View Full Version : Freeze on Pet Level

06-11-2013, 09:24 AM
This has gone from annoying to costly since it is killing my sorcerer since when ever I level up, my pet levels up right behind me, screen freezes for a 'YAY MOMENT', and I die from a pummel of damage. Anyway to turn this off?

06-11-2013, 09:33 AM
LMAO@YAY Moment, It's been awhile since I had this problem since all pets in my rotation are 30+. I can say that every time to cap goes up and it becomes "Tomb grinding" time a pet leveling up can sometimes lead to death because of this..

06-11-2013, 10:01 AM
i agree 100%. But it doesn't involve opening crates so it will get fixed as fast as boss red zone cones bug, the targeting system not working properly, implementing pve/pvp loadouts (which include diff skill setups), revapping the party system, getting us a revive skill, etc.

06-11-2013, 10:06 AM
LMAO HillZ, idk what time zone you're in but where I am it's too early to go that hard. (+1 btw) (:

06-11-2013, 10:06 AM
i agree 100%. But it doesn't involve opening crates so it will get fixed as fast as boss red zone cones bug, the targeting system not working properly, implementing pve/pvp loadouts (which include diff skill setups), revapping the party system, getting us a revive skill, etc.

True, and worse, this could lead to more money, since a death could equal a death revive with plat. Foiled again!

06-11-2013, 10:19 AM
lol. i didn't mean to come off as being hard. when AL first came out they spent some time on doing refinements, balancing classes etc, To me it seems like that period is over, they have their player base built up and now the focus is on turning a profit. We can see this with every weekend becoming some kind of special event. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm all for STS raking in piles of money. I just wish they would take some time away from making the next item to go in the crates/planning the next weekend event and fix some of these problems that are in the game. Some of which (targeting system, party system, bosses not working correctly) are pretty major. Some of the others (revive subskill, pve/pvp loadouts) would really improve the game.

06-11-2013, 10:28 AM
Long known issue. I agree it's annoying. I'll comment on the bug again.

06-11-2013, 01:44 PM
Long known issue. I agree it's annoying. I'll comment on the bug again.

that only brings the question why is it not fixed then already? sorry if it sounded bad but i always think that when i see "its long known issue".

11-30-2013, 02:23 PM
So we have double xp this weekend. For me it means to lvl up pets, and THIS is still persisting.

Its really annoying especialy when i run with low lvl pet in high lvl maps, they get a lot of xp, so they r leveling like every minute, and that means freezing every minute, joystick stuck every minute, and more other very annoying things happening.

So please fix it!