View Full Version : iPad 4 or iPad Mini?

06-21-2013, 01:34 PM
Hey all,

I will be purchasing an iPad 4 or an iPad mini tomorrow! I just would like some community opinion to help me decide which one to get! :)


06-21-2013, 01:44 PM
Neither. Wait until November (maybe) for the second gen mini with "retina display" (that term still bugs me...). Why buy either devices when they're nearly 8 months old?

Also, log in to AL pls.

06-21-2013, 01:47 PM
What he said^^ or iPad 4

06-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Neither. Wait until November (maybe) for the second gen mini with "retina display" (that term still bugs me...). Why buy either devices when they're nearly 8 months old?

Also, log in to AL pls.

I can't afford to wait right now as all my devices are starting to fail. Trust me, I realize that new ones will be released soon in the fall, but I can't wait 3-4 months for that to happen. That's the main reason why I'm not on AL/PL anymore besides boredom. I have to play AL from a laptop now, lol.

If the new ones come out, I'll just buy the 2nd generation of them a year down the line. Also, the devices have pretty much everything I need.

Also, there is rumors circulating that mini will not receive retina display in it's 2nd iteration. So, as a result, I do not know what to get.

06-21-2013, 02:05 PM
I can't afford to wait right now as all my devices are starting to fail. Trust me, I realize that new ones will be released soon in the fall, but I can't wait 3-4 months for that to happen. That's the main reason why I'm not on AL/PL anymore besides boredom. I have to play AL from a laptop now, lol.

If the new ones come out, I'll just buy the 2nd generation of them a year down the line. Also, the devices have pretty much everything I need.

Also, there is rumors circulating that mini will not receive retina display in it's 2nd iteration. So, as a result, I do not know what to get.

Then I'd sooner save the $ and get a 3rd gen iPad. Save some dough for when a new gen comes out that you really want.

Apple rumors are always BS. Everything from a laser keyboard (lol) to having a curved glass display. I ignore all of them. Apple would be stupid not to put a retina display on the second gen, although they've been stupid in the past.

06-21-2013, 02:08 PM
Mini rocks.

06-21-2013, 02:11 PM
Mini rocks.

The Mini's just a scale down second gen iPad though. The first gen feels more like a beta device than anything else.

Parth, if you were anyone else I'd recommend certain android tablets since you're getting way better internals for way less $, but I know you can't be convinced >.>

06-21-2013, 02:17 PM
The Mini's just a scale down second gen iPad though. The first gen feels more like a beta device than anything else.

Parth, if you were anyone else I'd recommend certain android tablets since you're getting way better internals for way less $, but I know you can't be convinced >.>

Every single android device I have owned, including the Nexus 7 has multitudes of problems. I tried Android, even the "premium" devices but to me, I can't do it...

I like reliability and unfortunately, many Android products do not provide that. My Nexus 7 gives me enough headaches with it's erratic touchscreen issues. I run anything that taxes that GPU (like PL) and the touchscreen randomly detects input which I didn't register and goes haywire.


I truly love the form factor and compact design of the Mini but I feel like it was outdated when it was released so how will it be able to live another year? Especially when playing games like AL/PL/SL/DL? Yes, it'll be able to handle them but I truly wish they made a Mini with a faster scaled down version of the A6 processor and put a better GPU in.

What I want is the mini due to the form factor but my brain tells me to just go with the iPad 4. :/

06-21-2013, 02:26 PM
I'd recommend iPad 4. The mini doesn't feel as comfortable. There are some really slick galaxy tabs that run STS games well though.

06-21-2013, 02:31 PM
I'd recommend neither, I'd go with nexus 7, over mini, and nexus 10 over iPad 4. But if you are a Apple guy if definitely go with the IPad 4. Mini does not feel as comfortable.

I had the Nexus 7. Actually, I still have it but due to the problems listed above, I am fed up with the device. I had/have the Kindle Fire HD as well. That device also had many, many issues. Honestly, while they may be nice to use in the short run, I'd prefer reliability.

Nexus 10, I've heard also loses out to the iPad 4.

06-21-2013, 03:32 PM
I had the Nexus 7. Actually, I still have it but due to the problems listed above, I am fed up with the device. I had/have the Kindle Fire HD as well. That device also had many, many issues. Honestly, while they may be nice to use in the short run, I'd prefer reliability.

Kindle Fire shouldn't even qualify as an android tablet. I've owned 3 android tablets and I personally miss having one. If you get the right one and know how to utilize Android, it's better than any other alternative around.

