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06-29-2013, 11:42 AM
That's the name of our guild.
We are a group of player that help.
A gang of people that are willing and will help.
Join us if you're a low level we will guide you through.
Leave us if your are willing to.
This is not a guild.
This a a help station.
Your play with us and once you don't need us you CAN leave.

I will not tell you of what you NEED to be.
Because you don't need anything.
Any level.
Any class.
Any strength.
Any dexterity
Any itelligence.

ALL following stories are true.

-<1>-You mustn't be a show off, leech, troll, or a douche trying to threaten me.

Scene 1

Me: /guild welcome to our guild, pm me if you need help
R: okay i really need help with the first forest
Me: okay pty inv me and meet in forest

< at forest>

R: can i have a few items to start off
Me: k
<give him my junk>

R: k dood, can i have some gold as well
Me; how much
R: about 10k ish
Me: err gotta say no i only have 50k myself
R: oh wow your a bad player, my level 31 mage has 5m
Me: good for you

<kicks him from guild>

Scene 2

< in city >

R: can anyone gimme 10k need to get flap jack egg

I didn't even say anything but i was pissed off at that, if somehow some guy did give him / her some gold i feel sorry for him / her. but if you did that is great i wish i can do that. But i just really hate noobs like that

Scene 3: the worst of them all

<just added a level 5 noob , i was willing to help him>
R: dood can you promote me to officer.
Me: y?
R: got loads of friends i want to add

<promotes him to recruiter>

Me: there add them now i am gonna demote you in a day or so
R: wtf man! okay then what do i have to do to get promoted permanently
Me: err, just login every day and help out
R:wtf but my level is way to low to help anyone

< at this point i was really pissed off as he can help super noobs level 1 and teach them how to use chests and even chat, but no he was being cocky and just thought of it as a one way guild we help him he just sits there leveling up>

Me: well you can help level 1s?
R: hmmm na..

<he logged off or his wifi broke dunno but i logged off soon after>

<this was next day and he was spamming guild chat for help when i logged on>

Me: what's the prob? i will help you
R: no one in this STUPID guild wants to help me

<now not only was i REALLY REALLY pissed off that he called my guild stupid but it was also because no one was online at the time, and he didn't want to check before raging at me>

Me: k then meet in Yrad forest
<i party invited him>

<yrad now>

Me: explain how i am level 22 and the enemies will be too strong for his level and i have to leave to make it easy for him
R: moaning at how i said i will help him but now i have to leave <threats to leave guild and stuff>

Me:okay then invite some of your friends to help you out instead
R: i am new to this game i don't have much friends on this
Me: well inv the ones that are online
R: no one is online
R: oh i know, how about you invite your friends and i just stay behind
Me: yeah but you won't do any work then

<now i am really pissed off again cause he just wanted he to get exp for him while he just sits there>

R: well i'll heal you and stuff
Me: na GTG now N E ways

< for then on i kept on moaning at him to help others and he at last went rage spammed a bit of guild chat and left>

So just don't be a douchebag
-logging everyday
-help out the lower levels
-get prompted for doing so in a week or so

If you read this ***-long post and STILL want to join pm me (on forums or in game chat to:
