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View Full Version : I'm slow, but lesson learned

06-17-2013, 10:38 PM
First off, this isn't a rant. I don't expect any changes, I'm not quitting if demands aren't met, heck I don't really expect anyone to read this. I just felt like putting my thoughts down. Don't be mad if you keep reading.

I've played STS games since there was a second server for PL. (anyone in AL remember Fnord?) I signed up for each new game as soon as they came out. I've got 10 toons in PL, 3 in SL, 1 DL, and 4 in AL. I bought revives, elixers, gold, holiday maps, gold, inventory slots, blah blah blah. I don't go nuts, but I spend.

And that's where I am slowly learning my lesson. I've got a decent chunk of unused plat sitting dormant in the various games and not much motivation to use it. Don't enjoy SL, couldn't care less about vanities in DL, and so help me, I'd rather chew on ground glass than make one more run through blacksmoke let alone level up any alts. So that plat just sits there. And at some point, the same thing will happen with AL. A new game gets released, and updates will slowly dry up. So rather than repeat the same behavior again, I've decided not to spend any more on AL until I use up the plat in PL and DL. If given a reason to spend on earlier titles, then maybe there will be reason to hope that AL won't wither away.

That's it, still gonna play, still might try to cap at least one toon( though that's loosing it's luster). Just done spending. Maybe I'll spend more time in the garden, bugs are killing my squash.

06-17-2013, 10:47 PM
I'm not flaming, but I don't get why we need to know this.

06-17-2013, 10:50 PM
He's saying STS needs to stop creating new games and focus on the ones they have already produced now. I totally agree. :)

06-17-2013, 11:40 PM
You should include your ign's so people who are inclined to follow suit can do so with you!

06-18-2013, 10:55 AM
Join Date May 2010 - seems legit.

Totally agree Sam!

06-18-2013, 12:10 PM
Hey cascade, you're right. It was more therapy through typing than anything else. And Skull is mostly right, I do wish that STS would give the old games a little more love, but I'm a sucker for a new storyline/new genre. If a new game comes out I'll be there, I just won't get caught with any more dead money.

IGN's for AL Chucklebuzz (Mage) Bonnielass and Hilderat (rogues) SamTheDog (warrior)

06-18-2013, 12:24 PM
Yeah, I've got a bunch of plat sitting in PL and been waiting now almost a year for the next expansion. I wish I could move that plat over to AL, but it seems that is not possible.

06-18-2013, 01:02 PM
I'm with you. I'm hoping AL will be different because the devs keep saying it's doing well above what they expected and what any of their other games have done. But I'm done jumping games whenever they release a new title. I'm sticking with AL. If they come out with another game and abandon AL like they have the others then I'll find some other gaming company to spend my money on.

06-18-2013, 01:18 PM
Hey guys, getting a little ranty, gonna close this one up.
