View Full Version : My honest opinion.

06-13-2013, 02:57 PM
The purpose of making this thread is just to show some appreciation and respect, to some of the forum members who really deserve it. I'll name a few that in my honest opinion are the people who made STS games a lot easier for us and they really helped this community:

- Gluttony : I have seen a lot of his/her threads, and I must say... they are AMAZING! He/she must have put an amazing effort in making them and I'm very grateful for that.

- Apollo : Without a doubt the most mature forum member. I must admit that I have the biggest respect for him, because his posts are honest and his reputation bar should be increased to like 20 bars! He's like an unofficial DEV, he always has the best info and he will try to help you in any way he can.

- Chickenrunnn : I really like his 2 guides:

The Promo Codes List for PL (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?67928-GUIDE-Promo-Codes-LIST!)
The Official DEVs profile place (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?52451-D-THE-official-Devs-Profiles-Place-!-D)

If you play PL these guides are like the biggest gift you can get ;)

- Zaonabiuibil : A guy who always knows what's up... You can learn great things by looking at his threads(I must add that they contain a lot of useful info). He's one of the Elite forumers, that have been here from day 1 and know how the STS function. He's like a pro in all STS games and you should learn from him!

There are a lot more forum members who had contributed to the forums and other players. I'm not saying that their contribution to the forums and games is less valuable... It's just that these people(Gluttony,Apollo,Chickenrunnn,Zaonabiuibil.. .) are the first thing that comes to mind when in need of help and other things. I love how the STS forums function and it's amazing to have the best community of all other MMORPG games. And for that I'm grateful to all the forumers for making the forums a better place! :D

And last but certainly not least, the DEVs! Without them all of this wouldn't be even possible, I admire their effort and the fact that they put their heart and soul in all STS games... And that, at the end of the day is what keeps the STS running. I wish that all the forumers have fun, and please respect the effort that these people have made for the last 8 years of STS existence.

06-13-2013, 03:00 PM
Sts has been around for 8 years O.o I didn't even know :/

06-13-2013, 05:03 PM
Sts has been around for 8 years O.o I didn't even know :/

Yes, StS has been founded in 2005 - they planned something like SL back then.

06-13-2013, 05:13 PM
Heyo, Shone :),

I must say, thank you for the praise! It did make my day to see that somebody appreciates my efforts. Heck, that's the reason why I try in the first place. Now for some modesty, shall we? Honestly, in my opinion, I believe that some of the more mature forumers are Crimsontider, JaytB, Energizeric, and many many others. I do realize my own flaws and often realize that I lash out at times where I could avoid it. That being said, you did put a smile on my face so thank you!

*looks down at the mess of papers on desk* -> *smile shrinks*

Now I have some studying for college finals to do! Three in one day...ouch! :/

06-14-2013, 11:34 AM
Thanks Apollo, I know that there are a lot more forumers who deserve more respect... it's just that the forum members I have mentioned above are the first people I think about when I'm in need of help or anything else... ;)

06-14-2013, 11:44 AM
Heyo, Shone :),

I must say, thank you for the praise! It did make my day to see that somebody appreciates my efforts. Heck, that's the reason why I try in the first place. Now for some modesty, shall we? Honestly, in my opinion, I believe that some of the more mature forumers are Crimsontider, JaytB, Energizeric, and many many others. I do realize my own flaws and often realize that I lash out at times where I could avoid it. That being said, you did put a smile on my face so thank you!

*looks down at the mess of papers on desk* -> *smile shrinks*

Now I have some studying for college finals to do! Three in one day...ouch! :/

Ew, studying... ;) Bring honor to your family xD!

But I was here about the op.... Where's Dudetus ;)?