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View Full Version : Tori the Teller

06-22-2013, 05:48 PM
So, I've been wondering. Tori gives 10k gold in exchange for 50 plat. I would like to get 50 plat in exchange for 10k gold. :p But seriously, I would like to see some better gold-plat exchange rates.

06-22-2013, 06:33 PM
Go to AL then

06-22-2013, 07:03 PM
Most likely they will not change, because if they did, they would've done it a long time ago.

06-22-2013, 07:06 PM
It could be a good idea though, it would get people to buy more platinum for gold.

06-22-2013, 07:10 PM
It could be a good idea, but imagine all of the people who spends thousands of dollars on this game. If that happened, then the people who used platinum to buy massive amounts of gold would become super rich, which IMO, is not fair to those who doesn't spend money. It also strengthens the "pay to win" point.

06-23-2013, 01:56 PM
It could be a good idea, but imagine all of the people who spends thousands of dollars on this game. If that happened, then the people who used platinum to buy massive amounts of gold would become super rich, which IMO, is not fair to those who doesn't spend money. It also strengthens the "pay to win" point.

But this is still just like irl I think its unfair that ppl can afford a Ferrari and im stuck with my sunfire, thats just the way it is, but on another note we're trying to get some of the gold out of the game, not add it.

06-23-2013, 02:24 PM
Maybe the exchange rate IS accurate, but outdated.
A better way is explain this is perhaps: The Plat-Gold exchange rate was acurate.
Obviously, there was barely anyone with a gold cap during 50/56 Cap but now we have many people with multiple 9,999,999s.
Thus the value of 1M during Sewers cap is equivalent to many times more today.
Why? Perhaps a larger player base to farm gold and drops/liquidate method from dungeons- it's noticeable that there is a much larger playerbase with each coming cap for PL.
But the even more interesting thing is that Sewers cap was already considerably rich in terms of gold in cirulation.
If I remember correctly, the first several months of PL and for any new game, there is usually little gold.

The concept of how exactly PL transformed from 100k being rich to 10m being rich in these few years has been debated before.
One theory is simply the bulk farming effort at Plasma leading to accumulated gold.
Another theory, or more of a "conspiracy", is that Devs disguised as ordinary players just bought items for "overpriced" amounts back then.
And as you would expect, the last theory is that some "more prominent players" invested a huge amount of Plat buying gold, as the rates could be compared as a godsend back then in relation to now.

06-23-2013, 03:45 PM
I think the large number of players simply playing and there being unlimited gold and item drops makes for automatic inflation. UNlike the real world where someone usually loses money when they pay someone else, any player can simply go out and make money/items appear from the universe.

Add in more and more players accumulating great gear and creating more asset-wealth in the game means being rich nowadays is a much higher level of gold. No real gold sinks also help with this. If thrashers were available for, say, 10,000 gold, there would be gold leaving the system more than now, since it pretty much just sits and accumulates.

06-24-2013, 11:13 AM
I like the responses I'm getting here. So these rates should move around much like the rates on real money, right?

06-24-2013, 11:14 AM
I personally think the platinum for gold options should not change.