View Full Version : Social tab suggestion, for the long friend and guild member list

06-26-2013, 03:14 AM
Not sure if other people already suggested this idea.
Some people have long list of friends and guild member,
and sometimes it is hard to look for a specific person, especially when we play using our phone. :fatigue:
Is it possible to have a search function in social tab, like the one in auction? :)
Or sorting system as in my attachment?

The sorting system can be changed:
A for alphabet
J for job as in warrior, rogue or sorcerer
P for guild position (master, officer, recruiter, member)
L for level
Each of the category can be clicked twice, first ascending order, second time for descending order.
If you click it once more, it will changed to next sorting category.

The arrows are only used to go to the next subcategory like: alphabet (A to B, etc) or guild position (officer to recruiter to member).

It will save me from endless scroll for the guild member list... Thanx XD