Nexus 10, I've heard also loses out to the iPad 4.

Did you hear that from CNet? Because definitely not true.

06-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Mini rocks.
At first I thought you meant "tiny rocks"

To Apollo,
If you want a bigger screen, go for iPad4
If you want more portability, go for ipad mini

06-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Personally, I'd go for the bigger iPad 4. So much more fun to consume general content on. The mini is just too small for my taste. It's probably cool to play games on but for browsing, reading documents with diagrams (or comics), watching movies... the iPad is so much more effective IMO

06-21-2013, 05:39 PM
Do Mini :D You're used to around the 7-8 inch screen, right? I know other people, such as Mystical, are ALOT smarter than me, and have of course "better" opinions ._. But, you had the Kindle Fire HD, and the Nexus 7, which aren't the huge 10.1 inch or whatever sized screen. You might like the mini a little better since you're more used to the 7-8 inch screen, as Mini has I believe 7.9 inch.

06-21-2013, 08:22 PM
Do Mini :D You're used to around the 7-8 inch screen, right? I know other people, such as Mystical, are ALOT smarter than me, and have of course "better" opinions ._. But, you had the Kindle Fire HD, and the Nexus 7, which aren't the huge 10.1 inch or whatever sized screen. You might like the mini a little better since you're more used to the 7-8 inch screen, as Mini has I believe 7.9 inch.

I used to do PvP on an iPad 2 before I gave it to my lil sister/Grandma (idk who has it now). I can adjust to both, just a matter of preference honestly.

06-21-2013, 09:08 PM
I'm kinda in the same dillema there parth, im looking at a new iPad soon to upgrade from my ipad1, i'm not sure if i want to get the ipad 4 or the mini >< i was thinking mini for portability and such, idk though

06-22-2013, 12:22 AM
I, a fellow Apple fan, would go with the iPad 4. The only thing lacking would be software because the internals are top notch. With the ability to update within a few months, you'll have a working tablet for now, and a clean, fresh UI update within a matter of months. I often find that an issue of interest among Apple products - that's why I jailbreak. But with the upcoming update only within months, the decision should be easy.

06-22-2013, 12:33 AM
It depends first of all on what you like big screen or little screen. I personally play on my iPod but I started playing on my iPad and recognized how big of a screen it could show compared to the iPod. The mini is good too but I think iPad 4 is good because of the bigger screen. Besides that besides some small things theres nothing much different from each other. Still your choice but that's my opinion.

06-22-2013, 02:22 AM
I'm kinda in the same dillema there parth, im looking at a new iPad soon to upgrade from my ipad1, i'm not sure if i want to get the ipad 4 or the mini >< i was thinking mini for portability and such, idk though

Plus the mini is just oh-so much sexier! :(

I just don't want to be outdated within a few months.

What I think I'll do is buy an iPad 4 for now, then resell it if I see that I like the updates they've done to the Mini and then get a Mini.

06-22-2013, 03:01 AM
I, a fellow Apple fan, would go with the iPad 4. The only thing lacking would be software because the internals are top notch.

"Top notch" compared to other apple products maybe. 1.4 ghz dual core processor, 1 gig of RAM, and the SGX 554 (iirc) are not top notch internals by any means. Even the iPad's display has been out by the Nexus 10. .4" larger display and still a higher pixel density.

06-22-2013, 09:07 AM
ipad mini

06-22-2013, 09:26 AM
I'd recommend neither, I'd go with nexus 7, over mini, and nexus 10 over iPad 4. But if you are a Apple guy if definitely go with the IPad 4. Mini does not feel as comfortable.

I had the Nexus 7. Actually, I still have it but due to the problems listed above, I am fed up with the device. I had/have the Kindle Fire HD as well. That device also had many, many issues. Honestly, while they may be nice to use in the short run, I'd prefer reliability.

Nexus 10, I've heard also loses out to the iPad 4.

I didn't read the earlier posts, I believe the Samsung galaxy tab 3 10.1 is in competition with the iPad 4... But ya definitely go with the iPad 4.

06-22-2013, 09:32 AM

06-22-2013, 10:57 AM
Go with a 4... Ask me more questions if you need to ;)! I just don't like the mini ._. ... Just doesn't feel right.

06-22-2013, 11:05 AM
Go with a 4... Ask me more questions if you need to ;)! I just don't like the mini ._. ... Just doesn't feel right.

