View Full Version : PL Trivia! Trick Questions, Jokes, and more'

06-24-2013, 12:31 AM
Just some stuff to consider. Keep in mind there could be some rather "awkward" interpretations to some questions. Please don't post the actual answer; just laugh inside.

A bird, bear, and rhino are sitting in a lounge.
They hae a discussion.
The bird says, "I'm beaky."
The bear says, "I'm nosey."
What did the rhino say?

A 6v6 CTF Savage Set L76 Pure STR Rhino Only Game.
Will this be a slow or fast game?

A 6v6 CTF Pure INT L76 Fiery Scep Set Mage Only Game.
Will this be a slow or fast game?

An archer walks up to a warrior wearing a Forgotten Bow.
The archer asks, "Remember when those were OP?"
The bear replies, "No, they never stopped being OP."

A L76 Pure DEX bird on 4x Combo enters a party only to get booted.
What type of party is this?
Beach/swimming party.

Pinks drop to those who are lucky.
Those who are lucky do not receive pinks and thus receive purples.
Enter re-roll elixirs.
What happens? Unlucky+1*ShamrockShake=Lucky

STS Games I play:
PL= Pocket Legends
DL= Dark Legends
SL= Star Legends
AL= Arcane Legends
RL= Real Life

Question: How do you justify "Pocket" Legends on an iPad?
Answer: You can't. Quit and play Arcane Legends.

Last question: Which is better- Pink or Orange?