View Full Version : Various potions...

10-17-2010, 10:26 PM
I noticed today that on elixirs it says "Requirement: Level 1" do you plan on making elixirs with higher level requirements? Because I would like to see that. Also, maybe have more than 1 choice for health/mana pots, like some that cost more, and some that cost less but the ones that cost more fill your health/mana pool more per potion and the ones that cost less fill less of your health/mana pool per potion.

Any feedback? Thanks!

10-18-2010, 07:57 AM
I like how the high level specialty potions sound...

I would Not however want to accidently spam my 200g potions when trying to debuff overlords... Tbh we have restore skills, super spamming and high h/s items. Not needed.

10-18-2010, 08:01 AM
Would be nice to also be able to pre-purchase elixirs and have a certain "Load out" for them. Much like how you have load outs with gear, you can make this load out all elixirs, this one pots, this one (with whatever they add in the future). That way you dont have to scroll down to the potion store when your tank pot runs out in the middle of tanking a boss.