White or black? :)

06-22-2013, 11:07 AM
"Top notch" compared to other apple products maybe. 1.4 ghz dual core processor, 1 gig of RAM, and the SGX 554 (iirc) are not top notch internals by any means. Even the iPad's display has been out by the Nexus 10. .4" larger display and still a higher pixel density.

iPad 4's color is arguably superior to Nexus 10's color. Also, the GPU far outperforms the Nexus 10 which uses almost an inadequate GPU to power it's very high PPI & resolution screen.

I prefer a balance of GPU and CPU power versus the CPU being so powerful and the GPU leaving the user desiring more raw power.

06-22-2013, 02:05 PM
iPad 4's color is arguably superior to Nexus 10's color. Also, the GPU far outperforms the Nexus 10 which uses almost an inadequate GPU to power it's very high PPI & resolution screen.

I prefer a balance of GPU and CPU power versus the CPU being so powerful and the GPU leaving the user desiring more raw power.

Have you used a Nexus 10 in person before? Color isn't even a factor for high end tablets anymore, what it comes down to is saturation. In which case, neither are better, it's what you're used to. It's just like arguing AMOLED displays look far better, it's pure opinion.

Nexus 10 > iPad 4 on internals. There's no arguing the numbers, Apple never has been a big impressor when it comes to their processors. Only difference is iPad has a lot less power to push. The monotone, unchanged 2007 OS, inability to truly multitask, etc. Can bring in other factors like RAM (Nexus' 2gb >iPad's 1gb), but alone, 1.7 GHz ARM Cortex-A15 wins.

06-22-2013, 02:54 PM
I like my retina :3

06-22-2013, 02:56 PM
I like my retina :3

Still hate that marketing term -.-

06-22-2013, 03:06 PM
I think i'm going to go for the iPad Mini, the price is much nicer for my wallet, and i like the smaller size for what i'll be using it for, + ill be getting the keyboard case to help with mah workz

06-22-2013, 09:04 PM
David's a "I need 10 ping" person :p

06-22-2013, 11:24 PM
I think i'm going to go for the iPad Mini, the price is much nicer for my wallet, and i like the smaller size for what i'll be using it for, + ill be getting the keyboard case to help with mah workz

I ended up getting an iPad 4 in white with a Logitech slim keyboard case.

Also, David, whatever the reason is, a weak GPU is a weak GPU. It is simply not powerful enough for the Nexus 7, which is why the iPad wins IMO. Both are plenty fast but iPad is more versatile especially in the graphics department.

What you do not realize is, yes, it lacks true multi tasking but however these specs put on the iOS perform exceptionally well. Apple's optimization of specs is amazing and it is why they can get away with weaker processors that are still extremely fast.

06-22-2013, 11:43 PM
Also, David, whatever the reason is, a weak GPU is a weak GPU. It is simply not powerful enough for the Nexus 7, which is why the iPad wins IMO. Both are plenty fast but iPad is more versatile especially in the graphics department.

What you do not realize is, yes, it lacks true multi tasking but however these specs put on the iOS perform exceptionally well. Apple's optimization of specs is amazing and it is why they can get away with weaker processors that are still extremely fast.

1) I've been referring to the Nexus 10 this whole time, not the Nexus 7. That may be where your argument is coming from, otherwise, I don't see how you're arguing with numbers.

2) But when they're purely paired up, the Nexus still wins, which is the argument I was making. So yes, I do realize it, I even said it in this thread -.-

Only difference is iPad has a lot less power to push

Like I said, at the end of the day, you're gonna lose an argument if you're arguing against factual numbers lol. Just because there's an Apple on the back of the product doesn't mean you can give it more credit. I'm saying this as I type on an iPad even. The thing I began saying is still true, which is, the iPad does not have "top notch" internals like Wound stated. Which you agreed with when you referred to them as "weaker processors". I'm not doubting that Apple utilizes/makes up for them with their software. Even if I see that as a bad thing.

06-23-2013, 02:38 AM
1) I've been referring to the Nexus 10 this whole time, not the Nexus 7. That may be where your argument is coming from, otherwise, I don't see how you're arguing with numbers.

2) But when they're purely paired up, the Nexus still wins, which is the argument I was making. So yes, I do realize it, I even said it in this thread -.-

Like I said, at the end of the day, you're gonna lose an argument if you're arguing against factual numbers lol. Just because there's an Apple on the back of the product doesn't mean you can give it more credit. I'm saying this as I type on an iPad even. The thing I began saying is still true, which is, the iPad does not have "top notch" internals like Wound stated. Which you agreed with when you referred to them as "weaker processors". I'm not doubting that Apple utilizes/makes up for them with their software. Even if I see that as a bad thing.

