View Full Version : Ignore Confirmation

10-19-2010, 09:47 AM
Now that we have a trade confirmation yes/no dialog box, would it be possible to have a similar dialog box for when you ignore someone? Something like: "Do you wish to ignore [player name]?" It would still be easy to ignore people because it would only take a second to click the box, but it would avoid a lot of accidental ignores.

I'm asking because just in the past two weeks I've been accidentally ignored by several of my friends, and also ignored a friend myself even though I play on an iPad and I'm usually careful with what buttons I press. In these cases it then sometimes takes forever just to figure out what happened. With one friend it took a day until she figured out why I wasn't answering her chats. Another friend had just given me a neat pink I wanted and then promptly ignored me. :D I was like "ty!!!" and he was like, "what you're not talking to me now anymore??" (Awkward!! :o) Yet another friend kept trying to friend me for several days and was asking me why I deleted him, and I said I was trying to add him too; finally I happened to join him in town on another alt and noticed he wasn't answering my chats, so I had to ask a mutual friend to ask him to check if he's ignoring me, and he said no and I was like, check again on all my alts... The whole thing took like 10 minutes to troubleshoot.

Then once you realize what happened you still have to remember to add all their alts to all your alts. Sometimes it can take a week until you remember to get them all, by which time of course one of you will press Ignore again (if it's someone with whom you chat a lot) and the whole thing starts over. A lot of hassle for one accidental button press.

I know all of the above people and a lot of others kept saying to me how we need a confirmation for the ignore feature... I was like, don't tell me, suggest it to the devs. :) So I'm posting this thread; if you agree that this would be a useful feature, please do post below and say so.