View Full Version : Rage Of Mages

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11-17-2013, 10:27 PM
501 posts, man i should come visit

11-17-2013, 10:39 PM
We have reach 500 posts way to go guys :smile: keep on posting:encouragement:

11-18-2013, 12:49 AM
Omg what's becoming of ROM!

Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk

11-18-2013, 11:56 PM
damn :dejection:

that was.. something. poor snaggy.. being violated by dude :D

11-19-2013, 11:42 PM
What's going on everyone? This is my first time posting on the forums. How do I go about getting a sig?

11-19-2013, 11:52 PM
Check deadroth ArtFactory he'll make u a sig for good price! Top design too!

Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk

11-20-2013, 12:10 AM
Hey!! Welcome :D

What's going on everyone? This is my first time posting on the forums. How do I go about getting a sig?

11-20-2013, 02:15 AM
Welcome to forums Vic!! hey Ghosty (octavos) can u make vic a siggy?:)

11-20-2013, 10:32 AM
What's going on everyone? This is my first time posting on the forums. How do I go about getting a sig?

need type of character (male, female -mage-warrior-rouge), in-game name and rank, and 2 colors. and i can start working

11-20-2013, 12:02 PM
Shazbot finally got his mythic gear

Images shown below may be hilarious to some

Get in line boys.. here come the ladies :cool:

Smurfs fusing *Please Do Not Interrupt*

Trying to blend in with the frogs

Usual naked parties at Rage of Mages guild hall

No comment on these two pics... :nightmare:

:eek: :disillusionment: :hororr:

:eek: :disillusionment: :hororr:

:highly_amused: :D

Hope you all enjoyed the pics :cool:

RoM started to be perv council... Ewwwwwwww.... *Feels the gaze of Rom's council*

*Reminds his days of party-time*...


Okok.. I am sooo proud of You lol XD

11-20-2013, 01:47 PM
need type of character (male, female -mage-warrior-rouge), in-game name and rank, and 2 colors. and i can start working

So I'm a male rogue named vicoden I'm a recruiter don't really care about the color just want it dark and sinister if possible. Thank you

11-21-2013, 07:08 PM
A Thankful Contest

Saturday November 23rd at 12:00pm Pacific Time

Here is a time zone converter for you. Use it to find out at what time the contest will be at in your zone

Simple Q and A Contest. I ask the questions you do your best to answer correctly and first to win a prize

This Contest will be all about Thanksgiving

Donations List

Ghost - Lots of pinks and eggs, with 20k gold
Samuraisoul - 25k gold,crate, 3 eggs which include frost and a blight, 3 chests, pinks, elite silver puzzle box, kettle egg and a malison egg
Kuragasi - 2 lvl 31 pinks, a frost and a cerella egg, 50k gold, 2 low lvl pinks, and 2 gold chests pirate/banded
Bloodcoatface - 10 different types of pinks, 2 golden warchests and 2 good epics
Dantuus - 4 locked crates and 20k gold
Zhangdofusi - 50k gold
Ladydice - 14 pinks lvls 31,30,29, and 25
Aneneanet - 3 different kinds of pinks
Deadroth - 100k gold, lvl 26 pinks
Abrai - 30k gold
Googleyomomma - 2 locked crates
Driozukia _ Squash egg
Dreders - lots of pinks
Sevenpain - 5 locked crates, ethyl egg and squash egg, 100k gold
Anaseabev - 25k gold
Sheener - some pinks
Cyanide - gold

11-21-2013, 08:44 PM
Nudist RoM Beach Party
RoMies taken over
Me n Sam twiny forever

11-22-2013, 11:47 AM
A Thankful Contest

Saturday November 23rd at 12:00pm Pacific Time

Here is a time zone converter for you. Use it to find out at what time the contest will be at in your zone

Simple Q and A Contest. I ask the questions you do your best to answer correctly and first to win a prize

This Contest will be all about Thanksgiving

Donations List

Ghost - Lots of pinks and eggs, with 20k gold
Samuraisoul - 25k gold,crate, 3 eggs which include frost and a blight, 3 chests, pinks, elite silver puzzle box, kettle egg and a malison egg
Kuragasi - 2 lvl 31 pinks, a frost and a cerella egg, 50k gold, 2 low lvl pinks, and 2 gold chests pirate/banded
Bloodcoatface - 10 different types of pinks, 2 golden warchests and 2 good epics
Dantuus - 4 locked crates and 20k gold
Zhangdofusi - 50k gold
Ladydice - 14 pinks lvls 31,30,29, and 25
Aneneanet - 3 different kinds of pinks
Deadroth - 100k gold, lvl 26 pinks
Abrai - 30k gold
Googleyomomma - 2 locked crates
Driozukia _ Squash egg
Dreders - lots of pinks
Sevenpain - 5 locked crates, ethyl egg and squash egg, 100k gold
Anaseabev - 25k gold
Sheener - some pinks
Cyanide - gold

Guitar, could You post GTM ? In the '0' timefield, everyone can count times,
and (for me ofc) Pacific time sounds .. a bit.. enigmatic... it has 5 timefields if i am right..

Thank You :)


11-22-2013, 05:22 PM
Its GMT - 8.
Pacific Time just refers to the name given to the Western time zone in the U.S. and Canada.

Guitar, could You post GTM ? In the '0' timefield, everyone can count times,
and (for me ofc) Pacific time sounds .. a bit.. enigmatic... it has 5 timefields if i am right..

Thank You :)


11-23-2013, 11:11 AM
Its GMT - 8.
Pacific Time just refers to the name given to the Western time zone in the U.S. and Canada.

Thx for explaination! :)

11-23-2013, 01:06 PM
Contest on in 1 hour 55 mins

11-23-2013, 10:03 PM
Holy crap....I found this place and I'm baked!!! Woooooohoooo!!!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

11-25-2013, 06:28 PM
Hope the contest went well, ill have the sig tomorrow Vicoden..been busy latley sorry :(

11-26-2013, 04:01 PM
Closed at request of op.