Hey David,

I meant Nexus 10, but I am just so used to saying Nexus 7, lol.

1. Nexus 10, as I said before has a higher ppi but lower color vibrancy. To me, this is a big difference especially when the PPI in both devices is so high, it does not really matter between the 264 to 299 pp.

2. GPU, even if it may be stronger in the Nexus 10, which I don't think it is (You can prove me wrong in this as I have not checked.) does not perform as well. As said before, if the specs do not match up to performance, what is the point of specs? For me, both devices are plenty fast but I'd rather take a .5 second loss while opening applications versus taking a loss to GPU which is growing increasingly important in mobile devices of this era.

3. I have watched many comparison videos and the Nexus 10 is noticably worse in the GPU department. Honestly, there's no doubt about it. I could care less if the PPI is higher as both are already so incredibly high, I'd rather take a small and unnoticeable loss in PPI.

David, I beta'd Android when it first came out and stuck with Android till the iPhone 4 came out. Then, I left it. Why? It's shoddy & unreliable. Also, many of the applications are sub-par. Now, I tried Android again and while it has improved greatly, it is not quite there yet for me to make the jump. They still have many things to improve on, most importantly, build quality. I want to be able to buy a product and know there is an easy way to return it if problems arise. Also, I'd rather not problems show up in the first place!

Lastly, I called the GPUs in most Android devices weaker. Now when there's a device whose CPU bests the iPad's and while it has slightly worse graphics performance, it still comes close to the range of the iPad price wise. To me, the extra money for better customer service, support, and reliability is a no brainer.

I'm still trying to get my Nexus 7 replaced. Yes, I did buy it from the Play store. Also, dad is buying a Nexus 10 soon so I will get back to you on issues with that device when I have the chance.

I'm sorry, but until Google fixes critical issues, I don't think I will ever touch another Android product, tablet-wise, again despite the "freedom". (Yes, I appreciated the freedom.)

06-23-2013, 03:36 AM
1) Closer to 300 PPI. To which I asked, have you used it in real life? Or are you going off what a review online said?

2) I already stated both of them lol. The GPU itself is superior. Same question as above ^

3) You're really emphasizing on the pixel density. I stated it once. You're ignoring what I said when I stated I was showing the iPad didn't have "top notch" internals, and that the Nexus 10 has superior internals. That's a fact. Real life use isn't relevant as that varies per person. I've 4 different iPads (gens 1-3), and 3 different android tablets, 2 of those I felt were truly better in real life use. Others felt differently. I was comparing the internals independently.

Build quality is purely on the manufacturers. You're saying as if it were in relation to it being an android device. Take a look at devices like the Oppo Find 5, or HTC One. Not the S4. The aren't weaker -.- You're arguing with set numbers, which is pointless. You can say they're weaker, but in the end, they're not. Already stated they have more power to push. iOS lays much less work onto it's processors, which enables apple to use "weaker processors" (something you used to refer to the iPad, then switched and used in reference to Android tablets as a collective). Not to mention, the 3 things you stated lay upon the companies themselves, not directly Google. Android branches out to companies like Asus, Motorola, Samsung, and countless others. Anyone that knows that knows Android at all knows one device varies greatly from another due to different manufacturers. I've had customer service issues with everyone from Motorola to Verizon to...wait for it...Apple (omg!). I'm sure I've had some kind of problem with Google, but nothing that I can remember clearly. Just goes to show it varies per person and their perspective. In the end, numbers are numbers.

06-23-2013, 06:44 AM
I love those Apple/iOS vs Android discussions. It's almost as if people got either shares from Apple or Google and are trying to justify their investment.

I own both iOS and Android devices. For phones I prefer Android because I have a much greater choice of screen sizes and handsets, for tablets I prefer iOS because there are way more apps that are optimized for the bigger screen as compared to Android tablets.

Bottom line is, both Android and iOS devices have their pros and cons but they're both good in my eyes.

06-23-2013, 09:49 AM
I love those Apple/iOS vs Android discussions. It's almost as if people got either shares from Apple or Google and are trying to justify their investment.

I own both iOS and Android devices. For phones I prefer Android because I have a much greater choice of screen sizes and handsets, for tablets I prefer iOS because there are way more apps that are optimized for the bigger screen as compared to Android tablets.

Bottom line is, both Android and iOS devices have their pros and cons but they're both good in my eyes.

