View Full Version : Level Requirement for Instances

10-17-2010, 05:40 PM
Something has to be done about leachers. I'm fine with people wanting to get easy experience, but they can at least contribute and not get in the way.

Most leachers I've encountered die a lot, then spam chat for revive, as well as pull mobs for the group; they also take a group spot, effectively forcing the group to 4 man whatever content they're doing.

I would really appreciate if this feature were implemented and I think I can speak for most the PL community.

10-17-2010, 06:12 PM
Devs had said before that if someone purchases a campaign, they should be able to log into that no matter what their level. I get that point but there has to be a balance.

Maybe put the swamps restrictions on all maps - you can't play a map unless you played the one before it.

No easy answers on this one.

10-17-2010, 06:13 PM
they'll just get someone to let them piggyback, pass everything, and leech away.

10-17-2010, 06:17 PM
arterra is right .....

10-17-2010, 06:20 PM
The answer is for the game host to be able to set level restrictions for their own game. It's been discussed, but not for a while now that I am aware of. It would be nice. The main reason I don't like hosting games is that I don't like booting people, but I always end up with some low level non-contributor who won't leave when asked nicely...

10-17-2010, 06:24 PM
The answer is for the game host to be able to set level restrictions for their own game. It's been discussed, but not for a while now that I am aware of. It would be nice. The main reason I don't like hosting games is that I don't like booting people, but I always end up with some low level non-contributor who won't leave when asked nicely...

you stole a key idea i was working on for my thraed lol

10-17-2010, 06:32 PM
Agreed. Game hosts should have this option.

Then make some public maps with no host for the masses to join at any level. That should satisfy the Dev policy.

10-17-2010, 06:41 PM
yeah i think thats a good idea

10-17-2010, 09:57 PM
You just chill, after 30 seconds, they leave.

10-18-2010, 10:01 AM
You just chill, after 30 seconds, they leave.

No, usually they don't. For instance, this morning I was in this Ancient Swamps game, there was this level 19 leacher that stayed until Le Chomp; which is when he left because I called him out for doing absolutely nothing but dying and waiting around the spawn.

The only unusual thing about this encounter is the fact that he left after being called out.

10-18-2010, 10:33 AM
The best was the lvl 8 in Ao2 pyramid... he was lvl 10 before I left the group because they would not drop the leech.

10-18-2010, 10:39 AM
My Solution-Boot anyone under level start...Example---A lvl 37 joins my AO3 game...I simply click the boot button and type in the reason-To low lvl....and there its done no more lvl 37...while this may be rude it gets the job done.

10-18-2010, 10:45 AM
My Solution-Boot anyone under level start...Example---A lvl 37 joins my AO3 game...I simply click the boot button and type in the reason-To low lvl....and there its done no more lvl 37...while this may be rude it gets the job done.

I would do the same but I am usually not the host. Whenever I try hosting a game, no one ever joins.

10-18-2010, 11:00 AM
I am hit and miss on starting games and getting people to join. I absolutely hate it when someone else is host of a decent group clearing fairly fast, and they are friends with the leech. Inevidably they end up just standing around doing nothing themselves, (no casting, not even auto attacking, just following the group and standing there) and the entire group is powerless to do anything but leave. After clearing 140 of 170 mobs in Ao2 pyramid, I hate to just jet becuas of a few leeches.

10-18-2010, 11:19 AM
I tied calling out a leech in lost expedition... So he switched to Squirrelygod and ended up trading me a legends hammer btw legends IS betterthen Ursan hammer right?...
:/ lots of leeches could be higher levels making other chars. No excuse (all my guys are natural) but hey you better get to ao3 b4 it's farmed out.

10-18-2010, 11:25 AM
As a bear in AO3, I have an easy solution for dealing with low levels that do not leave when asked nicely, but it requires the Mage's 'understanding'. Just go near them, and becon some mobs. Low level armor can't handle it, so they die quick and sit there begging for a rez till they get bored and leave.

10-18-2010, 11:30 AM
O Ye I LOVE walking in and out of mobs and leading them to a poor little lv14 bird who of course let's off a blast shot LOL

10-20-2010, 11:55 AM
Why so complicated lol, just boot straight away

10-20-2010, 02:04 PM
My Solution-Boot anyone under level start...Example---A lvl 37 joins my AO3 game...I simply click the boot button and type in the reason-To low lvl....and there its done no more lvl 37...while this may be rude it gets the job done.

I hate booters that give no reason or boot because you are not as l33t as them. :) However, in your example, that is not rude. If I was that 37, I would instantly know that the game host didn't want my low level in there. I move onto the next one.

Side note: Although I would try to take a 37 into AO2, I would never try it in AO3. Just a waste.

If everyone would give a good explanation, I thinking booting wouldn't have such a stigma.