View Full Version : <High Powered> Guild Bio, Rules, and how to join! :)

06-12-2013, 12:55 AM

Welcome to High Powered's bio page
Here's a bit about us:

What we're about:

We're a lv 26+ guild....
Twinks are allowed with good pvp ratios

We're a very large and social guild with over a thousand members most of which are lv 30+.

We like to farm, we like to play, we like to pvp, we like to quest, we like to just have fun!!!

If your looking for a group for ANYTHING it's usually not a problem here... (well except for skull cove and grimr elite j/k... somebody will probably still help ya, lol)

We're known to have a lot of free give aways, and occasional contests.

We're a very chatty group so if you're not social, or annoyed by guild chat, then this may not be the place for you...
however if your looking for a large entended family then this may be home!

Our members are from all over the world and we welcome ppl from all cultures and backgrounds... just be respectful of each other and we'll all get along just fine. :-)

Who we are:

Guild master : Habekaoetasa

Officers: Bellaelda (me, hehe ), Jaqualina, Kaukis, Kjalisi, Noobiam, Smeex, Thorthunderer, Deformz, Leanegib, Ttiimmmmyy, Catibriewolf, and Iamimmortal... along with a bunch of their alts I'm not listing here :-)

Recruiters: are promoted at lv 30+ ... I love you guys, but I'm too lazy to list you here!

*officers are voted in by the current officers monthly... for being helpful and active and the guild helps us determine who that has been

Guild Rules:

1) No scamming!

2) Be respectful of others (both IN! and out of guild, no punks plz... occasional smack talking ok, but we're all here to have fun and when it's not fun anymore that's a problem, lol)

3) Selling in guild chat is only allowed at a discount... if you want top dollar then please list it in auction (we like to help each other out here)

4) Try to watch your language (we know that ppl occasionally slip up, but try to keep it clean)

We are lv 26+ and we do allow twinks in with good pvp ratio!

If your interested in joining HP please just add me or any the other officers (or ask one of the guildies walking around) and we'll get ya in!

06-12-2013, 08:14 PM
Nice post Bella this sums us up pretty nicely!

Look forward to hearing from you soon to be members out there :)


06-13-2013, 10:21 AM
Hello peeps!

I'm a recruiter in this awesome, lovely guild (which is ((by the by)) in the top 10 of all guilds in Arcane Legends woot!)

Indeed a wicked post Bella (and of course you don't have to list all the recruiters here lol -> so love ya too ;)

Hope to be meeting you guys (all of you who are looking for a ((new)) guild) out there and have a great and of course epic time together!
You are all more then welcome to walk up to me and ask me about High Powered or just to chat! And I'll be happy to invite you to my guild, which i so love!

Take care,

06-17-2013, 07:50 AM
HIGH POWERED at top 10! Congrats Guildies. :)

Missing you all. :)

06-18-2013, 04:09 PM
Woot! Congrats to all u guildies out there for getting us top 10! Love u guys

07-10-2013, 12:30 PM
#1 here we come!

07-12-2013, 07:58 AM
Any HP members interested to be my partner for the 2v2 PVP Tournament? :)

check thread:


07-14-2013, 11:49 PM
Hi all.
I was wondering if I could join high powered ^.^ I'm lvl 30 my name is Tiarne in the game. Would mean alot ^.^

08-09-2013, 10:36 AM
New requrement- only players 30+ or twinks with good pvp 15+
New Officers: Osahete, Hothotty & Bonhart(me ;))

If u want to know something more about us, watch the movie!

08-30-2013, 07:05 AM
il like to join but im lvl 26+

08-30-2013, 09:58 AM
il like to join but im lvl 26+
Necro....and anyways we're lvl 30+ now. Unless you're a lvl 15+ twink with a good KDR.