This is exactly how I feel. I would not mind having an android phone, but for tablets, Apple definitely has them beat.

06-23-2013, 09:56 AM
1) Closer to 300 PPI. To which I asked, have you used it in real life? Or are you going off what a review online said?

2) I already stated both of them lol. The GPU itself is superior. Same question as above ^

3) You're really emphasizing on the pixel density. I stated it once. You're ignoring what I said when I stated I was showing the iPad didn't have "top notch" internals, and that the Nexus 10 has superior internals. That's a fact. Real life use isn't relevant as that varies per person. I've 4 different iPads (gens 1-3), and 3 different android tablets, 2 of those I felt were truly better in real life use. Others felt differently. I was comparing the internals independently.

Build quality is purely on the manufacturers. You're saying as if it were in relation to it being an android device. Take a look at devices like the Oppo Find 5, or HTC One. Not the S4. The aren't weaker -.- You're arguing with set numbers, which is pointless. You can say they're weaker, but in the end, they're not. Already stated they have more power to push. iOS lays much less work onto it's processors, which enables apple to use "weaker processors" (something you used to refer to the iPad, then switched and used in reference to Android tablets as a collective). Not to mention, the 3 things you stated lay upon the companies themselves, not directly Google. Android branches out to companies like Asus, Motorola, Samsung, and countless others. Anyone that knows that knows Android at all knows one device varies greatly from another due to different manufacturers. I've had customer service issues with everyone from Motorola to Verizon to...wait for it...Apple (omg!). I'm sure I've had some kind of problem with Google, but nothing that I can remember clearly. Just goes to show it varies per person and their perspective. In the end, numbers are numbers.


Even if it the GPU itself is superior, as I've stated many times, it simply does not translate in real life use. I don't care if the Nexus 10 has more pixels to push because the performance suffers.

As for the screen, I'll go check one out today and get back to you. To me, color is a highly important factor so if both have unnoticeable difference in color density but colors are washed out on the Nexus 10 (as they were on the Nexus 7) the screen of the iPad 4 will still be a winner to me.

06-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Buy the iPad 4.
Getting an iPad for the bigger screen right?
Why buy a iPad Mini when the screen is smaller.

06-23-2013, 01:29 PM
Ooo, so Parf's got the Logitech too xD...! I feel like I have big influence :3...

06-23-2013, 02:22 PM

Even if it the GPU itself is superior, as I've stated many times, it simply does not translate in real life use.

Already stated that ^ You seem to be ignoring me when I say numbers are numbers. Read my post pls.

I don't care if the Nexus 10 has more pixels to push because the performance suffers.

Never mentioned that, you're really holding on to the pixel density for some reason lol.

@Jay I'm not arguing that Android is superior. I was showing that the iPad doesn't have "top notch" internals at all. Which Parth agreed with me on, so I don't see what he's arguing with...Taking bits and pieces out of my posts and emphasizing on things like pixel density when he's ignoring the actual content of the post.

06-23-2013, 02:33 PM
Already stated that ^ You seem to be ignoring me when I say numbers are numbers. Read my post pls.

Never mentioned that, you're really holding on to the pixel density for some reason lol.

@Jay I'm not arguing that Android is superior. I was showing that the iPad doesn't have "top notch" internals at all. Which Parth agreed with me on, so I don't see what he's arguing with...Taking bits and pieces out of my posts and emphasizing on things like pixel density when he's ignoring the actual content of the post.

Yes, I do agree with you saying that the iPad does not have "top notch" internals, but neither does the Nexus 10 as I have shown.

That's all.

Bottom line, we both like our devices. For phones, I wouldn't mind having an Android phone. Honestly, I'm thinking of trying out the HTC One when my contract ends (unless something better is out).

However, for tablets, for what I need, the iPad is superior to Android tablets. For you, of course, you think differently. :)

06-25-2013, 12:57 AM
I need a final decision before I buy. It's between the n10 and the iPad. Please continue debating until I reach it.

06-25-2013, 12:25 PM
I need a final decision before I buy. It's between the n10 and the iPad. Please continue debating until I reach it.

Wait for the 2nd generation N10, I'd say. It will likely boost it's specs up even more so that it can fully support the high resolution display. However, the iPad will as well. The iPad is also likely to get the same casing as the iPad Mini. Therefore, in terms of ergonomics, you should take that as a strong factor as well.

I do hope they fix the screen washing out on the N10 though. David, I went to go check it out and the colors on the N10 do indeed look rather faded when compared to the iPad. (Yes, I was viewing the same image on both devices to do a side by side comparison).

