maybe another contest to create this banner?), and maybe a mythic item of some sort will be awarded to each of them as well. Maybe the runner up team would also get banners.

Then you could also keep a leaderboard of whichever individual players lead the entire tournament in flags and kills, and you could give rewards for the top 10 in each of those categories. Of course, if your team is eliminated early you probably will not end up in the top 10 of either of those categories, so the first priority is to win so your team advances.

This tournament could also have brackets for each group of levels. So maybe levels 10-16, 17-21, 22-26 & 27-31 could make up 4 different brackets, so this way players of all levels can be involved.

I think this would be a great idea as it would encourage team play for the first time -- this is something that should be encouraged, but the current leaderboards do not give any rewards for good teamwork, only for individual play.

I realize there are some logistical problems with such a tournament, such as what if a player from one team is a no show, or how do you manage to get everyone together at the same time. So maybe this tournament would have to last a period of a couple of weeks to get everything done properly. But I think it would be loads of fun.

Please make this happen STS!!

06-11-2013, 04:51 AM
I like the sound of this, except the level difference of each team is too high and unfortunately there is no way of getting around it. :/
One average level 16 could take on a team of 5 GOOD lvl 10's.

06-11-2013, 05:25 AM
Yeah, unfortunately you can't have a different tournament for each level as there wouldn't be enough players, so best to just choose the cap levels of each campaign as the starting points (16, 21, 26, 31). That is where the elite gear is, so that is where the brackets should be.

06-12-2013, 07:45 AM
Yes 16,21,26,31!

06-12-2013, 08:51 AM
Sounds like a recipe for a sausage fest with teams of 5 Warriors dominating.

I would like to see new contests besides timed runs, because it seems like the same group of players are dominating these types of timed events.

Perhaps something like a timed run with the new Gladiator Arena would be better because:

1) If you die, you have to sit out until the next boss enters, which severely handicaps your team
2) It favors balanced teams - not just Rogue parties

Maybe a Gladiator style run where pots cannot be used would be best because it requires effective Tanks, high-damage Rogues and great support & crowd control from Sorcerers.

06-12-2013, 11:10 AM
Always thinking and coming up with great suggestions, keep up the thoughtful suggestions Energizer! I think my favorite of your suggestions so far (not to move the thread elsewhere) is the pure-pure timed runs - no hp or mana pots. That sounds like a great challenge! Unfortunately I've gotten so used to clicking hp and mana pots that I'm sure I would mess up the runs by doing it by habit lol

06-12-2013, 11:13 AM
Bet, +1 here

06-12-2013, 12:20 PM
Yay 16 is included too!

06-12-2013, 02:04 PM
Sounds like a recipe for a sausage fest with teams of 5 Warriors dominating.

Remember that the goal of this contest would be to get to 5 flags first, not to get the most kills. In order to do that, the best strategy will involve splitting up your team and going in different directions. Some players would stay to guard the flag, while others would go out to get the flag.

In my experience, 5 warriors are only great when they stick together in a group. Once they wander off individually they are game. Yes, if they stick together they cannot be taken down, but they will lose the game.

06-12-2013, 02:08 PM
We don't currently have in game systems to match teams. Without such, running a CTF tournament is somewhat problematic, notwithstanding different time zones and getting organized teams online at the same time.

06-12-2013, 02:11 PM
ANOTHER GREAT Idea by Energizeric! I would love to see STS add this as they have been stepping up their game lately with support and all these contests they have done, but sadly I highly doubt they will add this as it would require different level brackets which would be so much harder for STS to do. If this does become reality, it would most likely be for end-game only. Great idea overall though! :)
EDIT: ( This was written before I saw Sam's post. )

06-12-2013, 07:21 PM
Remember that the goal of this contest would be to get to 5 flags first, not to get the most kills. In order to do that, the best strategy will involve splitting up your team and going in different directions. Some players would stay to guard the flag, while others would go out to get the flag.

In my experience, 5 warriors are only great when they stick together in a group. Once they wander off individually they are game. Yes, if they stick together they cannot be taken down, but they will lose the game.

You are correct, solo Warriors are dead meat, but in groups of two or more, they are effectively invincible. The problem is that when you have a group of Warriors, they usually stick together because they know that the wolf-pack method is incredibly effective.

This is one of those times when a well balanced team would be most effective. Sorcs for crowd control and stunning, Rogues for kills, Warriors for tanking and flagging.

Come on Sam, put in a good word for us and ask for the ability to host private CTF matches (pretty please).

06-13-2013, 12:45 AM

06-15-2013, 06:07 PM
We don't currently have in game systems to match teams. Without such, running a CTF tournament is somewhat problematic, notwithstanding different time zones and getting organized teams online at the same time.

I realize there is no such system currently in place. Maybe something to think about for the future...

As for time zones and schedules, I'm sure we could work that out. Yes, it would be difficult to have a tournament in a single day or even a single weekend. But we could run it over the period of a couple of weeks, or even a month if necessary. I think it would be tons of fun.

06-16-2013, 06:11 AM
CTF tournaments is a good idea, but it will be great problem as sir Sam has said earlier, but thinking of tournament, I've got a brilliant idea:
Why don't think we should have guild wars, battles between guilds, the match will go like this:
Each guild will choose 5 best members & will fight with other guild, the winning guild will get specific points, & it will increase higher & higher if the guild wins again & again & will go lower & lower if the guild loses,(like wining 1 match=+3points losing 1 match=-2 points), the leadership board will show which have the highest points from this competition with how many wins & loses, after a few weeks, end of competition,
1st: Guild with Highest Wining points, will get 1hr full elixir for every member for 1 week every day, or, +15 platinum each member of the guild.
2nd: Guild with 2nd Highest points will get 30min full elixir for every member for 1 week every day, or, +10 platinum for each member in the guild
3rd: Guild with 3rd Highest points will get 15min full elixir for every member for 1 week every day, or, +5 platinum for each member in the guild
This is my idea, tell me how u feel bout it.