View Full Version : Calling all original AoA members!

06-23-2013, 11:50 PM
To start this off... NO... This has NOTHING to do with the ambassador program!

This is a revive/cleansing thread dedicated to one of the first guilds made... Alliance of Alterra!

Now to the nitty gritty....

For those of you that do not know, Woundedeagle, CREATOR of this guild, left control to me, due to life circumstances I have not been able to be active like I once was then, now I have some time!

Here comes the two part... To those with the inactive alts that are in the guild currently.... Pm me with your ign to let me know not to remove you!

To those that would like to help, also pm me with an application on why you would like to help(original rules still apply)

Final note to woundy..... It was your baby originally, I will fully hand it back over if you ever so choose!

Thank you for taking the time to read my poorly written phone thread!

06-24-2013, 01:16 AM
Expect a pm from me for one of my alts

06-26-2013, 12:22 AM
Thanks necro! Happy to have you!

Side note, lots of looks, no posts.... Saddened by my guess is people read my first sentence and stop because "there is now nothing free in it for them"

My apologies to STS if that sounds harsh, feel free to edit!

Hopefully there are some other people that have the courage to stand up for a truly old state of mind and guild respect, that can actually try to bring back the community that once was.

It may be a slow and painstaking process that you will not be judged or called out if you bail!

Honestly, I'm trying to honor an old friend, I have kept the guild name for him and all the original members, not for fame or gold or whatever, for the honest to god idealogy it started on!

Apologies now for grammar and whatnot, it has been one heck of a week at work! Best wishes and love to STS and the community they have brought us.

Link to woundy...


Some of these are outdated and I have no control over that, I'm sorry!

06-27-2013, 10:45 PM
Good job Wretchy and Wound would be proud. The real AoA was an ally and stands true to today. Necro you pumpkin face nice to see you.

06-27-2013, 10:52 PM
Can't wait to see the real AoA standing tall again ^_^