The pixel density in both is great. Since they are both great, color becomes the deciding factor for me and in this case, the iPad 4 wins.

06-25-2013, 03:22 PM
I do hope they fix the screen washing out on the N10 though. David, I went to go check it out and the colors on the N10 do indeed look rather faded when compared to the iPad. (Yes, I was viewing the same image on both devices to do a side by side comparison).

I don't possibly see how. What sort of lighting did you test it in? The Nexus 10 has a lower brightness level at 350 nits, whereas the iPad goes up to 400. In direct sunlight it's enough to make a difference and would explain your use of "washed out". If you were to take the iPad and compare it to the Asus Transformer Prime Infinity, it would do the same exact thing since the Prime Infinity has a Super IPS panel that delivers 600 nits of brightness. By far was the best outdoor tablet I've ever owned.

Brightness aside, the Nexus 10 has more accurate colors, deeper blacks, and sharper images. If you don't believe me I can try finding a comparison of the display technologies. All that is thanks to the Nexus 10's PLS display technology, while the iPad still uses the older IPS technology.

06-25-2013, 04:47 PM
I don't possibly see how. What sort of lighting did you test it in? The Nexus 10 has a lower brightness level at 350 nits, whereas the iPad goes up to 400. In direct sunlight it's enough to make a difference and would explain your use of "washed out". If you were to take the iPad and compare it to the Asus Transformer Prime Infinity, it would do the same exact thing since the Prime Infinity has a Super IPS panel that delivers 600 nits of brightness. By far was the best outdoor tablet I've ever owned.

Brightness aside, the Nexus 10 has more accurate colors, deeper blacks, and sharper images. If you don't believe me I can try finding a comparison of the display technologies. All that is thanks to the Nexus 10's PLS display technology, while the iPad still uses the older IPS technology.

I believe you, but to me iPad had better color consistency/gamut. It was under white lightning.

06-25-2013, 05:18 PM
I believe you, but to me iPad had better color consistency/gamut. It was under white lightning.

Lighning is very bright indeed. David was right.

06-25-2013, 05:24 PM
Lighning is very bright indeed. David was right.

Noooo, the lightning on the Nexus 10 was indeed far superior, but I was talking about color saturation. Perhaps I should not have used the term "washed out" but I felt as if the colors were better on the iPad 4 vs Nexus 10.

Anyways, here are the main reason why I won't buy another Android product.

1. Touchscreen issues (Yes, Nexus 10 included.)
Both the Nexus 7 & Nexus 10 have touchscreen issues when their GPU is in use. If you google it, the touchscreen goes crazy randomly in certain applications when the GPU is being used.

2. Quality
Every single Android product I have used always has had quality issues.

3. Support
Every single Android product I have used have relatively poor customer service, excluding Amazon. Yes, this means Google as well & no, it was not based off a one time incident. If the quality is lacking, I would expect excellent support, like Amazon has done with their Kindle Fire HD. Honestly, you cannot have both bad support and bad quality.

4. GPU
iPad 4 GPU is optimized to run with the screen and shows far better performance than the Nexus 10. I'd like to be future-proofed for as long as possible as well as play the games I want to as of right now with exceptional smoothness.

5. Battery Life
While both tablets are running, the battery life is great. However, what I have typically noticed with Android products, when the tablets are in sleep mode (screen turned off), they tend to drain much faster than would an Apple based product. Now, this to me is important as I do not keep my devices on charger all the time. Often times, they are just laying around the house and usually have an 80% or higher charge. I can't be expected to leave them on charger all the time when I'm not using them just so they don't drain fast.

06-25-2013, 05:54 PM
Noooo, the lightning on the Nexus 10 was indeed far superior, but I was talking about color saturation. Perhaps I should not have used the term "washed out" but I felt as if the colors were better on the iPad 4 vs Nexus 10.

Here's what I don't get. You say the Nexus 10 "lightning" (I assume lighting...) is superior, when it isn't. The display is 50 nits of brightness lower than the iPad. Then you say the colors on the Nexus 10 are inferior, when the PLS display proves otherwise when compared to he iPad 4's IPS. Your experience is totally flipped from what it actually is lol. I'm not doubting that that was your experience with them, it just seems odd.

