View Full Version : Did not receive platinum for purchasing gamefly 1 month subscription!!

06-18-2013, 11:11 PM
I just want to start off by saying i really enjoy playing this game. I bought the subscription for gamefly subscription and it is taking for ever to receive my platinum. If i knew it would take this long i would of never wasted my money. Can you guys please fix this problem. The earn plat page for the gamefly ad states it confirms instantly so there for why don't i have my plat? isn't that false advertising?

http://s23.postimg.org/s4sk43dob/gamefly.png (http://postimg.org/image/uyvphjfuf/)

I already tried to do the contact thing on the plat offer page. its taking way to long to get a reply back.

I have pictures of my gamefly email confirming my purchases. Can i get an email address to send them to.