View Full Version : !!! I can't get xp !!!

10-17-2010, 10:10 AM

I'am level 44 something happenned to my account.I try all dungeons but i can't get xp. Please help me. firateroglu@hotmail.com is my account name.

10-17-2010, 10:15 AM
What dungeons. Someone will be along to correct me, but you're going to have to move on to AO1 to get any XP at that level. Anything below that is fun and can get you loot, but no XP.

10-17-2010, 10:27 AM
Did you check to see if you xp lock is on? It's where you disable your xp.Go to options and see if it's on.If it is on..turn it off to presume getting xp:).

Edit: I think what you said Can is not accurate because you can only gain lvls at previous lvl places and go up 3 lvls higher(they give 1/3 xp each enemy?) and since he's lvl 44 its only Ao2 and Ao3.

Ex: A lvl 40 in Ao1 will gain lvls but get 1/2 or 1/3 xp?(not sure Royce will probably correct me tho;)) and can only lvl to 43..if im not mistaken:).

10-17-2010, 11:10 AM
Haikus is correct. At level 44, you can only gain XP in AO2 or AO3. But my guess is you have disable XP gain checked in your game settings.

Oh, but Haikus, the swamps are level 30-35, so a level 40 wouldn't gain XP there. A level 35 gets 75% XP, a level 36 gets 50% XP, and a level 37 gets 25% XP, so at 38 you get none in the the swamps.

10-17-2010, 11:30 AM
Haha thanks for the better explanation and I meant ao1 sorry.I'll edit it to say that.Thanks again!:)

10-17-2010, 03:52 PM
There! I told you someone's be along to correct me. ;) Listen to Haikius and Royce.