View Full Version : few suggestion for dev team.

06-26-2013, 06:53 AM
Man. No doubt that arcane legends is the best game ive played. I have few suggestion to give here bro.
1. Special banner or special effect(different names color) for guild master. That be cool.
2. Control item pricing. People in auction does not now about pricing their item. So it be great if u can assist with pricing.
3. Stash in guild hall can hold more item.
Well, i dont know if anyone will be reading this. But if u do, please respond.. lol.. :)
Anyway, great job STS. :)

06-27-2013, 03:10 AM
I agree with all, nice suggestions.

Maybe along with the Guild Charter achievement you get a title. "Guild master" would be cool to show you run your guild.

06-27-2013, 03:44 AM

2) Simply impossible. The people influence item pricing, the devs do not.
3) Let's say regular stash has 5 slots, and Guild Hall stash has 10. You'd stash 10 in guild hall and go to town and have 10 items in stash, doesn't make any sense.

06-27-2013, 04:11 AM
As for stash it can hold more items than slots already - it happens when devs add something to it for example, same as your inventory when you open a chest when full.
As for a guild stash I would like it to be shared for the whole guild (or maybe just for recruiters and up) with number of slots equal to the total number of guild members.
As for banners, devs said already that the graphics memory is limited, so instead let me suggest to add a new title with the guild rank next to the guild name or simply coloring player names dependent on guild ranks could be nice too.
As for pricing I've already suggested to increase the liquidation price and make it dependent on the item level and its rarity.