View Full Version : What do you think is the best class?

06-22-2013, 04:00 PM
Thinking about playing AL, again. I want to get rid of my main Haikus (a ranger) & re-make. What do you think is the best class? Most fun to play with? Best for end game PVE? I want fun, nice AOE, & not so squishy. Your opinions matter most here.

If any of my PL buddies play AL. Comment below your names & add Haikus.

06-22-2013, 05:04 PM
Its all on personal taste. Sorc has great aoe, but is squishy. Warrio has great armor and health, if you make your build right you will have alright DMG. Downside is they can be slow to start with, have only two semi aoes, and gear is expensive. Rouge has.very high DPS/DMG, and good armor. Downside is they eat mana a lot, same as warrios and only have few aoes, and gear costs the second most in game. As for pvp , right now in tdm all classes seem a little more balanced so again go with personal choice

06-22-2013, 05:10 PM
What do you think is the best class? This is a personal opinion, as everyone will tell you their class. I will give you an example. I think Mage is best class, because, I'm a Mage. (Sorcerer, whatever.) I also think it is a good class because it has good AoE's, such as lightning, fireball, gale force, and I believe time shift. I also think it is the "best class" because it has a wonderful heal, and if charged, (not sure if you HAVE to charge it) will replenish teammates' mana, as well as heal them. :P These are my reasons. Everyone with every class will of course tell you multiple reasons for their class. Warrior to tank, rogue to destroy, Mage to AoE and heal.

Most fun to play with? This is also an opinion, but I'm going to have to go with rogue on this one. I absolutely love playing the rogue, as it just seems fun for me. Like I said, everyone else will of course give you different answers, but this is just mine.

Best for end game PVE? I'm not exact on this one, but I think it's also an opinion :P I have not yet tried 31 or elite crap or whatever yet, I just sort of came back and still stuck on L21 ;D but I still think this is just an opinion.

I want fun- Straight up Rogue. It's also another opinion, as most of these are... ._. But I think rogue is fun, even though you're deleting your rogue.

Nice AOE- Mage/Sorcerer. They have at least 4, if not 5/6 AoE attacks. They're just a full out AoE class, lol.

Not so squishy- Warrior, of course. Endgame, I've seen warriors with 4k or more health, and tons of armor. It's cray. They still have good damage, as all classes do.

I know most of these are my opinion, but I hope this helps in the least bit. :P

Good luck, and have fun. ~Trenton

06-23-2013, 01:19 PM
I have a lvl 31 Rogue and Sorcerer and both are solid classes, but Rogues are definitely the most fun to play with, because of their versatility.

06-23-2013, 02:25 PM
Sorcerer is pretty fun, but isn't the best in pvp usually. Rogue kicks butt everywhere, and warriors take a long time to kill others but take a long time to kill.