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View Full Version : Is it worth it? (lvl cap)

06-20-2013, 09:22 AM
Hey guys, so I've finally gotten back into the game c: started with a few dollars worth and now I'm 4k XP from 75 I'm using thrasher so i doubt it would take long, my real question is, would going for cap be worth it? Do I even have a decent amount of time? Thanks :) please feel free to mention some "benefits" you see for capping :)

06-20-2013, 09:26 AM
Expect to spend some money if you are looking to cap quickly. That is basically your only option, if you didn't use elixirs then it would take a couple of months. Or you could just wait until you get a 3x combo daily blessing ;)

06-20-2013, 10:04 AM
There have been no announcements at all about the next cap. It may never come by this rate.

I think you have at least a month to go so just play normally and wait for the 3x combo, as he said above. That should get you a good way there.

06-20-2013, 10:07 AM
You probably have 5 five months at least so ya go for it. If you're going to cap without elixirs just make sure you don't take really long breaks, it makes it kinda hard to resume

06-20-2013, 10:38 AM
I would say that it depends on what caps you have previously hit. If you already capped at Nuri's, I would say no because you would just get another vanity shield. If you do not have a ring yet and you did not cap at Nuri's, I would say go for it.

06-20-2013, 11:46 AM
I say its worth it if your a mage simply because of the elite quest at 76, rewards a Emma costume. You can do like I am and just wait for the 3x combo elix and just only do lost valley then. I've got up to about 30k in so far been trying at least 15k xp on one 3x. I'm still taking my time and such. Unless anyone knows a better place for xp then lost valley let me know cause it gets quite boring

06-20-2013, 12:06 PM
You should be able to use 1.5x Elixirs.
Try to get around 5k-10k done per day.
When I capped my Enchantress during 56, 61, 66, and 71 elite caps, I did it mostly with 1.5x and managed to get it done under 2 weeks.
The only way to do this is to be disciplined and focused. Find a good party that you can do at least 10 runs with- this means only two bears at most and at least two birds.
And yes, set a goal for around 5k EXP per day.

06-20-2013, 12:32 PM
I did Previously at mount fang, do I know it's time consuming but ok ill go for it :) thanks guys and also *whispers* I heard there's gonna a platinum sell soon? Any info on that :)? That's the perfect thing I need

06-20-2013, 12:38 PM
Expect to spend some money if you are looking to cap quickly. That is basically your only option, if you didn't use elixirs then it would take a couple of months. Or you could just wait until you get a 3x combo daily blessing ;)

This is untrue. :(

Capping straight non elixirs would in take 50hrs. (2k xp per hr) that only means you could cap in 2days!

If you used 3x (7k per hr) it would take only 14 hrs to get to 100k xp.
And of you use 1.5 xp it would take 33.3hrs to get to 100k xp.

06-20-2013, 02:14 PM
It's worth it due to capping vanity for elite ring and also for shadow costume/slayer farming aNd free pet.

I'm going for it at 10k/100k on second character without thrash