Also, mind if I ask which android devices you've recently owned? (not used or tried, owned independently)

06-25-2013, 07:06 PM
Here's what I don't get. You say the Nexus 10 "lightning" (I assume lighting...) is superior, when it isn't. The display is 50 nits of brightness lower than the iPad. Then you say the colors on the Nexus 10 are inferior, when the PLS display proves otherwise when compared to he iPad 4's IPS. Your experience is totally flipped from what it actually is lol. I'm not doubting that that was your experience with them, it just seems odd.

Also, mind if I ask which android devices you've recently owned? (not used or tried, owned independently)

Google G1, MyTouch 3G, HTC Hero, HTC Evo 4G

Tablets: Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7

The phones, when they were bought were considered flagship devices at their time.

06-25-2013, 07:11 PM
Google G1, MyTouch 3G, HTC Hero, HTC Evo 4G

Tablets: Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7

The phones, when they were bought were considered flagship devices at their time.

So the only Android devices within the past 3 years were Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD (which I don't really count as an android tablet :s)

06-26-2013, 09:26 AM
So the only Android devices within the past 3 years were Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD (which I don't really count as an android tablet :s)

Yes, and both had quality control issues. Also, considering that the N10 is made by Samsung, I'd rather stay away from them as much as possible.

David, if you can name me one reliable tablet maker (definitely not Asus, I am tired of them), I will try out another Android tablet. As of right now, you can consider me out.

Also, Android tablets are horrendous for taking notes in class. With an iPad, everything I write will automatically be synced right up to my computer so for productivity reasons, an iPad 4 is better for me.

One more thing... the 16:9 ratio. *scratches head* Why!? Why would they do that on a tablet?? A tablet is used for much, much more then just watching movies on it. On the N7, the 16:10 ratio completely ruined my eBook formats and other things. I'd rather not deal with that again on the N10.

If Apple goes the same way with their iPad, I will leave their tablets as well and look for something with a 4:3 ratio.

06-26-2013, 10:53 AM
So the only Android devices within the past 3 years were Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD (which I don't really count as an android tablet :s)

Yes, and both had quality control issues. Also, considering that the N10 is made by Samsung, I'd rather stay away from them as much as possible.

David, if you can name me one reliable tablet maker (definitely not Asus, I am tired of them), I will try out another Android tablet. As of right now, you can consider me out.

Also, Android tablets are horrendous for taking notes in class. With an iPad, everything I write will automatically be synced right up to my computer so for productivity reasons, an iPad 4 is better for me.

One more thing... the 16:9 ratio. *scratches head* Why!? Why would they do that on a tablet?? A tablet is used for much, much more then just watching movies on it. On the N7, the 16:10 ratio completely ruined my eBook formats and other things. I'd rather not deal with that again on the N10.

If Apple goes the same way with their iPad, I will leave their tablets as well and look for something with a 4:3 ratio.
if that nexus tablet is samsung, (eventhough I got a gs3) I would say the colors are too saturated? Is that the word for the colors are too "colorful"?
Then when I switch back to my ipad2, it seems like the colors are a bit whiter..
Btw, what's 16:9 and 4:3 numbers mean?

06-26-2013, 07:04 PM
Quote 2 lawng.

1) Of course the Kindle Fire did, could've told you that before you bought it...

2) Anything I say you'll give that answer to. I'm not denying Apple doesn't have fantastic customer service. Asus has great customer service too, as does Samsung, I've heard good things from Motorola recently, Toshiba's customer service is fair too. That's a representation of the company, not the tablets themselves.

3) 16:9 makes far more sense...You're accustomed to the 4:3 aspect ratio, which is why 16:9 seems so illogical. 16:9 is more practical, can't deny that. It's why wide screen TVs and laptops from this decade use the same aspect ratio, as do most phones. 4:3 doesn't initially make much sense, but people have grown used to it.

I don't see why you took me stating the fact that Apple doesn't use "top notch internals" and turned it into another boring Android vs Apple argument. Anyone who knows specs knows Apple doesn't implement the best internals in their devices, no arguing that. Which is simply what I stated...Instead you morphed it into this.


if that nexus tablet is samsung, (eventhough I got a gs3) I would say the colors are too saturated? Is that the word for the colors are too "colorful"?
Then when I switch back to my ipad2, it seems like the colors are a bit whiter..
Btw, what's 16:9 and 4:3 numbers mean?

Difference. GS3 (and 4) use a Super AMOLED display, that's the reason for the saturation. The Nexus 10 uses an entirely different display technology. AMOLED displays are known for being highly saturated in color content, it's not all of Samsung's displays.

Besides, Apple buys their displays for the iPad (and iPhone) from Samsung, lol.

16:9 and 4:3 are display aspect ratios.

