View Full Version : Curse Skill

06-21-2013, 06:25 AM
So i tested it out for PvP. im amazed it helps alot and does its reflect dmg, giving me some kills even if i died as long as curse is applied.

But i also noticed that the skill Fails to land. Like when enemy is infront and released the spell only one or noone got Cursed. I read some dev post that the spell lands by random inside the area but of how it fails to used is noticble (1/10 maybe) Pls check.

overall i like curse than Gale or getting Ice for another dmg skill.

*could also increased the number of mob affected, 3 is too low. thanks.

06-21-2013, 09:21 AM
I just tried it again... just doesn't last long enough. 15s cool down for 4s of effect (or 6s with bonus)... not worth it.

06-23-2013, 08:29 PM
vs a warrior, i save curse and used it after warrior heals.
Vs rogues, use it whenever and just pray they wont/get healed.
vs mage, can kill them easily as long as no heal help from others.

and you have a point, the cd is long but the dmg it relfects are decent. Other things i dont like are when skill fails and area isnt wide enough to cover 5opponents in pvp.

06-23-2013, 09:27 PM
Yeah i notice when i do get it off it works great, but even when 3 people are right in front of me it only gets 1 or none. Its kinda confusing to predict its aoe since theres no animation of it "going" to the enemies. I think it should have a little animation like green circle from heal, but maybe purple just to see the aoe