View Full Version : Campaign and Adventure Sorting

04-29-2010, 04:11 AM
holy mother of painful sorting...

only show townes is great... except when i uncheck it, theres still a TON of townes out there cluttering up my hunt.

that checkbox should be a toggle, finding an adventure shouldnt continue to require digging thru level 30 townes.

I can sort by Campaign, but not Level AND Campaign. need this.

Balefort//Dark Forest/Fathom/Forest Haven/Lost Expedition is not the correct Order. Buggy.

and lastly(for now)

Defaults. Remember what I selected!!! give me a clear button and keep whats up or setup a default search on a setting screen.

04-29-2010, 09:13 AM
Ideally, you should never have to search for a game. Hitting quick play should put you in the least completed available dungeon suitable for your level.

However, if you are looking for a specific dungeon, some of the features you mentioned would be nice.


04-29-2010, 11:00 AM
Ideally, you should never have to search for a game. Hitting quick play should put you in the least completed available dungeon suitable for your level.

However, if you are looking for a specific dungeon, some of the features you mentioned would be nice.


Ideally yes but Quick Play doesn't work if your char has gone and completed every level in the game. It just tells you there are no games available to join. It used to work for me on each char but then stopped after those characters had completed all the levels.

EDIT: Well, hmm, guess I was wrong. It actually worked for me today but kept putting me in the same game. Every other time I have ever used it it told me there were no games to join.