View Full Version : What is the role of a Mage in a party in wt4 ?

06-16-2013, 04:01 AM
Hi... Just like to find out what role a Mage do in wt4 ...
And maybe can tell me a warrior role also....
And the healing part ? As I see every time I heal team all mob will turn and look at me....
I have both char....

A big thanks for the help

06-16-2013, 05:29 AM
If your with a good warrior, let them lure a whole mob of enemies and get them all concentrated. Do not attack during this time or you will get unwanted aggro and mess up the luring of the mob. When they are together, drop the clock (preferably with root and dot) to hold them in place and unleash aoe hell on them. This is very efficient and leads to fast runs, just as long as everyone knows their role. Unfortunately not many warriors are skilled at this...

06-16-2013, 05:36 AM
IDK, I usually solo WT4. I just kite and kill and the mobs die pretty quick.

06-16-2013, 07:18 AM
Warrior kiting mobs but not bringing like too much mobs.

And mage drop clock with root and dot, use fire with stun, and freeze enemy with ice...heal party when needed. The dot will kill huge mobs fast.

Shield is like only for bosses and pvp not really useful in wt4. Use pot if needed.

I always solo hauntlet and wt4 for fun btw.

06-16-2013, 07:19 AM
Support and stun.

06-16-2013, 07:50 AM
Will we be blame by warrior if we didn't heals? Worst is a lv30 warrior and jus starting part of wt4
His skill is not even aggro on mob cause when I go in 1st time the mob start hit me...

06-16-2013, 10:14 AM
Well don't know at low levels but at level 31, I solo WT4 and when I'm in a group I always end up LEADING because I take the initiative to do damage and mana heal. I tend to pick up alot of everyone's slack and they just finish off the residual mobs.

06-16-2013, 10:50 AM
I typically solo WT4 as well. But I remember leveling up in WT4 with parties and there would be a certain group dynamic, roles that people would play. My role was crowd control. I had Fireball, Frostbolt, and Timeshift. I would usually lead the team then fall back once we got a nice group of mobs together. Run in with a charged fireball for the stun, run up to the evil wizards, charge frost bolt and freeze them...they do the most damage, freezing them and re-freezing them literally works wonders for your party, you'll NEVER wipe if you keep them frozen. Then I'd drop a timeshift and then auto, heal when necessary, and re-rotate.

06-16-2013, 11:13 AM
I solo wt4 cause its faster but when I was 28-30 I most likely do the damaging part w/o doing supports. I Root & DOTing them w/ time shift together w/ other skill that has KB & stun as for healing, up to you if you want to support but honestly it's nerve wracking especially if they demand you or command you to heal or replenish their mana..I tell you its better to solo wt4, with good equips & piloting skills you can finish it in less than 8 mins. Plus you hog all the kills w/c is good for your pve stats.

06-16-2013, 11:16 AM
Well yes, the fastest way to clear is one mage and one rogue each side just running and gunning the whole way. You can clear the map in a little over a minute at the right level. And yes you can solo w4 or you can lure mobs yourself if you are feeling like a hero. Unfortunately the roles of classes are a little broken in al, but I find a certain satisfaction in a team that works well together as the roles of each class were designed. I think it is fun to see 50 or so skeletons all mobbed together by a warrior die in a matter of seconds.

A good warrior can lure all the mobs on one side up to the first room in the small clearing with the chests in the hallway before the first room. Then depending on the team either each room on one side can be taken on separately, or both rooms on each side came be lured to the clearing between the two rooms with the chests (using two people to pull). The final mobs on each side can be lured to the hallway before the exit and boss room. In this way each side can be cleared with three monstrous pulls. A thing of beauty when done properly. Huge mobs just melt away in a few seconds. Will push the limits of almost anyone's internet connection and device with all the skeletons on the screen. Again this is best done with a warrior that is good with aggro control. Really this was required back in season one when sorcerers and rogues were truly squishy/glass cannons and not the mini tanks as they are now.

But I digress.... Its just a game. There are many ways to approach this level. Just do what you think is fun!

06-16-2013, 12:34 PM
I typically solo WT4 as well. But I remember leveling up in WT4 with parties and there would be a certain group dynamic, roles that people would play. My role was crowd control. I had Fireball, Frostbolt, and Timeshift. I would usually lead the team then fall back once we got a nice group of mobs together. Run in with a charged fireball for the stun, run up to the evil wizards, charge frost bolt and freeze them...they do the most damage, freezing them and re-freezing them literally works wonders for your party, you'll NEVER wipe if you keep them frozen. Then I'd drop a timeshift and then auto, heal when necessary, and re-rotate.

I pretty much agree with this, tho I've never used ice myself, i can see the benefits of it for lower levels and for elite maps as well..

as for your comment:

Will we be blame by warrior if we didn't heals? Worst is a lv30 warrior and jus starting part of wt4
His skill is not even aggro on mob cause when I go in 1st time the mob start hit me...

I have experienced this many times, warriors and also rogues for that matter, that blame us for not healing (hp and mana)... Usually tho its more the opposite.. The role of a warrior in wt4 (or any tomb) is not only aggro mobs, but also protect the team with bubble and take the worst hit since they have the best armor and hp. This, if done at the right time (ideally just when your team confront the big mob) will keep the worst of the damage the mob does at bay :)

Good tanks are however more rare then common... so i would suggest to go with warrior you know are good team players.

Work together and you can do any map as a mage without dying (much)!
Good luck and take care,

06-16-2013, 07:58 PM
I find when I run WT4 with a party I usually get killed because the warrior pulls too many mobs together and then he can't hold aggro so the mobs kill me instead. So I never do that dungeon with a party anymore, just solo.

06-16-2013, 08:06 PM
Ahhh... Thanks a lot guys... Guess solo is better...
Just feel ****ty about a warrior name Theauthor keep scolding me.. And he can't even tank...blame me for not healing..

06-16-2013, 09:06 PM
Don't heal. U want to lead with charged fireball, then drop a clock, back up, charge freeze and throw in a lightning. If u don't over do it with pulling too many u will kill them all before they get unrooted.

06-16-2013, 10:04 PM

fireball stun
timeshift's root and with root, the enemy that isnt inside the timeshift cant enter/pass so its a good baracade.
frost's dot and freezing ability.

06-18-2013, 02:32 AM
My role will be mass killing machine with 4 offensive skills :)