View Full Version : This is how I felt as a Mage right now.

06-13-2013, 09:03 AM

So basically, I have been playing as a Mage since the beginning of 2012. Back then I don't care all about skill at all, I merely chose this to spam my skills until somebody yelled at me to heal/rez him. I used to spam my skills so much, people for some reason called me a pro for doing that.

Then Humania came, and I still continued to spam my skills. People continued to call on me as a currently pro mage in their runs. But over time, I have changed.... for better or for worse.

And now.... I play my mage in an "anti-spam" manner. I line up debuffs before I dish out my DPS. And so far, I no longer spam-heal all over, and I clicked the Rez skill whenever I hear a death scream. Playing as a Mage constantly has become so repetitive that it gets old slowly but steadily. I focus on utilizing my skill delays to my advantage, and constantly rely on thrashers to clear runs in the fastest way possible. I'm not sure if I'm addicted to the elixirs, or has it been that the current generation of endgame farmers are horrible, I wouldn't know.

So in the end, I'm bored of any campaigns I do even when playing with an alt. Farming has become so repetitive for me that I prefer only to farm Elite runs or Eruption Runs. Merching becomes a chore which must be done everyday to secure my income. Chatting though, gives me the only way to relieve some steam. When originally I would not even bother to chat with anybody at all, at present I'm dishing out opinions to others. I had my relationship with some guilds soured because of my pessimistic attitude towards endgame nowadays. Heck, I would reckon <Wolfs Pack> are probably plotting to hunt me for aiding a rusher to prevent a 3v1 teaming.

Oh wells. That's pretty much all I would say today. I'm bored and angry about Chrome not giving me my daily dose of PL, bored of even the drama in PvP and PvE. Slowly, I thought to myself, what exactly could make me better in a moral sense? And when I do follow my morals, was it worth it?

06-13-2013, 10:07 AM
It is always worth it to follow your morals. ALWAYS.

My first question is: Have you tried other classes? If the answer is no, this would be my first recommendation. Get away from what you know and challenge yourself. If the answer is yes, have you tried "different" builds (i.e. Int bear/bird, Warbird, Fox/rhino). Sometimes playing with other builds will give you another favorite OR it will help you fall back in love with your mage.

Also, it looks like merching is draining you. I hate merching. Despise it. I earn ALL of my gold farming gear and selling it. There has only been one time in my PL career I went an extended amount of time above ONE gold cap. Now, I have so many toons that I do good to stay above 500k at any point. But you know what, that is fine with me. All of my current toons are suited with awesome gear and many of them have multiple sets. I still get stoked when I see pink because I then start working towards a new toon.

I have been through stages where I am in the same boat as you. Sometimes I take a step back and decrease my playing time. Sometimes I twink PvP. You gotta find that happy medium and use the forums for inspiration. Read new guides and experiment. You will be surprised what is out there for ya. ;)