06-26-2013, 07:27 PM
All dis talk is over my head... So I'll put it into simple terms: I love apple and android lovers love android. You'll be good either way

06-26-2013, 08:21 PM
1) Of course the Kindle Fire did, could've told you that before you bought it...

2) Anything I say you'll give that answer to. I'm not denying Apple doesn't have fantastic customer service. Asus has great customer service too, as does Samsung, I've heard good things from Motorola recently, Toshiba's customer service is fair too. That's a representation of the company, not the tablets themselves.

3) 16:9 makes far more sense...You're accustomed to the 4:3 aspect ratio, which is why 16:9 seems so illogical. 16:9 is more practical, can't deny that. It's why wide screen TVs and laptops from this decade use the same aspect ratio, as do most phones. 4:3 doesn't initially make much sense, but people have grown used to it.

I don't see why you took me stating the fact that Apple doesn't use "top notch internals" and turned it into another boring Android vs Apple argument. Anyone who knows specs knows Apple doesn't implement the best internals in their devices, no arguing that. Which is simply what I stated...Instead you morphed it into this.


Difference. GS3 (and 4) use a Super AMOLED display, that's the reason for the saturation. The Nexus 10 uses an entirely different display technology. AMOLED displays are known for being highly saturated in color content, it's not all of Samsung's displays.

Besides, Apple buys their displays for the iPad (and iPhone) from Samsung, lol.

16:9 and 4:3 are display aspect ratios.

It's not being a fanboy if I first started with Android, then migrated over to Apple, then decided to give Android a second chance.

I am indifferent to products. Yes, I lean towards Apple because they have served me well in the past, but if Android was the same way, then I would learn towards Android. Whichever product suits my needs the best is the one I will pick. I did not mean for it to turn into an Apple vs. Android discussion.

My Needs for a Tablet Device:

• Media Consumption Tablet (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: Tie
• eReader (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: iPad 4 due to paper-like ratio of 4:3. Yes, this is a huge difference as ALL my eBooks format is all sorts of messed up on a 16:9 ratio.
• Gaming Capabilities (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: Tie as both have their pros and cons and neither pro or con is a deciding factor for me. In terms of gaming cabilities, I'd take both, but if it came down to it, I would choose iPad 4 for gaming.)
• Web Browsing (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: The actual web browsing experience would have to go to iPad 4. On the iPad, there are very rare occassions where I'd rather view the website on my laptop.
• High Resolution Display (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: Nexus 10, although I actually like both displays a lot and sometimes prefer the iPad's display over the Nexus's. Honestly, I don't know about this one as the iPad 4's color gamut is clearly better/finer tuned when doing a side by side comparison.
• Lasting Battery Life (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: iPad 4 as it has a much longer battery life, which I actually need considering the length of my classes.)
• Optimization of Applications (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: iPad 4 as there is just so many more applications optimized for the iPad 4 vs the Nexus 10.
• Speed: (Nexus 10 - Check; iPad 4 - Check) Winner: Nexus 10 with its higher processor, but iPad 4 comes in a close 2nd due to optimization of software.

I hope this made you realize why I picked the iPad 4. Honestly, the Nexus 10 comes close, but there are crucial things like syncronized note taking built in, that I would require as well as all day battery life. Example: A MS Word application that would syncronize with my desktop so my notes from class are already uploaded on there once I save the document. Example: Nexus 10 would require to be charged halfway through my classes & there would be difficulties for me to charge it, especially considering how slow the Nexus 10 charges when compared to the iPad 4.)

06-27-2013, 02:30 AM

The Sadness
06-27-2013, 06:38 AM
Dude. You read on your tablet? Nerd.

06-27-2013, 10:16 AM
Dude. You read on your tablet? Nerd.

I save a bunch of money buying college textbooks in eBook format.

Chris, the question is...what are you going to use the N10 or iPad for? What suits your needs best?

06-27-2013, 10:41 PM
the real question is why would anyone ever consider an ipad when the n10 exists

i just like watching people argue.

06-27-2013, 11:10 PM
the real question is why would anyone ever consider an ipad when the n10 exists

i just like watching people argue.

$100 of dollars in applications for a start. If google was going to make an iPad killer, it shouldn't have taken 4 generations of an iPad to do so. Now people have already invested in products & it would simply cost them much more to switch.

• Android's applications are known for being able to steal personal information.

• Syncronization if you have other Apple products.

• Google's main features are available on other tablets as well.

• Optimization

• Word Processing

• Productiveness